Qingqiao Information


December 29th Qingqiao Morning Post | Senior officials of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense involved in corruption of approximately 280 million yuan
Release time:2023-12-29 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

Those who drop out of work are of no use, while those who neglect farming are of no benefit
Today in history:48 years ago today, archaeologists unearthed a large number of Qin bamboo slips in the Sleeping Tiger Land of Yunmeng, Hubei, China, totaling 1155 pieces. After appraisal by cultural relics experts, these bamboo slips are the earliest discovered Qin Dynasty bamboo slips in China, written in the late Warring States period and the Qin Shi Huang period, providing important information for studying the development history of politics, law, economy, culture, medicine, and other aspects during that period.

01Thailand raises minimum wage level

Reuters reported that recently,Thai Permanent Secretary of Labor ByroexpressAfter government review, the wage committee composed of representatives from the government, employers, and employees agreed to increase the daily minimum wage to330 Thai baht to 370 Thai baht. Meanwhile, he also emphasized that,The salary increase this time is based on current economic data adjustments, which are equal, fair, and reliable,The salary committee will consider adjusting the salary increase method as soon as possible, and it is expected to be adjusted next yearThere will be another salary increase in April or May.

Currently, the minimum daily wage in Thailand is328 to 354 Thai baht in different regions of the countryslightlyDifferent.Thai Prime Minister Saita believes that,The 2.37% increase is too lowHeHope to increase the daily minimum wage to400 baht, this isheOne of the promises to attract the working class during the election campaignHowever, the proposal faced opposition from employers who stated that it would drive up the operating costs of businesses during periods of economic weakness. according to the understanding of,The previous Thai government has been in operation since last yearRaise the minimum wage in OctoberNow5.02%.


military affairs
01Senior officials from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense are involved in approximately 280 million yuan of corruption

Pengpai News reported that recently, the Ukrainian Security Agency announced that a senior official of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense has been arrested on charges of embezzlement while purchasing shells, with a total amount of approximately $40 million, equivalent to 280 million yuan. The Ukrainian Security Agency stated that the official first signed a shell purchase contract with an intermediary company in December last year, and then signed a supply contract without intermediaries with the same shell manufacturer, transferring the approximately $40 million paid in the initial contract overseas. The authorities said they have found evidence to prove this illegal activity, and if convicted, the official will face up to 15 years in prison.

It is understood that in recent months, Ukraine has had to deal with a series of corruption scandals, including several other cases within the Ministry of Defense, and Ukrainian investigators are already investigatingCases of supplying substandard bulletproof vests and purchasing food and uniforms at inflated prices. Previously, Ukrainian President Zelensky dismissed all officials responsible for conscription in various regions to end his practice of allowing some people to evade military service through bribery.



01Laos and Vietnam strengthen forestry cooperation

Vientiane Times reported that recently, various ministries in Laos and Vietnam have agreed to expand cooperation in the forestry field. The two sides have formulated and signed a memorandum of understanding in Danang, Vietnam to improve forest management along the border between the two countries and curb illegal trade in timber and timber products. It is reported that with the close exchanges between Vietnam and Laos year by year, the cooperation between the two countries in the field of agriculture is also constantly strengthening. So far, a total of 73 Vietnamese companies have invested about 2.5 billion US dollars in the agricultural field of Laos, of which more than 900 million US dollars have been invested in the forestry industry of Laos.

In addition, trade cooperation between the two countries in other fields has also seen significant growth, according to Vietnamese media reports,In 2022, Laos imported goods worth 656 million from VietnamThe US dollar has increased by more than 10% compared to 2021. These commodities mainly include oil and natural gas, fertilizers, steel, machinery, accessories, and vehicles. At the same time, Laos' exports to Vietnam exceeded 1 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 35%, mainly including wood and wood products, fertilizers, rubber, and sweet corn.

02Indonesian electric motorcycle modification subsidy increased to 10 million Indonesian rupiah

Daily Indonesian News: Recently, the Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources announced that the government will increase subsidies for converting traditional fuel powered motorcycles into electric motorcycles from 7 million Indonesian rupiah to 10 million Indonesian rupiah, equivalent to approximately 4559.58 yuan, in order to increase public interest in switching to environmentally friendly transportation. The subsidy recipients for the modification of electric motorcycles have also been adjusted, from previously only applicable to individuals who are not civil servants to enterprises and units that can also receive these subsidies. Currently, the authorities are revising this regulation and it is expected to be implemented soon.

