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January 12th Qingqiao Morning Post | Ecuador enters a state of "domestic armed conflict"
Release time:2024-01-12 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

Timely encouragement, time waits for no one
Today in history:396 years ago today, French writer Charles Perot was born. He collected some oral stories passed down from French folklore and organized records, with representative works such as Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty in the Forest, etc. He was the founder of a new literary genre called "fairy tales" and is known as the "father of French children's literature". He is one of the most famous writers of the 17th century in France.


01South Korean parliament passes a ban on dog meat

According to Agence France Presse, the South Korean National Assembly recently held a plenary session and passed a law banning dog meat,Prohibition of raising, slaughtering, and selling dog meat for the purpose of consumption.According to relevant lawsprovideFor the purpose of consumptionofSlaughterdogBehavior can be punished with imprisonment for up to three years orA fine of up to 30 million Korean won; Raising, breeding, and selling for the purpose of consumptionDog meatCan be sentenced to imprisonment for up to two years orA fine of up to 20 million Korean won. Considering the industry shutdownIt takes time,ThisThe bill establishes a buffer periodStarting from 2027.

Korean Animal Rights Advocacy OrganizationKARA issued a statement stating that this is a landmark event in rewriting the history of the animal rights movement.butKorean Meat Dog AssociationIn response, the government stated thataboutwithDog meat practitioners who raise dogs to make a livingThey will take action to fight against the lack of corresponding compensation measures in placeStrive for legitimate rights and interests. Some even claim thatOnce the dog meat farm goes bankrupt,Will release up toTwo million food dogs were sent to the official residences of the President and the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, and Food.

According to government statistics, there are currently approximately1150 dog farms, 34 slaughterhouses, 219 distributors, and approximately 1600 restaurants selling dog meat products. December 2023Relevant institutions are concerned aboutAccording to a survey conducted by 2000 Korean adults, 94.5%PeopleI haven't eaten dog meat in the past year,93.4% of people said they will not eat dog meat in the future.

02The President of France appoints a new Prime Minister

Lianhe Zaobao reported that recently, French President Marcon appointed Gabriel·Atal is the new Prime Minister. It is understood that Atal was born in 1989 and is currently 34 years old. He has served as the Secretary of State for General Citizenship under the French Minister of Education, the Secretary of State for Youth Affairs, and the Ministerial Representative in charge of public accounting. He also served as a government spokesperson from 2020 to 2022. In July 2023, Atal was appointed as the Minister of National Education and Youth in France. He is the youngest prime minister in modern French history and the first head of government in France to openly identify as a homosexual.

According to reports, former French Prime Minister Borne recentlySubmitted resignation to MacronDuring her tenure, she pushed for the passage of the retirement system reform bill and immigration bill in parliament, which caused some controversy in France. The appointment of the new prime minister may not have an impact on the policies already issued, but it also reflects the urgent need for fresh blood by French President Macron to restore people's confidence.


military affairs
01US military refuses to withdraw from Iraq

Washington News: Recently, Major General Reed of the US Air Force stated that the United States currently has no plans to withdraw approximately 2500 soldiers from Iraq, and is unaware that Iraq has issued any notice to the Ministry of Defense regarding the withdrawal. He said that in response to the rapidly developing extremist forces of ISIS, the US military formed an international military alliance at the invitation of the Iraqi government to combat extremist terrorist organizations represented by ISIS. We are still very focused on the task of combating ISIS to this day.

Previously, the United States dispatched drones to kill a pro Iranian Shia militia in the Iraqi capital BaghdadThe leader of the People's Mobilization Organization, MeiIran relations have become tense, and Iraqi Prime Minister Sudani has stated that this is a "blatant aggression" against Iraq and called for the international coalition led by the United States to withdraw from Iraq as soon as possible, with a firm stance and no retreat.



01The total investment amount for Cambodia's absorption agreement in 2023 is approximately 4.9 billion US dollars

According to the Cambodia China Times, the latest report released by the Cambodia Development Council recently shows that in 2023, the Council approved a total of 268 investment projects, with a total agreed investment of approximately 4.9 billion US dollars, creating approximately 307000 job opportunities. Compared to 2022, the total investment has increased significantly by 22%. Among them, there are 248 investment projects in the industrial sector, accounting for about 92% of the total number of investment projects. The investment amount in this field accounts for about 46% of the total investment amount. There are 9 investment projects in the agricultural sector, with an increase of 115.8% in investment compared to the previous year. The number of investment projects in the tourism industry is 4, and the investment amount in this field has decreased by 69% compared to the previous year.

