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December 25th Qingqiao Morning Post | Thai Army kills 15 drug traffickers on the Thai Myanmar border
Release time:2023-12-25 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

The picture is in the bud, and the consideration is in the absence
Today in history:46 years ago today, the famous British comedy film artist Charlie Chaplin passed away. His representative works include "The Circus", "The Great Dictator", "The Modern Era", "The Stage Career", etc. He is good at showcasing the essence of real tragedy in a comedic way, and has won multiple Academy Awards. He is known as one of the greatest artists in the history of world cinema.


01Suspicious funds related to elections have been discovered in Indonesia

Jakarta Comprehensive News: Recently, the Indonesian Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis Center stated that authorities have found that multiple special accounts designated by officials as campaign funds have not had significant cash flow for a long time, but there are still transactions with other accounts of candidates and related parties, and the number of transactions has surged in the past three months.

Ivan, Director of the Financial Transactions Reporting and Analysis Center in Indonesia, said that in general, the closer to the election, the more active the bank account designated by the official for election purposes should be, because this account is the main source of candidate campaign funds and also a means for the government to monitor the election. This situation is unusual now, so they have reason to suspect that there may be illegal transfers in the next election.

It is reported that one of the bank accounts with a large number of suspicious transactions belongs to a candidate political party in Indonesia, with a transaction amount of hundreds of billions of Indonesian rupiah. According to local media reports, these funds come from illegal mining, defaulting on corporate loans and other illegal activities. The Indonesian Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis Center has officially informed the Election Commission and Election Supervisory Commission of the investigation results. Indonesian President Joko has also instructed law enforcement to follow up on the case. But Indonesian Election Commission Chairman Rama stated that the Election Commission OfficeThe reason is that cases of campaign funding violations, if related to political party funding, are not within its regulatory scope.

02Vietnam's ongoing anti-corruption efforts

Hanoi Comprehensive News: Recently, the Vietnamese government website issued a statement that the Central Inspection Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam has discovered some issues after conducting an investigation into the Ministry of Industry and TradeFor serious violations, it is recommended to impose disciplinary action on officials who have made mistakes, including former Vice Premier Zheng Tingyong, Politburo member and former Minister of Industry and Trade Chen Junying, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Du Shenghai, and Party Secretary and Chairman of Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group Huang Guowang. The statement stated that these "violations" are related to the planning and regulatory development mechanisms of solar and wind power policies, causing serious consequences that are difficult to solve and causing huge financial and asset losses to the country.



military affairs
01South Korea will modify the standards for military service

According to the Lianhe Zaobao, recently, the South Korean Ministry of DefenseRelease a statement stating that it will be revisedImprove the Body Mass Index (BMI) threshold for alternative military positions based on the criteria for distinguishing military positions,It is understood that service representatives do not need to enter military units and can serve in other government agencies instead,The BMI calculation method is weight divided by the square of height.

According to the current regulations of the Korean military, the target audience for conscription is males with a BMI value below 16 and above 35. The new version will adjust the standard to have a BMI value below 15 and above 40. Taking a 1.74 meter male as an example, he originally weighed 106 kilograms or more and was considered to be in substitute service. However, after the amendment was implemented, he could only serve in substitute service if his weight reached 121.2 kilograms. It is speculated that through this revision, South Korea will enlist an additional 6000 to 7000 people annually.

The reason why the South Korean Ministry of Defense has raised the threshold for alternative service is because the population has decreased, ensuring that military resources have entered a state of emergency. According to statistics from the South Korean Department of Military Affairs, intentional increase or decrease in physical fitnessHeavy duty is one of the traditional means of evading military service, and even occupies the first place in the type of evading military service.

02The Burma War is accused of violating international war laws

News from Myanmar,On December 21st, Amnesty International cited evidence analyzed by weapons investigators in a statement stating that the Burmese military government was suspected of conducting indiscriminate attacks on civilians and using prohibited cluster ammunition during its crackdown on ethnic minority local armed groups. It called for an investigation into whether the Burmese military may be suspected of war crimes. In addition, Human Rights Watch, headquartered in New York, has also accused the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army of kidnapping and forcibly recruiting fleeing civilians in Shan State, violating international law of war.

