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December 10th Qingqiao Morning Post | Russia Strengthening Arctic Route Development
Release time:2023-12-10 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

No less than a slight light, making a torch into a sun
Today in history:122 years ago today, the Nobel Prize was first awarded. The Nobel Prize was established with the heritage of Swedish chemist Nobel and is managed by the Nobel Foundation. It includes six awards in physics, chemistry, medicine or physiology, literature, peace, and economics, which have played a significant role in promoting scientific research and benefiting humanity.


01Laos holds a seminar on value-added tax legislation

Laos Information Network reported that recently, the Tax Department of the Ministry of Finance of Laos and experts from the World Bank held an online and offline synchronous seminar on value-added tax law in Vientiane. The Director and Deputy Director of the Taxation Department of the Ministry of Finance, the Committee responsible for value-added tax law research, and the head of the World Bank are waiting for the meeting. The Director of the Taxation Department of the Ministry of Finance stated that the purpose of organizing this meeting is to improve the value-added tax law and replace the value-added tax exemption, as the value-added tax exemption stipulated in the current Investment Promotion Law, Tax Law, and Franchise Agreement has caused significant financial losses. Value added tax is an important source of taxation, accounting for a high proportion of tax revenue. It is necessary to modify the value-added tax law and define it in detail.

It is understood that Laos still faces problems of inadequate tax collection and arrears, and the authorities will take measures to address themThe value-added tax mechanism improvement plan will be launched in 2024 and 2025 to improve the aboveLegal exchange of opinions. At present, the Ministry of Finance has proposed an urgent revision plan for the value-added tax law in order to present a report at the seventh session of the ninth National Congress in June 2024.

02Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar criticizes political opponents for spreading lies

chew na ne man man nv jia ba ji maAccording to news from Kuala Lumpur, recently Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar stated in a television interview that there are indeed many Malays who do not support the government, but this is mainly because they areThe statement that the government is not led by Malays and is anti Islamic is influenced by political enemies spreading lies. The unity government is still very stable, and no legislators are attempting to change jobs. He pointed out that the unity government has the strength and ability to govern the country, but it is necessary to control racial and religious hate speech. Only when public opinion improves can they focus on economic development and social construction.

Anhua also confirmed in the interviewIndeed, he will reorganize the cabinet in the near future, and if necessary, he will also increase the number of cabinet members. He is satisfied with the performance of the current cabinet members, but there is still room for improvement among the ministers.


military affairs
01Russia strengthens Arctic route development

According to Moscow, Russia has recently confirmed plans to invest approximately 20 billion euros in the development of the Arctic route over the next 12 years. Russia is facing sanctions from NATO countries for attacking Ukraine, making it even more urgent to develop Arctic routes. They hope to export their sanctioned hydrocarbons to Asia by bypassing the Western blockade of the Arctic route.

The Russian authorities have stated that the ports of call on the Arctic route have recently changed4 increased to 11, with the route extending all the way to the Far East port of Vladivostok, ArcticThe freight volume of the route from January to October this year reached 31.4 million tons, which is 10 times more than 10 years ago. Russia hopes that its cargo volume can reach at least 190 million tons by 2030. Although this number cannot be compared to the Suez Canal, compared to crossing the Mediterranean to the Suez Canal, the Arctic route shortens the route to Asia.

Global warming has led to the melting of some ice sheets in the Arctic Ocean, making it possible for Russia to realize its dream of opening an Arctic shipping route. In addition, Russia has restarted and built multiple military bases and airports abandoned since the dissolution of the Soviet Union to strengthen its military presence in the Arctic region. Previously, the Russian Northern Fleet, responsible for defending the Arctic route, held a large-scale military exercise in August this year, with over 8000 soldiers and multiple submarines participating.



01Vietnam Cambodia opens cross-border QR code payment service system

ASEAN International Logistics News: Recently,Nguyen Thi Hong, President of the National Bank of Vietnam, and Xie Silei, President of the National Bank of Cambodia,preside overNowThe debut ceremony of the cross-border scanning payment service system. The cross-border QR code bilateral payment system allows for secure, confidential, and convenient cross-border payments between the people of both countries,Support the people of both countries to trade in their own currencies.

