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February 10th Qingqiao Morning Post | 2023 US Arms Exports Record High
Release time:2024-02-10 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

The journey of the great road is for the benefit of the world
Today in history:On this day 269 years ago, the French Enlightenment thinker and jurist Montesquieu passed away. His representative works include "On the Spirit of Law", "Letters from the Persians", "On the Causes of the Rise and Fall of Rome", etc. These works laid the foundation for the development of modern Western political and legal theory, and also greatly influenced European views on Eastern politics and legal culture. Today is the first day of the first lunar month, the Chinese New Year. Qingqiao International Security Group wishes everyone a happy and safe New Year.


01Vietnam's 2023 Integrity Index Ranking Decline by Six Places

According to Agence France Presse, the international anti-corruption organization "Transparency International" recently released the "2023 Corruption Impression Index" ranking. Vietnam's ranking among 180 countries and regions has dropped from 77th in 2022 to 83rd last year. According to the 0-100 point system, Vietnam's score decreased from 42 points to 41 points. It is reported that Transparency International, headquartered in Berlin, Germany, ranks the integrity of 180 countries and regions worldwide based on 13 sets of independent data, experts, and business people's impressions of corruption in the surveyed countries and regions.

However, the ongoing anti-corruption campaign has had a negative impact, with officials often delaying the implementation of key policies due to concerns about violations of laws and regulations, resulting in negligence in many areas.

Overall, although Vietnam's performance declined compared to the previous two years, it still performed better than several Southeast Asian countries, with Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand considered to have higher levels of corruption.

02Former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Pakistan sentenced to 10 years in prison

CCTV News: Recently, former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran·Khan and former Foreign Minister Qureshi were sentenced in the case of leaking state secrets10 years imprisonment. It is reported that due to this judgment coming from a judge in a special court, there are still variables in the judgment if appealed in the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

It is understood that this accusation is related to a confidential telegram sent by the Pakistani Ambassador to Washington to Islamabad last year, Imran·Khan was accused of publicly disclosing the contents of this telegram. On December 13th last year, a Pakistani court charged former Prime Minister Imran Khan with leaking state secrets, and his deputy, former Pakistani Foreign Ministry Shah Mahmoud Qureshi, was also charged in this case. According to media reports, Imran Khan refused to plead guilty to these charges and insisted that the content of the telegram appeared in the media from other sources.

It is understood that Imran·Khan led the Justice Movement Party to win the National Assembly elections in Pakistan in 2018 and was subsequently elected as Prime Minister. After his election, the main opposition party in Pakistan held frequent rallies and demanded the recall of Imran Khan on the grounds of election unfairness and fraud. On April 10 of the same year, the National Assembly of Pakistan passed a motion of no confidence against Imran Khan. Imran Khan became the first Prime Minister in Pakistani history to be dismissed by the National Assembly.


military affairs
01US arms exports hit a historic high in 2023

Reuters News: Recently, relevant data shows that,In 2023, the sales of military equipment by the United States to foreign governments increased by 16%,Sales revenueachieveNowRecord breaking238 billion US dollars. It is understood that,Foreign governments purchasing weapons from American companies includeMainly includingTwo ways,The first type isDirect transactions with military companies,The second typeyesandNegotiations with defense officials from US embassies abroad,Both must obtain approval from the US government.The US State Department stated thatarmsofSales and transfers can be seen as important diplomatic tools of the United States,thisIt has a long-term and significant impact on regional and global security.

haveFrom a physical perspective,United StatesThe approved sales in 2023 include the sale of highly maneuverable multiple rocket systems worth $10 billion to Poland,Selling value to Germany$2.9 billion AIM-120C-8 Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile,And sell surface to air missile systems to Ukraine.Lockheed·MartinGeneral Dynamics and Northrop·GrummanIn the context of the global economic recession, the stock prices of military enterprises continue to rise.



