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On October 24th, Qingqiao Morning Post | 659 criminal incidents related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict surged in Europe
Release time:2023-10-24 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

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The passing of time is like a fleeting moment, willing to sacrifice day and night
Today in history:78 years ago today, the United Nations Charter officially came into effect. The Charter of the United Nations is the fundamental law of the United Nations, which not only establishes the purposes, principles, and organizational structure of the United Nations, but also stipulates the responsibilities, rights, and obligations of member states, as well as the basic principles and methods for handling international relations and maintaining world peace and security.

01Former Prime Minister Sharif of Pakistan Returns to China

According to Agence France Presse, on October 21st, former Pakistani Prime Minister Sharif arrived in Islamabad and then went to Lahore. Sharif's supporters held a welcome ceremony for him in a nearby park, during which he delivered an important speech.

It is understood that this yearAt the age of 73, Sharif was sentenced to 14 years in prison in 2018 for two corruption convictions. He later went to London for treatment due to physical problems and has not been to Pakistan since then. Although his conviction remains valid, Pakistani courts have earlier announced that he is prohibited from being arrested by the police until he returns to his home country and appears again in court. Analysts pointed out that Sharif's return was arranged by the Pakistani military to prepare for the general election in January next year.

Sharif's main running opponent is former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran·Han Zheng, Imran Khan was deposed by Congress last year and is currently serving his sentence in prison. In his speech at the welcome ceremony that day, Sharif focused on curbing runaway inflation and national unity, while Imran Khan had previously targeted military commanders and the judiciary during his re-election campaign.


military affairs
01Biden requests Congress to allocate 106 billion yuan to support the Israeli Ukrainian conflict

Washington Comprehensive Media News,On October 20th, the White House requestedCongressional appropriations106 billion US dollars, providing funding for missions such as Israeli and Ukrainian combat operations.It is understood that the White House requiresnearThe allocation of 106 billion US dollars includes approximately 60 billion US dollars for Ukraine, approximately 14 billion US dollars for Israel, and approximately 10 billion US dollars for humanitarian aid,About$14 billion and approximately $7 billion for the Indo Pacific region. Biden stated that this emergency budget has been submitted to Congress.

Previously, Biden had made several public appearancesThe speech pointed the finger at both Hamas and Russia, stating that although they represent different threats, they have one thing in common: they both want to completely eliminate neighboring democratic countries. Especially Russia, if it is not stopped, it will pose a threatNATO allies such as Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry responded that the United States' support for Ukraine and Israel is only based onTo fool the world with values such as' freedom and democracy 'is actually to hope to benefit from war.

02Philippine Military Establishing Cyber Command

Manila Comprehensive News: Recently, the Chief of Staff of the Philippine Armed Forces stated that the Philippine military plans toRelax recruitment conditions, attract network technology talents, and establish a network command center.

There are two main reasons for the decision to establish a cyber command, one of which is becauseMultiple government agencies in the Philippines, including the House of RepresentativesRecently, there have been frequent cyber attacks, and the Philippine military has also encountered cyber attacks almost every day. Some cyber attacks also originate from overseas, although thisThe series of hacker intrusions did not succeed, but it made the Philippine military pay attention to the importance of network security. The second reason is that military network resilience is increasingly important in defense strategies, as joint military exercises between the Philippines and the United States previously included network defense training. According to Reuters, the Philippine military base currently houses facilities from multiple telecommunications companies, including China's state-owned telecommunications group.



01Thailand's Digital Wallet Plan Delayed Implementation

Lianhe Zaobao reported that recently, the Thai government said that the digital wallet plan could not be implemented as scheduled, because so far, the working group still could not reach a consensus on how to raise funds for the plan, and the authorities also needed more time to develop the security system. However, the Deputy Minister of Finance of Thailand stated that the inability to implement as scheduled does not mean that it will not be implemented, and the government will postpone the implementation of this plan until the first quarter of next year.

