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February 15th Qingqiao Morning Post | 131 illegal immigrants fleeing Malaysia
Release time:2024-02-15 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

The autumn moon shines brightly, and the winter mountains are beautiful with cold pine trees
Today in history:460 years ago today, Italian astronomer, physicist, and engineer Galileo was born. He studied velocity and acceleration, gravity and free fall, relativity, inertia, and invented thermometers and various military compasses. He was the first to use telescopes for astronomical observation and was known as the "father of observational astronomy," "father of modern physics," and "father of scientific methods." He was the founder of modern natural science in Europe.


01Former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib's 12 year sentence halved

According to Agence France Presse, the Federal Amnesty Agency of Malaysia recently announced that former Prime Minister Najib's 12-year sentence has been reduced to six years, and his fine has been reduced from RM 210 million to RM 50 million. If Najib behaves well in prison, he is expected to be released as soon as 2026. The announcement from the Amnesty Bureau did not explain the reason for the reduction of Najib's sentence, only stating that after considering various opinions and suggestions, it was decided to halve Najib's sentence and allow him to be released early on August 23, 2028.

It is understood that 70 year old Najib is the first former Prime Minister of Malaysia to be imprisoned. On August 23, 2022, he went to federal court for corruption in the SRC company caseAfter being convicted of the final verdict, he/she will be imprisonedHe has served 17 months in prison so far. Najib applied for judicial review and a pardon from the F ü hrer while in prison, but the federal court rejected his application for judicial review on March 31 last year.

Some analysts believe that the UMNO, to which Najib belongsAfter the November 2022 general election, Malaysia formed a united government with the Christian Union and actively assisted Najib in seeking a pardon from the head of state. However, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar ledThe leader of Ximeng opposed the amnesty of Naji, and the decision to reduce Naji's sentence this time was a compromise. Due to not receiving a comprehensive amnesty, Najib was unable to participate in the general election for five years after his release from prison. In addition, Najib faced three lawsuits related to a scandal involving a Malaysian company, and if convicted, there is still a possibility of being imprisoned again.


military affairs
01India withdraws troops from Maldives starting from March

According to Agence France Presse, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Maldives recently announced that India will begin withdrawing its troops deployed in Maldives from March. The statement from the Maldives side shows that during the talks held in New Delhi, Malaysia and India agreed to start evacuating 89 Indian military personnel stationed in the Maldives no later than March 10th and complete the withdrawal operation within two months. However, the Indian government did not explicitly mention any evacuation matters in the statement regarding this meeting. The Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the two countries have reached an agreement on a series of feasible solutions, and Air India will continue to provide humanitarian and medical services to the people of Maldives.

It is understood that Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean regionAn important country in the region, which is geographically closest to India, has established a special security cooperation relationship with India. At present, Indian military personnel stationed in the Maldives are mainly responsible for operating three sea reconnaissance aircraft, two helicopters, and one fixed wing aircraft donated by India. last yearIn September, after being elected as the President of Maldives, Muizu demanded that India withdraw its troops from the Maldives.

02The United States and Britain strike again at the armed targets of Hussain

Reuters reported that recently, US Secretary of Defense Austin stated in a statement that with the support of Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, and New Zealand, the US and UK coalition forces have carried out more strikes on military targets in the Housa armed control zone in Yemen. The air attack targeted 36 military locations related to the storage facilities, missile systems, launchers, air defense systems, and radars used by the Housai armed forces to bury weapons; Targeting involves 13 locations across Yemen. Austin stated that this collective action by the US UK coalition aims to further dismantle and weaken the ability of the Iranian backed Hussai armed forces to launch attacks on US and international ships legally passing through the Red Sea, while also sending a clear message to the Hussai armed forces: if the organization does not stop illegal attacks on international shipping and naval vessels, it will continue to bear more consequences.

The Yemeni news agency, controlled by the Housa armed forces, confirmed that the US and British coalition forces launched attacks on the provinces of Yemeni Taez and Hodeida14 attacks. It is understood that since the frequent attacks of the Housai armed forces on the Red Sea merchantsSince the ship was launched, it has been listed as a target of attack by the United States and Britain, but frequent military actions by the United States and Britain have not stopped the Hussai armed forces from attacking in the Red Sea.



