Ningdian shijie


New Quality Productivity and Artistic Innovation, Dialogue with the Innovation College of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts
Release time:2024-10-02 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

The new quality productivity, which is an advanced form of productivity born from revolutionary technological breakthroughs, innovative allocation of production factors, and deep industrial transformation and upgrading, not only leads the development direction of advanced productivity, but also profoundly reshapes China's artistic creation ecology, injecting new vitality and direction into the vigorous development of the cultural industry.

At present,Artificial intelligence, as a strategic technology in the new round of technological revolution,alsoIt is changing the face and pattern of artistic development with unprecedented force. The cross disciplinary integration and continuous innovation and iteration of technology have brought infinite possibilities to artistic creation.

Under the advocacy of interdisciplinary, cross artistic, and interdisciplinary comprehensive research, relevant national departments have actively introduced a series of policies and guidance aimed at guiding and deepening the application of high-tech in artistic creation.Hubei Institute of Fine ArtsActively respond to the national callMade a constructionInnovation CollegeImportant measures.

Hubei Institute of Fine Arts is the only higher education institution in central China with multiple disciplines and educational levels. It has been selected as a "domestic first-class discipline construction university" in Hubei Province and is one of the eight independent art colleges in China. It is also one of the first 32 pilot units for Master of Fine Arts (MFA) education in the country and has the authority to award bachelor's and master's degrees. It is also one of the leading universities in the "Hubei Province 2011 Plan".

September 2023Hubei Institute of Fine Arts officially launches innovative college educationBased on the new era, new development, and new requirements, facing future development, with the goal of pursuing academic excellence and social contribution.

The Book of Rites·The University "articleproposeThe principle of 'investigating things to gain knowledge' emphasizes the understanding of all things in heaven and earth, and the construction of the principles of heaven and earth,againCombining the motto of "To Beauty" of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts and the purpose of "Innovation" of the Innovation College, this constitutesI got itThe educational philosophy of the Innovation College, which emphasizes the importance of "exploring things to gain knowledge, creating beauty and innovation," leads the exploration of a new model for cultivating top-notch innovative talents through the "ACTION Innovation Six Principles," "Growth Six Paths," and "Excellence Six Forces.


We have invited Ning Dian for this interviewHubei Institute of Fine Arts Innovation CollegeVice Dean Zhan XujunLet's learn about the Innovation Institute together and explore what perspective should be used to view new quality productivity and artistic innovation.

The Innovation College defines itself as a first level discipline of "Design Studies" with the unique characteristics of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, under the newly added "Interdisciplinary" category by the Ministry of Education in 2021“Personal characteristicsIn what direction is it reflected

Zhan XujunArt schools usually cover three core systems: design disciplines, pure art disciplines, and art theory or art studies disciplines. These three together constitute the vast field of art education.

Pure art disciplines, as the cornerstone of art education, focus on cultivating the professional skills and creativity of artists. It covers multiple painting genres such as traditional Chinese painting, oil painting, printmaking, sculpture, watercolor, and mural painting, each of which attracts countless art seekers with its unique techniques, materials, and expressive methods. These disciplines not only focus on the inheritance of traditional skills, but also encourage innovation and personalized expression, just like mathematics and physics in science, which provide a deep foundation for basic research in the field of art.

Art theory or art studies is a discipline that conducts in-depth research on art phenomena, art history, art theory, and art education. It is not only a guide for artistic practice, but also a guardian of the inheritance of art and culture. Researchers in this field have injected new vitality and ideas into the development of art through theoretical exploration, educational practice, and cultural dissemination.

The design discipline, as a combination of art and technology, showcases the perfect combination of art and practicality. It covers multiple fields such as environmental art design, fashion design, industrial product design, visual communication design, etc. Each field solves various problems in real life with its unique perspective and approach. The development of design disciplines not only promotes the diversification of art forms, but also provides a continuous source of power for the progress and development of society.

