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December 23rd Qingqiao Morning Post | Starting from January next year, Kenya will exempt global tourists from visas
Release time:2023-12-23 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

To be indifferent is to clarify one's aspirations, and to be tranquil is to achieve great success
Today in history:On this day, 246 years ago, Alexander I Pavlovich, the tenth emperor of the Russian Empire, was born. He followed the example of Western European countries in reforming government institutions, establishing the Council of Ministers, and implementing the Spelansky Reform, defeating Napoleon and establishing the Holy Alliance. He was known as the "savior of Europe" and "Holy King", and some also called him the "Sphinx of the North".


01Thai parliament to debate the legalization of same-sex marriage

Bangkok reported that on December 19th, the Thai cabinet approved a debate in parliament on the legalization of same-sex marriage, moving Thailand towards marriage equality. Thai Prime Minister Saita pointed out that legalizing same-sex marriage will strengthen family structure and ensure social stability, but there are still several obstacles that need to be removed before this regulation becomes law. If the bill is passed by parliament, Thailand will become the first country in Southeast Asia to recognize same-sex marriage.

Thailand is known for its tolerance, but most parts of this country, which is predominantly Buddhist, remain conservative. The LGBTQ community is prominent and faces obstacles and discrimination. In 2022, Thai legislatorsTwo bills allowing same-sex marriage and two other bills allowing civil partnerships have been preliminarily approvedHowever, after the dissolution of the Thai parliament in March for the general election, the legislation was repealed.


military affairs
01The United States and Finland sign a defense agreement to strengthen military cooperation

Washington comprehensive news, recently, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed a defense cooperation agreement at the US State Department with Finnish Foreign Minister Altonen and Finnish Defense Minister Hai Kaining. The agreement stipulates that Finland will open up areas including air force bases, naval bases, training areas, storage areas, etc15 regions for use by the US side. In addition, the agreement also involves the pre deployment of defense equipment and supplies by the US military on Finnish territory, ensuring the security of the US military and its facilities and areas, as well as criminal jurisdiction.

The Finnish side stated that this agreement will enhance the ability of Finland and the United States to act together in response to various situations in the military, security, and defense fields, and is a key aspect of bilateral relations between Finland and the United StatesThe milestone will enhance security in the Nordic and Baltic regions. It is reported that the border between Finland and Russia is 1340 kilometers long. The country joined NATO in April this year and is the 31st member of NATO. Russian President Putin has stated that a new military district will be established in the northwest of Russia in response to this.

02North Korea conducts Mars 18 intercontinental ballistic missile launch exercises

According to Agence France Presse, North Korea has recently confirmed conducting a Mars 18 intercontinental ballistic missile launch exercise. According to local media reports, the missile flew at an altitude of 6518 kilometers and a distance of 1002 kilometers, accurately landing in the target waters of the eastern waters of North Korea. The purpose is to clearly demonstrate to the enemy the overwhelming counter will of North Korea's nuclear strategic forces in response to the escalating hostility of the United States. The missile was tested in April and July this year.

South Korean media noticed that North Korea usedThe term "test launch" was used, but this time a "launch exercise" was used, indicating that the development of intercontinental ballistic missiles has been completed and is entering the actual combat phase. South Korea's Central Daily News reported that North Korea is expected to hold a party plenary session on December 27th. But Kim Jong un won't be able to take it out this yearThe results are not satisfactory in terms of economy, and military dominance seems to be at a disadvantage. Therefore, he may salvage this situation by launching missile manufacturing achievements.



01Starting from January next year, Kenya will waive visa requirements for global tourists

According to Reuters, Kenyan President William Luto recently stated that the Kenyan government has developed a digital platform where tourists from around the world can obtain electronic travel permits in advance without the need to apply for visas. The platform will be operational starting from January next year.

