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January 27th Qingqiao Morning Post | 14.8 million metric tons of lithium mica ore discovered in Thailand
Release time:2024-01-27 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

Self cultivation is like holding a jade, accumulating virtue and remaining gold
Today in history:On this day 268 years ago, Austrian composer Mozart was born during the Classical period. His representative works include Symphony No. 1 in E-flat major and The Escape of the harem. Mozart completed over 600 music works of different genres and forms in his short 35 year life journey, and is one of the representative figures of the Vienna Classical School, known as the "musical prodigy".


01The US Congress passes a short-term spending bill to avoid government shutdown

Xinhua News Agency reported that recently, the US Senate passed a short-term spending bill with 77 votes in favor and 18 votes against, in order to avoid some institutions being shut down due to running out of operating funds. It is understood that due to significant differences in annual budget legislation in the US Congress, it was not possible to reach a consensus on the 2024 fiscal year appropriations bill in a timely manner. Therefore, the federal government can only temporarily maintain its operations through a short-term expenditure bill to obtain more negotiation time.

The US Congress passed a short-term spending bill in November last yearSome federal government agencies and projects will receive funding to maintain operations until January 19th of this year, while other agencies and projects will receive funding to maintain operations until February 2nd. According to the latest passed short-term expenditure bill, these deadlines have been extended to March 1st and March 8th, respectively.

It is reported that the main contradiction in the US fiscal year 2024 funding bill is focused on a expenditure of 1.59 trillion yuan. The Democratic Party of the United States believes that this funding should be included in government spending, while conservative Republicans are calling for cuts in government spending to include this funding in border security provisions.

02The three major factions of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party have decided to dissolve

Reuters reported that recently, a group of Japanese liberal and democratic party warlordsAffected by the "Black Gold" scandal, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced the dissolution of the "Kishida faction" where he had served as president for many years. Subsequently, the largest factions of the Liberal Democratic Party, the "Abe faction" and the "second tier faction", also decided to dissolve on the same day.

last yearIn November, a "black gold" scandal was exposed within the Liberal Democratic Party. Several factions within the Liberal Democratic Party have set sales targets for their members of parliament, demanding that they sell political fundraising party vouchers. If the sales target is exceeded, the excess funds will be returned to the legislator in the form of "kickbacks". This portion of the funds will not be registered in the reports on the income and expenditure of factions and political funds of legislators, thus becoming unregulated secret funds.

The Special Investigation Department of the Tokyo District Prosecutors Office subsequently intervened in the investigation, which showed that,From 2018 to 2023, the Abe faction of the Liberal Democratic Party involved secret funds of over 600 million yen, the second tier faction involved secret funds of over 200 million yen, and the Kishida faction involved secret funds of over 30 million yen. It is reported that the three major factions, namely the Abe faction, the second tier faction, and the Kishida faction, have a total of 182 members of parliament, accounting for nearly half of the total number of members of the Liberal Democratic Party.


military affairs
01Nearly 300 Burmese soldiers fled to India

According to Agence France Presse, since November last year, the Wah Kai army has been fighting against the Burmese army in some areas near the India Myanmar border. Recently, the Wah Kai army claimed to have captured the important town of Bailiwa and six military bases near the Chin State border between India and Bangladesh. But an anonymous officer from the Indian paramilitary organization Assam Rifle Team stated that a total of 276 Burmese soldiers carrying weapons and ammunition arrived at the village of Sora in Bandu, Mizoram state on the Indian border to avoid the war. The Indian side is collecting biometric data from these soldiers and seeking approval from the Indian Ministry of Defense to send them back to Myanmar.

According to DangLocal media reports, since last yearSince November, hundreds of Burmese soldiers have fled to India to avoid fighting. In October last year, the "three brothers" formed by the Kokang Army, DeAng Army, and Rakhine Army launched a joint offensive in Shan State in northern Myanmar, occupying multiple towns and seizing an important trade center on the China Myanmar border. Recently, the alliance announced a ceasefire, but the ceasefire agreement does not apply to armies and armed groups engaged in fierce fighting near the Indian border.