However, with the development of the times and the progress of society, the problems we face are becoming increasingly complex and diverse, and knowledge and skills from a single discipline are no longer sufficient to meet practical needs. Therefore, the establishment of the Entrepreneurship Academy marks an important step towards the comprehensive and cross disciplinary direction of art education. It aims to break down disciplinary barriers, promote integration and communication between disciplines, and cultivate innovative talents with compound abilities, coordination abilities, resource integration abilities, and interdisciplinary thinking abilities.

The evolution of the design discipline also clearly reflects this trend. From the initial arts and crafts to the establishment of design and art design, and now that design has been separated from art and become a part of interdisciplinary studies, this change not only reflects the country's recognition and emphasis on the interdisciplinary nature of design disciplines, but also opens up broader space for the development of design disciplines.

In this context, the Entrepreneurship College will focus on interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary construction, and contribute to the cultivation of composite talents with international perspectives, innovative spirit, and practical abilities through measures such as integrating high-quality educational resources, innovating talent training models, and building interdisciplinary communication platforms.


As you said,Society is developing,The problems we face are complex and ever-changing, and solving them has propelled scientific progress, leading to another step forwardaboutArt also has an impact,ArtWithThe development needs of societyTheHow should we understand the relationship between new technological means?

Zhan XujunArt and technology, as concrete manifestations of the two major fields of spirit and matter in philosophy, have been intertwined since ancient times, both opposing and coordinating with each other, jointly promoting the progress of human civilization.

In ancient and pre medieval societies, art often carried the will of the ruling class or religion, serving as a tool to educate the people and enlighten wisdom. It is not only a transmitter of spiritual beliefs, but also a shaper of social values. However, over time, art gradually broke free from these constraints and returned to the essence of life, becoming an important carrier for human emotional expression and creative expression.

In today's society, the importance of technology as a material guarantee for improving human living standards is self-evident. And art, with its unique charm, endows technological products with soul and emotion, making cold technological products shine with the brilliance of humanity. The combination of art and technology not only enriches the cultural connotation of products, but also enhances the quality of human life.

At a deeper level, art also bears the responsibility of guiding and exploring human society. It guides us to think about the path of harmonious coexistence between people, between people and nature, and between people and society, providing us with spiritual guidance and enlightenment. As advocated by the concept of "co creation" in Hubei Province, art plays a crucial role in promoting a "beautiful environment" and a "happy life". A beautiful environment is the improvement of material life, while a happy life cannot be separated from spiritual abundance and enhancement, which cannot be separated from the nourishment and guidance of art.

In addition, art directly participates in our daily lives in its unique way. For example, art therapy, as an emerging treatment method, is increasingly being applied in the fields of medicine and sociology. It uses artistic means to help people relieve stress, release emotions, and restore physical and mental health, demonstrating the enormous potential of art in humanistic care.

Art, as a treasure of human spiritual culture, not only studies the complex relationships between people, between people and nature, and between people and society, but also directly affects our lives in its unique way. It is both a spiritual lighthouse and a seasoning for life, bringing us endless inspiration and hope.
In this era,There is a saying that,Digital VirtualTechnology has surpassed creativityI got ithuman beings.AiTake humanityofCreate sensitivityCurrently in progressAbolition, what do you think of these statements?

Zhan XujunRegarding Virtual TechnologyabolishHuman sensitivity, I think thisyesA false proposition. With the continuous development of human society and the continuous innovation of technology, every technological leap not only changes our way of life, but also deeply touches our thinking and sensitivity. Art, as the crystallization of human emotions and creativity, its development process is the best example of this viewpoint.

Painting, as one of the important forms of traditional art, has long undertaken the mission of reproducing life scenes and the world's appearance. From the raft of Medusa in classical times to Napoleon's coronation, artists solidify the emotions and atmosphere of specific moments on canvas through meticulous observation and exquisite craftsmanship.