01Cambodia Lowers Foreign Currency Deposit Reserve Rate

According to the Cambodian China Times, recently, the National Bank of Cambodia stated that due to high loan interest rates, the growth rate of new loans by Cambodian banks last year only reached 4.8%, setting a record low in 20 years. Among them, the new loans for the hotel and catering industry only increased by 0.6%, the trade and wholesale industry only increased by 4.8%, and housing loans increased by 6.4%. For this reason, the National Bank of Cambodia has decided to lower the foreign currency deposit reserve rate, enabling banks and financial institutions to meet the financing needs of the private sector, ensuring economic stability, and encouraging investment.

It is understood that,In 2023, the interest rates for loans in Cambodian currency and US dollars from the National Bank of Cambodia were as high as 13.39% and 11.08%, respectively, while the interest rates for loans in Cambodian currency and US dollars from small loan institutions were highThe rates are as high as 17.44% and 16.2% respectively, which has brought great pressure to Cambodia's economic growth. Since the decision of the National Bank of Cambodia to lower the foreign currency reserve interest rate, it has released $1.2 billion in funds for the banking system and will prioritize providing loans to the manufacturing sector.



01The World Health Organization has issued the first certificate on the elimination of trans fatty acids

Lianhe Zaobao reported that recently, the World Health Organization issued certificates to Denmark, Lithuania, Poland, Saudi Arabia and Thailand for the first time, affirming the progress made by these five countries in eliminating trans fatty acids produced by industry. According to the United Nations News Center, these countries have each demonstrated their policies to eliminate industrial production of trans fatty acids and established sound implementation and monitoring systems.

It is understood that trans fatty acids are semi-solid and solid fats, mainly from two sources: industrial production and natural existence. Consuming trans fats increases the risk of heart attack and death due to heart disease. Trans fatty acids have no known health benefits, and industrially produced foods with high levels of trans fatty acids typically have high levels of sugar, fat, and salt, such as fried foods, cakes, and ready to eat foods.

There is evidence to suggest that industrial fatty acids lead to500000 people died prematurely, and the World Health Organization called for countries to eliminate industrial production of trans fats in food globally by 2023. Currently, 53 countries have implemented control policies against this harmful substance, greatly improving the food environment. The goal of eliminating industrial production of trans fats in food has been postponed until 2025.

02Indian Navy rescues Iranian fishing boat hijacked by Somali pirates

According to Agence France Presse, a spokesperson for the Indian Navy recently stated that it is located approximately west of the Indian city of CochinAt 850 nautical miles off the coast of Somalia, a total of 11 Somali pirates hijacked the Iranian flag fishing boat Naemi, and the navy on the Indian warship Sumitra launched an operation to rescue 19 Pakistani crew members. According to photos released by the Indian Navy, Somali pirates hold AK-47 rifles while standing on board the ship. Indian Navy commandos board the fishing boat in the dark, holding rifles and standing next to a group of pirates. Indian Navy helicopters hover above the pirates.

This is the latest attack on the Indian Ocean route in several days. Previously, India claimed that its military rescued the Iranian flagged fishing boat Iman, which was also hijacked by Somali pirates17 crew members escaped danger.


01China Laos Railway Performs "Train Welcome Concert"

ASEAN Financial News: Recently,Lao China Railway Co., Ltd. cooperates with Guangxi Radio and Television Station in China,FromThe Lancang high-speed train from Vientiane, Laos to Luang PrabangTrain C82Up,Jointly organizedTrain Music Event. activitySingers, dancers, and musicians from both China and Laos were invited to come together and perform several famous songs from both countries, including "Land of Freedom", "Along the Way", "New Year Overture", "Toast Song", etc., bringing a music feast to passengers on the trainConvey the beautiful blessings of the Chinese New Year to every passenger.

2024 is the Year of China ASEAN Cultural Exchange,alsoIt's the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Laos63rd anniversary, the third anniversary of the opening and operation of the China Laos Railway. The China Laos railway project is known as the landmark project of high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road"It has played an important role in spreading the culture of China and Laos and building friendship between China and Laos.

Financial Newsletter
According to The Wall Street Journal, WTI March crude oil futures closed down $1.23, a decrease of 1.58%, at $76.78 per barrel. Brent March crude oil futures closed down $1.15, a decrease of 1.38%, at $82.4 per barrel.


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