National Bank of CambodiareleaseAccording to a news report, the Cambodian Vietnamese cross-border payment service system has brought benefits to the people of both countries, especially tourists and businesses, after its debutfacilitate. With this service system, Cambodian tourists can scan the Vietnamese QR code for settlement when traveling and consuming in Vietnam.At the same time, Vietnamese tourists can scan the Cambodian QR code to complete payment. Except for Vietnamoutside,Cambodia also collaborates with Thailand and LaosCollaborative developmentNowCross border QR code payment service systemIt has greatly promoted the development of the country's financial and tourism industries.

02Myanmar produces 301 million bamboo raw materials annually

According to Myanmar, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection recently stated that Myanmar's natural mountains and forests produce 301 million bamboo raw materials annually for pulp production. It is understood that Myanmar has a huge demand for paper. Some use the raw materials required for paper production, such as trees, bamboo, rice stalks, banana, etc., while others are using waste paper to recycle and reproduce.

Currently, Myanmar has Dabang PaperState owned factories such as Xitang Paper Mill, Yani Paper Mill, and major paper mills such as Dabang Paper MillStarting from August, the Xitang Paper Mill has resumed operation and was closed due to its very old condition. During an inspection of the paper mill, the Federal Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Myanmar stated that the bamboo produced by natural mountains and forests in the country provides the necessary raw materials for bamboo pulp production plants. In order to expand the development of the paper industry, Myanmar needs to develop large-scale bamboo plantations, and relevant units will also provide relevant assistance.



01The eruption of Mount Malapi in Indonesia has resulted in 23 deaths

According to China News Network, at 14:54 on December 3rd, the Malapi volcano located in West Sumatra Province, Indonesia suddenly erupted violently. At that time, there were 75 climbers on the mountain, and 52 people were later rescued. Hundreds of search and rescue personnel have been searching for missing hikers for several days, but rescue efforts have been temporarily suspended due to ongoing volcanic eruptions. Until December 6th, search and rescue personnel found the body of the last missing hiker.

Indonesia stated that as of now, the rescue operation has ended, all personnel involved in the search have been evacuated, and all climbing routes to Mount Malapi have been closed locally. According to reports, the rescued individualsAmong the 52 people, 12 severely injured are still receiving treatment in hospitals, while among the 23 victims, there are more than 10 local Indonesian university students, as well as police officers and housewives.

Mount Malapi has an altitude of 2891 meters and is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. Since August 2011, the volcano has been on alert. Eddie Maldiyanto, Deputy Director of the West Sumatra Regional Police Department, stated that there were violations in mountaineering and will investigate relevant personnel and units, especially those who issued permits to 75 mountaineers.


01Thailand's Songgan Festival has been officially listed as a World Intangible Cultural Heritage Site

According to Thailand's Lancang Network, on the afternoon of December 6, UNESCO held the 18th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Kasane, Botswana. After discussion, it was officially announced that Thailand's Songgan Festival will be included in the World Intangible Cultural Heritage List. The Director of the Cultural Promotion Department of the Thai Ministry of Culture revealed that the authorities are preparing for a large-scale celebration event, with Prime Minister Sita presiding over the opening ceremony. Cabinet officials, ambassadors from various countries to Thailand, government department heads, the Chairman of the 76th Prefectural Cultural Committee, and partners will attend the event.

Previously, Thai Kong opera, Thai massage, and Thai Nora dance have been included in the World Intangible Cultural Heritage List. The successful inclusion of Songgan Festival in the list once again showcases the value and importance of Thailand's traditional culture to the world, which helps to establish a good national image, promote the development of tourism industry, and spread the wordSpread Thailand's traditional culture and contribute to the development of cultural diversity in Southeast Asia.

Financial Newsletter
London financial news: Recently, the main contract price of lithium carbonate futures fell below 90000 yuan/ton, closing down 2.27% to 924500 yuan/ton, continuing to hit a new low since the futures were listed in July.


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