01Thailand and Sri Lanka sign a free trade agreement

Bangkok Comprehensive News: Recently,In a statement, the Sri Lankan Presidential OfficeexpressIn ThailandPrime Minister SaitaDuring the visit to Sri LankaBoth sides signed a free trade agreement. protocolIt involves multiple aspects such as trade in goods, investment, customs procedures, and intellectual property rights, aiming to strengthen economic ties between the two countries and increase investment opportunities in the market.

It is understood that in thetwo hundredBetween 5 years and 2022, Thailand brought over 92 million US dollars to Sri LankaofForeign direct investment.Thai Prime Minister SitaAt the press conference after signing the agreementThe signing of this agreementWill provide huge business opportunities for both partiesAt the same time, it also encourages Thailand's private sector to tap into the potential for two-way trade and investment.



01131 illegal immigrants fleeing Malaysia

Lianhe Zaobao reported that recently,Riots broke out in the temporary detention camp of the Mero Immigration Bureau in Perak, Malaysia,131 illegal immigrants collectively fledMalaysiaThe Immigration Bureau, in conjunction with law enforcement agencies such as the police and the Volunteer Guard, is dispatched375 people launched a search operation.

According to a statement from the Malaysian police,These illegal immigrants also fled after causing trouble in three different buildings of the detention camp, and the authorities believe this is a long planned escape plan.fleeRunning131 people are all males,amonginclude115 Rohingya people and 16 Burmese people, aged between 17 and 35 years oldbetween.Arrested on the same day37 people,One of them33 year old Luo Xingya died in a car accident on Nanbei Avenue in panic.

It is understood that,Mero is a city in the southern part of PerakA small town located near the Cameron Plateau in the state of Pahang. The temporary detention camp where the incident occurred is surrounded by oil palm plantations and forests, with a vast area and dense forests, making it difficult to search for themVery large.The Malaysian police alsoWe will re isolate all horses2675 Rohingya people from 12 detention camps to prevent further riots and escape incidents.

02A fire broke out in central Chile, resulting in 10 deaths

According to Agence France Presse, a forest fire broke out in the Valparaiso region of central Chile in South America recently. Authorities estimate that at least 10 people may have died, and hundreds of houses are under threat, forcing residents to evacuate. The Chilean National Forestry Agency stated that the wildfires were concentrated in the two major tourist areas of "Garden City" Binadelma and "Pacific Gem" Valparaiso, with approximately 480 hectares of land destroyed in Valparaiso alone. Chilean President Gabriel ć has declared a state of emergency to distribute more resources to assist in firefighting.

It is understood that this forest fire isDue to the El Ni ñ o weather phenomenon, summer heatwaves and droughts have led to uncontrollable fires. Scientists have warned that global warming will increase the risk of natural disasters such as extreme heat and fires. The temperatures in Chile and Colombia are still rising, and Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil, also located in South America, will also experience heatwaves in the coming days.


01Singapore hosts the 3rd Neighborhood Festival event

The Lianhe Zaobao reported that recently, the closing ceremony of the Neighborhood Festival, sponsored by the Singapore Neighborhood Enterprise Center and supported by the National Federation of Commerce, the Singapore Enterprise Development Council, the Housing Development Council and the People's Association, was held at the Dabayao War Readiness Association Club. It is understood that Singapore Neighborhood Festival began in 2021, with the goal of helping communities regain vitality, strengthening connections between neighborhood businesses and residents, and promoting the development of humanistic spirit.

This year's Neighborhood FestivalWith the theme of "Wishing the Heart of Neighbors Together", over 120 events were held in two months, including festivals, health care, handicraft workshops, etc., bringing a joyful experience to neighborhood businesses, vendors, and residents throughout the island. The authorities stated that in 2021, there were only over 30 business associationsParticipated in the Neighborhood Festival with the Hawker Association, but in 2023, 53 units have participated, and the program has become increasingly diverse and exciting.

Financial Newsletter
Global financial news: Recently, ICE cotton futures contracts for March rose as high as 87.32 cents per pound, reaching a new high since early October 2023.


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