Digital Wallet ProgramIt is a campaign promise made by the ruling party of the Thai government for the Thai party. According to the plan,56 million citizens over the age of 16 can each receive a one-time payment of 10000 Thai baht from the government, with a planned total value of approximately 560 billion Thai baht. This money will be distributed through a new super application, hoping to stimulate the economic cycle, generate a multiplier effect, and increase government taxes. Previously, this plan had been opposed by multiple economic figures who believed that it would cause serious damage to the Thai economy, especially by increasing inflation and causing currency instability.

02The ringgit fell to a new 25 year low against the US dollar

From Kuala Lumpur,October 19th, MalaysiaRinggit down against USD0.35%,to1 USD to RM4.7625, the lowest point in the past 25 years.Since the beginning of 2023, the ringgit has been the second worst performing Asian currency after the Japanese yen.

The Malaysian ringgit fell,On the one hand, as the conflict between Israel and Kazakhstan intensifies, risk aversion is heating up, driving the US dollar higher. On the other hand, it is the Malaysian economyContinuously slowing down, export trade volume has continuedReduced in 6 months. According to September trade data released by the Malaysian Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry,Export reduction13.7% to RM123.37 billion; ImportforeheadThen fall11.1% to RM999.5 billion. Overall tightening12.6% to RM224.43 billion.



01659 criminal incidents related to the conflict between Israel and Kazakhstan have surged in Europe

According to Agence France Presse, since Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas broke out this monthconflictSince then, there has been a significant increase in anti Semitic and anti Islamic hate crimes in London, UK and Berlin, Germany, totaling approximately 659 cases.

The London police recently announced that from October 1st to 18th, a total of 218 anti Semitic crimes occurred in the city, and anti Islamic hate crimes have also increased to 101. At present, the London police have strengthened patrols in some areas and dispatched police officers to protect religious schools and places of worship. The British government has also publicly stated that it adopts a zero tolerance attitude towards anti Semitic or glorified terrorist acts in the neighborhood, and has allocated an additional £ 3 million to protect the Jewish community.

The German Ministry of the Interior also stated at a recent press conference that sinceSince October 7th, there have been a total of 211 pro Israel and 129 pro Palestinian activities in Germany, with another 46 gatherings banned by the authorities. According to German statistics, Berlin has become a "hot spot" for crime, with police civilian conflicts being the most intense. Over a hundred police officers were injured and hundreds arrested after being hit by bottles and combustibles thrown by protesters.


01The "Dynamic Asia" Photography Exhibition was held in Jakarta, Indonesia

ASEAN Financial News,On October 18th,Hosted by China Daily and the Asian News UnionThe "Dynamic Asia" series of photography exhibitions opened in Jakarta, Indonesia, with the theme of "Joining Hands for a Shared Future, Towards the Future" to build a community with a shared future for mankind. The exhibition lasts for five days. 247 photographers from 36 countries and regions submitted 1200 photography works, including themes such as human geography, national development, and environmental protection. Among them, more than 110 were exhibited as the best photography works for the first time in Indonesia and will be published as books.

Zhou Li, Deputy Editor in Chief of China Daily and President and Editor in Chief of the Asia Pacific Branch, said in his speech that this photography exhibition provides a stage for photographers from all over Asia to showcase their Asian moments under their cameras.This is not just an exhibition, especiallyThe witness of the growing influence of the "the Belt and Road" initiative has visually demonstrated the concept of a community with a shared future for mankindPromote the development and dissemination of culture.

Financial Newsletter
According to the Federal Reserve, recently, the 10-year US Treasury bond yield, known as the "anchor of global asset pricing," broke the important 5% mark for the first time in the day, reaching its highest level since 2007. Due to the rise in US bond interest rates, the S&P 500 index has fallen by 8% since August; In September, sales of existing homes in the United States fell to a 13 year low. Industry insiders analyze that the significant increase in supply side volume is an important reason for the surge in US bond interest rates this round.


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