Previously, under the coordination of China, the Burmese military held talks with the Kokang, DeAng, and Rakai armies within Chinese territory, reaching agreements on temporary ceasefire and maintaining dialogue. But over the past week, the conflict between government forces and civilians has continued. The De'ang Army announced the acquisition of control over the trading town of Nansan in Shan State, and the military government instructed the military to launch airstrikes on the Rukai Army stronghold and shelling from the sea.



01Malaysia has the highest number of inbound tourists in Southeast Asia this year

According to data released by Jakarta based online media Seasia, Malaysia was the Southeast Asian country that received the most foreign tourists from January to November this year, with a total of 26 million visitors, according to Kuala Lumpur. Thailand, a traditional tourism powerhouse, ranks second with 24.6 million visitors, followed by Singapore with 11.3 million visitors and Vietnam with 11.2 million visitors. The number of inbound tourists to Malaysia has returned to pre pandemic levels.

According to statistics from the Malaysian Immigration Bureau, as of November 15th this year, out of approximately 26 million foreign tourists entering Malaysia, Singapore had the highest number of visitors, reaching 12.64 million, followed by Indonesia and Thailand with 3.16 million and 2.07 million respectively. China ranked fourth with 1.4 million visitors.

It is reported that the significant increase in Malaysia's tourism industry is due to targeting the huge Chinese market. Malaysia Tourism Authority this yearStarting from the end of March, we will make every effort to attract Chinese tourists,In addition to promoting Malaysian tourist attractions in major cities in China, we also conducted digital media promotion and sale of discounted tourism supporting products, as well as promoting food, sports, and fashion culture.



01Thai army kills 15 drug traffickers on the Thai Myanmar border

Bangkok News: Recently, the Thai military reported that during patrols by border troops stationed in Queen Mother's County, Chiang Rai Prefecture in northern Thailand, more than 10 suspicious individuals were found smuggling drugs in the "Golden Triangle" areas of Thailand, Myanmar, and Laos. The Thai army immediately intercepted, and the other side fired back, triggering a gunfight between the two sides. The conflict lasted for five minutes, with the Thai army killing 15 drug trafficking suspects. This was the most intense gunfight between the Thai army and drug trafficking gangs in recent years. A spokesperson for the Thai military told the media that they seized over 2 million methamphetamine pills, commonly known as methamphetamine, from 17 backpacks left by drug trafficking suspects.

It is understood that northern Thailand and Myanmar haveThe 500 kilometer border line is the main channel for drugs from the Golden Triangle to enter Thailand. From Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, and YeThe drugs imported into Thailand by provinces such as Fengsong account for a large portion of the total amount of drugs in Thailand.


01Cambodia China University of Applied Science and Technology was unveiled and established in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

ASEAN Financial News: Recently,The first public undergraduate vocational school in China——Nanjing Vocational and Technical University of Industry,The largest Chinese and overseas Chinese community in Cambodia——Cambodia China Council,The Cambodia China University of Applied Science and Technology, jointly established through cooperation, was unveiled and established in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. The establishment of one executive principal for each of China and Cambodia is a significant step in the development of cultural exchange and educational cooperation between the two countries.

It is reported that,The Cambodian University of Applied Science and Technology is located in the Shuijinghua District of Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, with a campus area of75 acres, carrying out undergraduate education, offering six undergraduate majors including new energy generation technology, automotive service engineering technology, network engineering technology, e-commerce, modern logistics management, tourism management, etc., and adopting 4+0, 2+2, 3+1 and other models to carry out vocational undergraduate education. Students who meet the conditions can obtainAcademic qualifications and degree certificates of China and Cambodia.

Financial Newsletter
According to Caixin News, recently, the price of light crude oil futures for February 2024 delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange fell 33 cents to close at $73.89 per barrel, a decrease of 0.44%; The London Brent crude oil futures for delivery in February 2024 fell 31 cents to close at $79.39 per barrel, a decrease of 0.39%.


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