0114.8 million metric tons of lithium mica ore discovered in Thailand

Bangkok Comprehensive News: Recently, ThailandDepartment of Basic Industry and MiningAnnounce, onPanya PrefectureDiscovered14.8 million metric tons of lithium micaMineral resources,The lithium content of lithium mica is approximately0.45%. It is reported that lithium is one of the key raw materials for electric vehicle batteries, and its performance directly affects the battery's range and service life. Therefore, having a stable supply of lithium ore is crucial for the development of the electric vehicle industry. This discovery in Thailand undoubtedly provides strong support for its electric vehicle industry and is expected to attract more investors and car manufacturers to come and layout.

The United States Geological Surveytwo thousand and twenty-threeThe report released in January of this year showed that the global proven lithium reserves were approximately 98 million tons. Among them, Bolivia's proven reserves are 21 million tons, Argentina's are 20 million tons, Chile's are 11 million tons, and Australia's are 7.9 million tons. 2024On January 18th, the Ministry of Natural Resources of China announced that nearly one million tons of lithium resources were discovered in Yajiang, Sichuan, which is currently a proven lithium resource in AsiaofThe largest scale single lithium deposit of pegmatite type.



01Fire at Panama's largest landfill site

Reuters reported that a large fire broke out at a landfill outside Panama City, a Central American country. Toxic smoke drifted towards the capital city of Panama, forcing people to evacuate. Firefighters worked hard to extinguish the fire. It is understood that the landfill site "Ceropatacon" where the fire occurred covers an area of over 130 hectares and is the largest landfill in Panama, with a fire area ranging from 6 to 8 hectares.

The Panama Fire Department stated that all indications indicate that the fire was caused by arson, but the relevant facts are still under investigation. Panamanian Health Minister Sucre said that residents are currently being evacuated to protect them from flames and toxic gases, and relevant agencies have set up a special facility for this purposeA medical center has been established to provide treatment for people with eye discomfort or bronchial problems. At the same time, he also called on groups in affected areas to evacuate their homes, wear masks for travel, or use air purifiers.

02Nearly 100 Vietnamese sentenced to prison for attacking police stations

Vietnam Express News, Last yearIn June, a rare violent riot occurred in Vietnam, with hundreds of attackers riding electric bicycles attacking the police station and political office in Dole Province, resulting in nine deaths. Recently, Vietnamese courts concluded a five-day trial and sentenced 10 defendants to life imprisonment, while 90 defendants were sentenced to sentences ranging from nine months to 20 years.

All defendants are a minority of indigenous people from the Duole Plateau, aged betweenBetween the ages of 18 and 56, the verdict said that the suspect joined the Degas Soldiers' Organization in early June 2023 and gathered in the jungle to receive paramilitary training, including martial arts and bomb making. The Vietnamese court accused themAttempting to overthrow the country, currently, six defendants are still at large and absent from trial. The authorities have issued an international wanted order for them.

It is understood that the Degas are one of the ethnic minorities in the central highlands of Vietnam, and there have been long-standing disputes over land rights in the region, which has caused dissatisfaction among some ethnic minorities. In addition, Vietnam does not allow individuals to own firearms, so gun violence incidents in the local area are extremely rare.


01Singaporean Book Association Holds National Spring Festival Celebration

The Lianhe Zaobao reported that recently, the 41st National Spring Festival Celebration Conference, sponsored by the Singapore Calligraphers Association and co sponsored by the National Arts Council and the Singapore Arts Association, was held at the Singapore Calligraphy Center. The 6th National Spring Festival Federation Exhibition also opened on the same day. This year's event showcased 70 swing spring works, attracting over 1000 public participants. The number of people has returned to pre pandemic levels, and participants of all ages can be seen on site.

Chen Jiehao, Senior Minister of State for National Development and Communications and Information of Singapore, was invited to serve as the guest of honor at the conference and waved his hair at the scene, writing:The four characters "national prosperity and people's safety". Chen Jiehao expressed that in the context of uncertainty in the international situation, national peace and stability are his blessings for Singapore and the world to maintain peace and stability in the new year. At the same time, this event also reflects the prosperous scene of cultural convergence and integration in Singapore.

Financial Newsletter
According to Caixin News Agency, the textile and clothing sector has recently strengthened again, with Huasheng Shares, Hasen Shares, Shenzhen Zhonghua A, Hongxing Shares, Jiumu Wang, Taipingniao, and others all hitting the daily limit up, while Fengzhu Textile has risen by 5.42%. It is worth noting that Shenzhen Zhonghua A has recently hit the limit up for 9 consecutive trading days, and Hasen Group has hit the limit up for 4 consecutive trading days.


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