It is reported that Kenya has abundant tourism resources and is one of the best wildlife viewing places in the world. According to Ctrip data,From January 1 to December 14, 2023, the number of travel orders from Chinese tourists to Kenya increased by 418% year-on-year. Especially this summer, Africa has become the dark horse in the summer outbound tourism market, and Kenya, known for its animal migration, is the most important tourist destination. In the second half of 2023, ChinaThe number of tourists visiting Kenya increased by 137% compared to the first half of the year, mainly composed of young people born in the 1980s and 1990s.

After the news was released, travel products related to Kenya were found on travel platforms such as Ctrip and Mafengwo, and the search popularity skyrocketed. Some practitioners have expressed their belief that the implementation of visa free policies will continue to drive the tourism market in Kenya next year. Enterprises will also develop more diverse tourism products targeting Kenya's unique resources to meet the needs of consumers.



01The humanitarian crisis in Myanmar is deepening

According to a report released by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Myanmar currently has 18.6 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, an increase of 1 million from a year ago and 19 times higher than in 2020 before the coup. It is reported that children are at the forefront of this crisis, facing issues such as displacement, healthcare and education disruptions, food insecurity and malnutrition, as well as inadequate protection, including forced conscription and psychological distress. Myanmar expects up to 6 million children to need assistance.

This report also emphasizes the issue of large-scale displacement, which is of particular concern. As ofOn December 11th, nearly 2.6 million people in Myanmar were forced to leave their hometowns, an increase of 1.1 million from the same period last year. The conflict between ethnic minority armed groups in northern Myanmar and the Myanmar military since the end of October has intensified this situationPhenomena. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has called on the international community to donate $994 million to assist 5.3 million people who have been identified as priority aid recipients for Myanmar in 2024.

02The illegal sale of wild animals in Singapore is on the rise

Lianhe Zaobao reported that recently, SingaporeAnimal Care Research Association JoinsNowSix online chat groups, undercover investigation122 days, discoveredThe countryThe number of illegally sold wild animals has surged, and sellers have been selling them since two years ago66, increasing to 387 this year, skyrocketing nearly sixfold.The organization previously releasedReport on Illegal Wildlife Trading on the InternetPoint out that,althoughThe authorities have cracked down on related crimes through education and law enforcement actions, but the problem of illegal wildlife trading on online platforms and through encrypted chat programs remains severe.

It is reported that in Singapore,Anyone who intends to raise wild animalsAnimals must first obtain approval from the National Park Service. Those who violate wildlife laws and regulations may face a maximum fine10000 yuan or imprisonment for up to six months, or both.As for traffickingEndangeredwildspecies,Can be fined no more than a fine for each variety50000 yuan,Or imprisonment for no more than two years, or both.


01The world's first "Zootopia" park unveiled in Shanghai

According to China News Network, on December 19th, the world's first "Crazy Animal City" park was unveiled at Shanghai Disneyland in China. This is also another global debut park for the Disneyland and Resort business sector in the Chinese market, following the opening of the world's first "Ice and Snow Wonderland" park at Hong Kong Disneyland in November. It is reported that the "Zootopia" park has fully restored the character images and scenery from the Walt Disney animated film "Zootopia" through mechanical animation doll technology, newly upgraded building information models, and projection special effects technology. Currently, the park has been fully opened.

Shanghai, China stated that the Shanghai Disney project is one of the iconic projects of China's reform and opening up, and also a practical model for cultural exchange and integration between China and foreign countries. Welcome Disney to seize new opportunities, leverage brand advantages, further increase investment layout in Shanghai, integrate more traditional Chinese cultural elements into scenic spots, performance projects, and surrounding products, work together to promote high-quality development of the cultural and tourism industry, and create a new era of Chinese American cultural exchangeA model of flow collaboration.

Financial Newsletter
Futures Daily News: Recently, due to the impact of the Red Sea situation, the main contract of the European freight index EC2404 futures has once again hit the limit up, closing at 1168.4 points, with a cumulative increase of 29.9% this week. The contract has been hitting the limit up for three consecutive trading days. The Shanghai International Energy Trading Center has issued two consecutive announcements, adjusting the trading margin ratio of the European futures contracts EC2404 and EC2406 of the consolidation index to 14%, and adjusting the limit up and down range to 12% to stabilize the financial market.


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