However, with the invention of cameras, some people are concerned that the function of painting will be replaced. But in fact, the camera did not weaken the power of painting, but instead promoted the development of painting towards a more abstract and expressive direction of the inner world, inspiring artists to explore deeper levels of color, composition, emotional expression, and so on.

Similarly, the rise of AI technology has brought us new possibilities for artistic creation. Traditional art creation often relies on the talent and long-term training of artists, but even so, there are still many people who cannot fully express their inner feelings and imagination due to technological limitations. The emergence of AI technology has to some extent filled this gap. It can quickly generate corresponding works based on the artist's imagination and conception, freeing the artist's hands and allowing them to focus more on expressing creativity and emotions.

However, this also presents new challenges and requirements for artists. In today's increasingly mature AI technology, how to propose unique and profound ideas, how to think about problems from novel perspectives, and how to endow works with profound connotations and emotions have become important standards for measuring the level of artists. Therefore, AI technology does not weaken human sensitivity, but rather prompts us to experience the world and express ourselves in a completely new way.

Specifically, with the assistance of AI technology, human sensitivity may undergo a transformation and sublimation. We no longer rely solely on traditional creative methods to convey our inner feelings and imagination, but can use AI technology to invest more energy in exploring and expressing the intrinsic meaning of our works. This transformation will not weaken our sensitivity, but instead make our feelings more delicate, profound, and penetrating.

The relationship between virtual technology and human perception is not mutually exclusive, but rather mutually reinforcing and developing together. With the assistance of AI technology, we have reason to believe that human artistic creation will usher in a wider space and infinite possibilities.


Technology is still developing,futureThere may be some revolutionary breakthroughs,What kind of posture will the Innovation Academy adopt,Go embraceThe future society?
Zhan XujunAgainst the backdrop of the establishment of the Innovation College of the Academy of Fine Arts, we deeply understand that the profound disciplinary background and years of accumulated artistic cultivation of the college are our solid foundation. Based on this ontology, we actively seek breakthroughs and innovations, aiming to make up for past shortcomings and seize new opportunities for technological development. In this process, cross fusion has become a key strategy for us to promote innovation, specifically reflected in the two levels of "small cross" and "big cross".

'Little Crossover' focuses on strategic integration within the college. There are 15 teaching units within the Academy of Fine Arts, covering three major fields: pure art, design, and art theory. Although each has its own characteristics, they are relatively isolated due to disciplinary divisions. The Innovation College breaks this boundary by emphasizing problem-solving and problem-solving as the core, promoting integration and collaboration among various majors.

We are no longer limited to traditional teaching classifications and techniques, but encourage cross disciplinary knowledge exchange and resource sharing. Whether it is traditional art techniques such as Chinese painting and oil painting, or modern design fields such as industrial product design and environmental art, they can all become weapons and tools for us to explore innovation. This kind of 'little cross' not only enriches teaching methods and creative ideas, but also stimulates the innovative thinking and practical abilities of teachers and students.

The 'Big Cross' focuses on the deep integration of art and technology, as well as extensive collaboration with other disciplines. We actively seek cooperation opportunities with scientific and engineering research institutions and universities such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hubei Provincial Meteorological Bureau, and Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Through interdisciplinary joint research and practice, we aim to inject technological elements into traditional art and add artistic inspiration to technological development.

We firmly believe that the combination of art and technology can not only create more innovative and practical works and products, but also promote the mutual infiltration and common development of knowledge in both fields. At the same time, this' cross disciplinary 'also provides a broader perspective and platform for college teachers and students, prompting them to constantly explore and discover new knowledge and skills in practice.

The cross integration of art and technology, as well as the small intersections between various majors within the college, is the most direct and effective path for us to enhance our innovation capabilities and generate new knowledge. It not only helps us break through the boundaries and constraints of traditional disciplines, but also cultivates compound talents with cross-border thinking and comprehensive abilities in practice. Therefore, we will continue to deepen our cross integration strategy and inject new vitality and momentum into the innovative development of the Academy of Fine Arts.

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