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October 26th Qingqiao Morning Post | Malaysia to Ban Export of Rare Earth Raw Materials
Release time:2023-10-26 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

Near the water, one knows the nature of fish, and near the mountains, one knows the sound of birds
Today in history:On this day 134 years ago, Chinese geologist Li Siguang was born. He was the founder of Chinese geomechanics, one of the main leaders and founders of modern Chinese earth science and geological work. He founded the School of Geomechanics and pioneered a method of predicting earthquakes by combining active tectonic research with in-situ stress observation. In 2009, he was elected as one of the 100 people who moved China.


01Thailand's Kadima Party proposes a constitutional referendum motion

The Bangkok Post reported that recently, Thailand's largest opposition party, the Kadima Party, submitted a motion in parliament seeking a referendum on amending the constitution. Many lawmakers are concerned that the proposal proposed by the Kadima Party will amend the first and second chapters of the Constitution. The first chapter of the Constitution states that Thailand is a single and indivisible kingdom, implementing a democratic system, and the king is the head of state; The second chapter stipulates the rights related to royal privileges.

The Chief Party Governor of the Thai ruling party, Adison, stated that the government's position is to oppose the amendment of Chapters 1 and 2 of the Constitution. HopefullyI would like to listen to the statement of the Kadima Party, as its motion was proposed in accordance with the National Referendum Law. If this motion is passed in the House of Commons, it will be forwarded to the House of Lords for debate; If the House of Lords also approves, it will be forwarded to the Cabinet for approval. At present, the Thai government has established a constitutional amendment committee, and two groups under the committee will evaluate public opinions and develop referendum guidelines.


military affairs
01Pakistan Test Launches Swallow Ballistic Missile

According to Defense News Weekly, Pakistan recently tested a Swallow ballistic missile, which can carry multiple warheads that can attack different targets. The Pakistan Armed Services News Agency stated that the "Swallow" ballistic missile has a range of 2200 kilometers and was developed to ensure the survivability of Pakistan's ballistic missiles. This test launch aims to verify various design schemes, technical parameters, and performance evaluation results of different subsystems, strengthen deterrence, and promote regional strategic stability.

Pakistan Nuclear ProgramExpert Mansur·Ahmed stated that the "Swallow" ballistic missile is the most important milestone in Pakistan's "Trinity" nuclear system in the past 20 years, and it is also a significant breakthrough in improving the survival ability of land strategic forces and resisting India's preemptive strike.

02Launch of Naval Special Operations Joint Training Maritime Course for "Blue Sword 2023" in China and Saudi Arabia

According to the People's Liberation Army News,On October 23rd, China and Saudi Arabia's "Blue Sword 2023" naval special operations joint training officially switched to maritime training. It is reported that since the training began on October 9th, the officers and soldiers of the China Saudi Arabian Navy Special Operations Joint Training have undergone two weeks of basic and professional training. The participating members have overcome the influence of climate and other factors, and have improved their professional skills and understanding through mutual learning and communication.

After transferring to maritime joint training,Chinese side's deployment1 landing ship and 2 helicopters. The team members of both sides will differentiate between rescue, reconnaissance, and support majors, and conduct training on helicopter landing, team tactics, ship climbing, drone operation and use, observation equipment operation and use, and ship to sea shooting. In addition, on the last day of maritime training, the China Saudi Arabian Navy Special Operations Joint Training Team will conduct a comprehensive exercise on the topic of rescuing hijacked merchant ships through maritime force.



01Malaysia will ban the export of rare earth raw materials

Lianhe Zaobao reported that recently, when talking about the rare earth policy, the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation of Malaysia said that the government would only allow the export of processed rare earth products, but not raw materials. Previously, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim also stated that the country would introduce policies to ban the export of rare earth raw materials to avoid resource extraction and loss. But as of now, Malaysia has not explicitly prohibited the export of rare earth raw materials for a specific time.

It is worth noting that MalaysiaThe rare earth reserves in West Asia are not prominent worldwide, and the United States Geological SurveyThe data released in 2019 shows that the country's rare earth reserves are approximately 30000 tons, with China having the largest rare earth reserves of approximately 44 million tons. Vietnam, Brazil, and Russia also have reserves of up to 20 million tons. However, Malaysia's rare earth industry has significant global influence, mainly due to the fact that Lynas, the world's largest rare earth producer apart from Chinese companies, has an important production base located in Malaysia.

02Singapore to launch digital refueling program

Titanium media news,On October 23rd,The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore has announced that it will launch a digital refueling program on November 1st, making Singapore the first port in the world to use electronic fuel delivery orders. According to this plan, fuel suppliers, shipowners, operators, and crew members will be encouraged to use mobile and cloud applications approved by the Singapore Maritime and Port Authority to complete and issue refueling documents.

To ensure the early implementation of this planSmooth implementation,The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore will collaborate with the Singapore Enterprise Development Authority and the Singapore Labor Development Authority to support maritime companies in adopting digital refueling technology as soon as possible and providing necessary training. Industry insiders say that,Starting a digital refueling program can improve the efficiency and transparency of the fuel refueling process, reduce compliance costs, and potentially simplify work processes to improve crew safety.



01Indonesia's election may trigger deforestation

Reuters News: Recently,Indonesian environmentalists are concerned that next year's election in Indonesia is likely to drive another round of deforestation, as politicians will seek campaign funding from the business communitysinceNatural resource enterprises are the most direct targets. Professor Berenshaut of the University of AmsterdamexpressThe election campaign in Indonesia is so expensive that politicians at all levels, from local to national, have established very close connections with natural resource companies,They use the forest as an ATM to obtain campaign funds.

Indonesia supportsThere is one-third of the world's tropical rainforest,But according to the non-profit organization World Resources Research Institute, IndonesiaThe area of primitive tropical rainforests lost in 2022 ranks fourth globally.Observers say that Indonesia's election year forestsThe speed of logging will slow downBut usuallyIt will accelerate in the second year after election. Indonesian environmentalists have expressed strong dissatisfaction with this, calling for the establishment of a monitoring mechanism to force candidates to disclose the source of campaign funds. And it is pointed out that if the relationship between elections and deforestation cannot be resolved, Indonesia will find it difficult to achieve environmental goals and natural disasters will occur more frequently.


01The reappearance of ancient stone carvings from the Amazon River in Brazil

The Lianhe Zaobao reported that the extreme drought in some parts of Brazil recently led to a sharp drop in the water level in the Amazon basin, exposing dozens of 2000 year old ancient stone sculptures. These carvings are mostly facial, with rectangular, elliptical, smiling, and serious shapes. Oliveira of the Brazilian Institute of Historical Heritage said that this is an archaeological site of "significant significance".

The emergence of reliefs on the riverbank has excited scientists and the public, but there are also unsettling issues. Another historian, Carnero, said that although stone carvings were crucial for understanding the first residents of the regionThe value of 'immeasurable', but 'restoring rivers to submerge stone carvings helps protect them, which is more important than historical research'. At present, the Brazilian government has provided emergency assistance to the Amazon state.

Financial Newsletter
Xinhua News Agency news: China's central finance will issue an additional 1 trillion yuan of treasury bond for 2023 in the fourth quarter of this year. All the additional treasury bond will be distributed to local governments through transfer payments, focusing on supporting post disaster recovery and reconstruction and making up for the shortcomings in disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, so as to improve China's ability to withstand natural disasters as a whole.


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