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Jordan demands that the United States deploy Patriot missiles
Release time:2023-11-02 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will urge it
Today in history:On this day 208 years ago, British mathematician George Bull was born. His representative work was "Research on the Laws of Thinking", which introduced Boolean algebra named after him. He also wrote textbooks on differential and difference equations, which were used in England until the late 19th century and were one of the most important mathematicians of the 19th century.


01Legalization of same-sex marriage in Thailand

Bangkok News: Recently, Thai Prime Minister Seta presided over a conference in Bangkok on the rights of homosexuals, bisexuals, and transgender individuals. He stated that regardless of gender, everyone should have equal rights. The Thai government willIn December, a new bill was submitted to Congress to safeguard the rights of same-sex partners. At the same time, the Thai government also plans to bid for the 2028 World Pride Festival to demonstrate Thailand's openness towards the LGBT community. If the bill is passed, Thailand will become the first country in Southeast Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.

It is reported that the previous government of Thailand also introduced the Civil Partnership Act, which recognized same-sex civil partnerships, allowed same-sex partners to adopt children, jointly manage assets and liabilities, and inherit property, but did not include the legalization of same-sex marriage registration. The bill was ultimately not approved by the Thai parliament. Data shows that as of now, there are less thanForty countries and regions recognize same-sex marriage.


military affairs
01Jordan demands that the United States deploy Patriot missiles

According to Agence France Presse, recently, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has continued, and the situation in the Middle East has once again fallen into crisis. In order to prevent the impact of war, Jordan, a staunch ally of the United States in the Middle East, has requested that the United States deploy Patriot anti-aircraft missiles and strengthen its defense system within Jordan.

The Patriot anti-aircraft missile is the main medium to high altitude missile used by the US militaryAir defense weaponYesUS ArmyDeveloped to adapt to complex combat environments, it was equipped and put into service in 1984. It is one of the representative weapons of the United States and is widely regarded as the most advanced air defense system in the United States. In 2013, when the civil war broke out in neighboring Syria in northern Jordan, the United States deployed Patriot missiles in Jordan to prevent the spread of the Syrian civil war and trigger regional conflicts



01Pakistan's new cotton market has exceeded one million tons

According to Global Textile NetworkAccording to the Pakistan Ginning Factory Association,2023The cumulative market volume of new cotton in Pakistan has reached 1.019 million tons, an increase of nearly double compared to the same period last year. Among them, 432000 tons were produced in Punjab Province and 587000 tons were produced in Sindh Province, with a total processing capacity of 945000 tons and a total sales capacity of 894000 tons. Among them, 46000 tons were exported, 849000 tons were purchased by textile mills, and there was a surplus of 50000 tons in inventory.

Former Vice Chairman of Pakistan Cotton Farmers AssociationIndicates that cotton productionThe recovery is attributed to the introduction of minimum procurement prices by the government, i.eeach40 kg 8500 rupees,interveneMeasures to encourage cotton growers to expand their planting. At present, the market price of cotton in Pakistan has dropped below the lowest procurement price, and he called on the government to,eachThe minimum purchase price of 8500 rupees for 40 kilograms is to purchase cotton from growers in a timely manner to stabilize cotton prices.

It is understood that previously, Pakistan's annual cotton consumptionThe demand is approximately2.55-2.72 million tonsWith the increase in cotton production in the country, it is expected thatIt is expected that the country's cotton import demand will decrease this year850000 to 102000 tonsThe total import volume is approximatelyAbout 850000 tons.

02The total revenue of Vietnam's plastic industry exceeds 25 billion US dollars

According to Vietnam News Agency, on October 25th, the 7th Vietnam Plastics Association Representative Conference was held in Ho Chi Minh City, and the conference elected candidatesThe new president of the association was born and a report on the plastic industry was released, with a focus on promoting Vietnam's plastic productionVarious measures for industrial development.

According to a report by the Vietnam Plastics Association, nearly4000, of which 90% are small and medium-sized enterprises, mainly concentrated in the southern region. In 2022, the total revenue of Vietnam's plastic industry exceeded 25 billion US dollars, with exports accounting for 22%. The export volume has increased from $3 billion in 2018 to $5.5 billion in 2022, with an average growth rate of 12% to 20%. It is mainly sold to more than 160 countries and regions such as the United States, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain, and Japan.

Vietnamese plastic industry experts believe that with the government's introduction of multiple new policies related to circular economy and sustainable development, the plastic industry will simultaneously face enormous challenges and opportunities. Therefore, the Vietnam Plastics Association needs to be prepared and take strong measures to support enterprises in grasping market trends, providing environmentally friendly and green products, and meeting the needs of global consumers.



01Violent clashes in Philippine township elections, at least four people shot dead

According to Manila, recently, the Philippine National Rural Elections marked polling day, with over 300000 military and police officers stationed at polling stations in approximately 42000 villages across the country to maintain voting order. Even so, at least four people were shot dead due to clashes with supporters of the candidate.

In Mindanao, Philippines, supporters of two hostile candidates erupted in a gunfight outside the polling station, resulting in the deaths of both individuals. In another violent incident in the local area, a candidate and supporters were intercepted in a van by supporters of a competitor, resulting in a gunfight and the death of a woman. A man was shot in the chest and died in a standoff with his wife's competitor in the province of Nanranao in the Philippines.

It is understood that there are a total ofMore than 336000 village council seats are available for competition, and the competition is very fierce. Due to the relaxed gun control law and violent political culture in the Philippines, conflicts are most likely to occur during the election period. Philippine police have revealed that before this vote, there had been 30 election related violent incidents in the Philippines.

02Increased cases of monkeypox in Southeast Asian countries

According to Lianhe Zaobao, as of October 28, 559 cases of monkeypox and one death case had been confirmed in Thailand. According to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, the cumulative confirmed cases of monkeypox in the capital Jakarta are 17, with an estimated 3600 cases in Indonesia. In addition, according to the Nanyang Business Daily, Malaysia has recently reported 2 new confirmed cases of monkeypox, with a total of 4 cases.

Monkeypox is a type of infection caused by the monkeypox virusvirusnatureZoonotic diseaseCharacterized by fever, severe headache, swollen lymph nodes, rash, etc. The main prevention and treatment methods are to avoid contact with infected individuals and avoid consumption or handlingwild animalDo not travel to areas where monkeypox virus infection has occurred, ventilate frequently, wash hands frequently, etc.



01Naga Fireball Festival held in Langkai Prefecture, Thailand

According to Thailand's Lanxiang Network, from October 29th to October 30th, the Naga Fireball phenomenon occurred in the Mekong section of Langkai Prefecture, Thailand. The Naga Fireball Festival was also held on the evening of October 29th on the banks of the Mekong River.

According to local legend, Naga is a half human, half snake, and half god residing on the Mekong River. Naga Fireball, also known as Xianglong Spits Fire, means that the Mekong River emits fireballs of varying sizes from the bottom of the water, which appear regularly every year, representing Naga's blessings to believers. The scientific school believes that this is a phenomenon of methane spontaneous combustion, which is a fascinating natural wonder. The Naga Fireball Festival is held every year in Langkai Prefecture, Thailand, to celebrate this moment with dance, music, and fireworks.

Financial Newsletter
The Wall Street Journal reported that recently, Türkiye's stock market plummeted, which has triggered two circuit breakers. The benchmark stock index Borsa Istanbul 100 index fell 7.1%, which is the largest decline in Türkiye since the disastrous earthquake in February this year, mainly because the Palestinian Israeli conflict led to the deterioration of relations between Türkiye and Israel.


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