Most of these investment projects are located in the provinces of Juju, Phnom Penh, and surrounding areas, such as Kanla and Chajiao provinces, as well as in the provinces of Shizhen and Sihanouk, which have special economic zones. Ranked first in investment from China, accounting for66%; Cambodia ranks second in local investment, accounting for 24%; Investments from Singapore and Malaysia each account for 2%.



01Multiple Boeing aircraft cabin door bolts are loose

New York News: Recently, a brand new 737 Max 9 aircraft operated by Alaska Airlines for only eight weeks took off in Portland, Oregon. Shortly after takeoff, a sealed hatch on the left side of the cabin suddenly fell off, causing the aircraft to depressurize and urgently return. Subsequently, the US authorities ordered the grounding of this aircraft and conducted a comprehensive safety inspection.

Currently, United Airlines hasDuring preliminary inspections of 79 aircraft, it was found that nearly 10 of them had loose bolts. The Federal Aviation Administration of the United States stated that before the aircraft goes around, the airline must complete a series of inspections, including left and right door plugs, components, and fasteners. Famous Aviation BranchThe analyst said that the loosening of the door stopper should be a quality control issue, not a problem with the body design. Boeing may face authorities slowing down approval of new jet aircraft or proposed maintenance plans in the future. In addition to the United States, multiple regulatory agencies and airlines around the world have ordered the suspension of Boeing 737 MAX 9 flights. Boeing's stock price has recently fallen by 8%, the largest drop since October 2022.

02Ecuador enters a state of "domestic armed conflict"

According to Ecuadorian media reports, recently, drug lord Adolph·Massias may have escaped from the southwestern prison, causing riots in six local prisons and several prison guards being detained by prisoners. Subsequently, a shooting incident occurred near the presidential palace of Ecuador, and the parliament issued an emergency evacuation order. Armed clashes also occurred at the subway station and university in Guayaquil, the country's second largest city. All shopping centers and hospitals were declared on high alert, and multiple markets and parks were evacuated urgently. Multiple transportation systems and city arteries have been shut down.

Ecuadorian President Novoya signs an executive decree announcing nationwide entryIn the state of "internal armed conflict", 22 organized criminal groups were identified as terrorist organizations and non-state warring parties, and armed forces were ordered to carry out operations within the framework of international humanitarian law.

It is reported that the security situation in Ecuador is severe. In August 2023, Eritrean presidential candidate Villavesensio was in the northern part of the capital QuitoShot while participating in an election rallyFormer President Lasso subsequently declared a 60 day state of emergency throughout the country. In November 2023, Novoa became the President of Ecuador, making security one of the government's top priorities.


01Hundreds of thousands of Catholics in the Philippines worship Black Jesus

According to Filong.com, hundreds of thousands of Catholics in the Philippines recently took to the streets of Manila to worship the statue of "Black Jesus". The Black Jesus is a human sized, wooden black statue of Jesus. Many Filipinos believe that touching or approaching this statue, which has a history of over 400 years, can cure incurable illnesses and bring good luck. Previously, Philippine President Marcos Minor announced that January 9th would be designated as a special non working holiday in Manila to commemorate Black Jesus Day.

It is understood that in the PhilippinesAbout 80% of the population of 110 million believe in Roman Catholicism. Black Jesus Day is the most important religious festival in Manila, Philippines. It originated in 1606 when Spanish missionaries were transporting the statue of Jesus from Mexico to the Philippines when a ship caught fire during the voyage. However, the statue of Jesus was still preserved, only smoked black. The missionariesAnd believers all believe that this is the reason why the statue of Jesus appeared. toFilipinos carry this statue out for a parade every January 9th, and tens of thousands of Filipinos participate.

Financial Newsletter
According to Securities Times, the spot price of battery grade lithium carbonate has recently dropped below the 100000 yuan/ton mark at 98000 yuan/ton. Research reports released by multiple securities firms indicate that the spot price of battery grade lithium carbonate will continue to fluctuate weakly and may fall below 80000 yuan/ton in the future.


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