It is reported that some companies in Indonesia haveAfter targeting the field of electric motorcycle modification, they believe that after the new regulations are promulgated, China will usher in a peak of electric motorcycle modification. However, the authorities stated that public interest in converting fuel powered motorcycles into electric motorcycles is still low, as ofOn November 18, 2023, the progress of budget allocation for modification subsidies only reached 59.03%, and there is still a gap of 5.68% from the original target.



01Chinese police crack a major cross Philippine online gambling case

According to Feilong.com, recently, the Gaotai online police in Zhangye City, Gansu Province, China have successfully solved a major cross-border online gambling case. It is understood that the criminal gang has established network technology companies in Myanmar and the Philippines since 2015, using the guise of software development and high salaries as bait to recruit a large number of domestic personnel to serve as website customer service and other roles, providing assistance to the overseas black and gray industry chain. The gang's related websites have registered more than 1 million members, with a involved amount of over 670 million yuan and a daily turnover of over 10 million yuan.

The Gaotai Online Police in Zhangye City, Gansu Province, China, said that the reason they followed up the investigation of the criminal gang was that many residents in its jurisdiction were deceived. So far, 137 suspect have been arrested in the case, 1818300 yuan of illegal gains have been recovered, 74 mobile phones and 42 bank cards have been seized, 46 gambling websites have been blocked, 1 casino criminal group has been closed down, and 8 money laundering criminal groups have been broken.

Chinese public security emphasizes that criminals engage in illegal activities through developmentIn the form of apps, websites, and other means, such as "recharge rebates" and "point redemption", victims are induced to participate in betting, wearing the skin of online games and engaging in cross-border gambling, with the ultimate goal of defrauding money. We call on the public to be vigilant about cross-border online gambling and consciously resist any form of gambling behavior, including online and offline, domestic and overseas activities.

02Partial traffic interruption in New Delhi, India due to haze

Reuters reported that recently, according to data released by the Central Pollution Control Commission of India, New Delhi's air quality index climbed to 376, which is at a very poor level and far above the good level of below 50. The dense fog caused delays in about 30 flights that will land or take off at New Delhi Airport, and multiple trains on the northern route of India were also affected.

The Indian Meteorological Agency stated that it is expected that the dense fog will continue, and apart from New Delhi, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh will also be affected, with temperatures in most areas dropping to betweenBetween 6 degrees Celsius and 10 degrees Celsius. The dense fog contains harmful particles and other pollutants that can cause harm to the human bodyThe health of 20 million residents in Delhi has been affected, and the public is urged to minimize travel arrangements as much as possible. If you need to travel, please wear masks.


01Cambodia hosts cross year cultural events in multiple locations

According to China News Network, recently, Sihanouk Port in Cambodia announced that it willA large-scale international beach music festival will be held from December 30th to 31st, inviting numerous international celebrities and domestic and foreign tourists to spend the New Year's Eve together. The province of Battambang will hold an international food exhibition from December 29th to 31st, which will include the Khmer Food Village, the Battambang Residents Food Exhibition, local product exhibitions, art performances, and setting off fireworks. Another well-known coastal tourist destination in Cambodia, Pema Province, has also announced a series of entertainment activities.

The Cambodian side stated that the main purpose of hosting New Year's Eve entertainment events in multiple places is to attract international tourists,From January to November 2023, Cambodia welcomed 4.9 million international tourists, which is still far from the target of 5.4 million visitors set at the beginning of the year. Secondly, and most importantly, it is to vigorously promote Cambodian culture and enhance the influence of traditional Cambodian culture during the arrival of annual leave and tourist visits.

Financial Newsletter
According to Futures Daily, due to extreme weather events and pest infestations, orange juice futures prices reached a historic high at the end of November, soaring by 80%. Cocoa prices have risen by 64% so far, reaching the highest level in 46 years.


Qingqiao Morning Post December Collectiontwenty-seven

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