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February 29th Qingqiao Morning Post | US military officers self immolate in front of the Israeli embassy
Release time:2024-02-29 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

After getting drunk, I don't know that the sky is in the water, and my boat is full of clear dreams, pressing against the Milky Way
Today in history:76 years ago today, Japanese mystery novel writer Jiro Akagawa was born. His representative works include Ghost Train, Three sisters Detective Group, Three Color Cat Twilight Hotel, etc. He has published over 400 full-length detective novels with a total print run of over 270 million copies so far. Many of Chikawa Jiro's works are themed around teenagers, and he is good at describing the inner world of teenagers with delicate brushstrokes, which has been widely welcomed by young readers.


01American officers self immolate in front of the Israeli embassy

According to The New York Times, a man dressed in camouflage and claiming to be a US Air Force active duty officer recently expressed his condemnation of Israel's actions in front of the Israeli Embassy in the US capital Washington, D.C., calling it "genocide" in Gaza and stating that he would take "extreme protest actions". He then poured a bottle of liquid onto himself and set it on fire.

Due to the fact that the man's actions had already caught the attention of the local police before self immolation. So after he ignited himself, police personnel and the arriving US federal government special agents quickly extinguished the fire. The man was also urgently sent to the hospital, but later died. The US military confirmed that the man was an active member of the US Air Force. according toUnderstood, this is already the pastThe second self immolation incident in the United States in three months to protest against Israel's military actions in Gaza. The previous incident occurred in December last year when a woman set herself on fire in front of the Israeli consulate in Atlanta, USA.

02South Korea calls for doctors to resume work, otherwise they will bear legal responsibility

According to Reuters and Yonhap News Agency, over 10000 interns and residents in South Korea have resigned recently, includingOver 9000 peopleActual absence from work. To cope with the impact of internships and collective resignations of resident doctors, major hospitals in Seoul have halved their surgical and treatment schedules and fully utilized manpower such as trained doctors and professors to fill vacancies.

It is understood that in the ongoing collective action of doctorsIn addition, the national frontline prosecutor's office in South Korea has established a cooperation mechanism with the police to prepare for prompt judicial processing. The government plans to issue resumption orders to interns and resident doctors who have been confirmed to have interrupted diagnosis and treatment, and take administrative measures such as suspension, revocation of licenses, and reporting measures to deal with those who do not respond to orders. South Korean Minister of Administrative Security, Lee Sang min, urged interns and resident doctors involved in collective action to face the seriousness of the current situation, call on them to return to their positions as soon as possible, and promise that if doctors canIf you return to work before February 29th, the government will not hold you accountable.


military affairs
01EU joins the ranks of Red Sea Guardians

Brussels News: Recently, the European Union's Foreign Minister stated that the EU will also organize a Red Sea escort operation, sending warships to protect international shipping in the Red Sea from attacks by Yemeni Hussein militants. France, Germany, Italy, and Belgium have indicated plans to send warships to the Red Sea region, with at least four warships joining the escort operation initially. This operation will last for one year, limited to protecting civilian shipping in the Red Sea from launching attacks on Yemeni territory. EU officials say they will maintain military contacts with the United States and other forces in the Red Sea region to coordinate escort operations.

It is reported that the Husai armed forces last yearNovemberStart targeting ships sailing in the Red Sea and having connections with Israel to show support for the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip who have been ravaged by Israeli artillery. Since the end of last year, the Husai armed forces have continuously launched attacks on ships sailing in the Red Sea, endangering the safety of international shipping. Britain and the United States have repeatedly carried out joint strikes against the Houser armed forces, but the results have been minimal.

02Germany's defense spending may increase to 3.5% of GDP

Bloomberg News: Recently, German Defense Minister Pistorius said at a group discussion held during the Munich Security Conference. In 2024, Germany may increase its military spending to 3.5% of its economic output, reversing years of neglecting investment in the armed forces. He emphasized that in addition to ensuring sufficient funding, it is also necessary to improve the production capacity of defense contractors.

It is understood that Germany has been criticized by NATO allies for not increasing military spending for many years, until after Russia invaded Ukraine and under pressure from EU countriesUnder pressure, German Chancellor Scholz announced an increase in defense spending. Previously, Scholz's ruling coalition established aA special fund for defense spending of 100 billion euros, although most of the funds have already been disbursed or allocated, Germany did not achieve NATO's goal for the first time until the end of 2023, increasing defense spending to 2% of GDP. German Finance Minister Lindner stated that due to financial constraints, maintaining defense spending at 2% of GDP is a "challenge" for Germany, and achieving the goal of defense spending accounting for 3.5% of GDP will be even more difficult.



01Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Expanding Visa Free Tourism

According to the comprehensive news of Lianhe Zaobao, recently, Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia are studying more measures to promote tourism development, such as relaxing visa requirements to attract more international tourists. Thai Prime Minister Saita stated at a government forum that the Thai government will implement visa free policies for more countries, modify restrictions on drinking at concerts, adjust the operating hours of entertainment venues and the availability of alcohol, and plan to invite international superstars to perform in Thailand. It is reported that Thailand's goal this year is to receive a record 40 million foreign tourists, higher than the previous target of 35 million.

Vietnam is also taking measures to promoteRegarding the development of the tourism industry, according to local media reports, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Myung sung recently issued a directive on the comprehensive, rapid, and sustainable development of the tourism industry, requiring all departments to study relaxing entry and exit policies, including granting entry and exit preferential treatment, expanding the scope of unilateral visa exemption, and issuing border visas on pilot sites. Indonesia also plans to implement visa free travel for travelers from more countries, while simplifying the permits for hosting events to introduce more music, sports, and cultural activities.



01Kedah, Malaysia may face the most severe drought in history

According to Malaysian news, the northern region of Malaysia is facing an El Ni ñ o phenomenon recently, and it is expected that hot weather will continue until April. Among them, there has been no rainfall in the glass city state for 29 consecutive days, and Kedah state may face the most severe drought in history. Zhong Kailing, director of the Disaster Management Research Institute at Northern University of Malaysia, stated in a media interview that the El Ni ñ o phenomenon will lead to rising temperatures, reduced rainfall, cross-border haze, and the risk of water scarcity. She reminded the public to prepare for long-term drought, including paying attention to the latest information released by the meteorological bureau and conserving water.

On the other hand, the Malaysian government is preparing to launch a large-scale firefighting and cloud seeding operation to cope with the current weather conditions. The Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability of Malaysia, Nenazmi, issued a statement stating that institutions and units should always be prepared to deal with forest fires to avoid haze problems. If necessary, authorities will organize rain making actions, and state governments and units will also cooperate to increase efforts to combat illegal burning activities.


01The US lunar probe returned to the moon more than 50 years later

Washington Comprehensive News: Recently,The moon probe Odysseus, developed by a private American company, landed on the moon,Odysseus was founded by an American companyDevelopment of Intuitive Machines. It is a hexagonal cylinder, 4 meters high and 1.57 meters wide, with six landing legs, carryingNASAMultiple scientific instruments and commercial payloads. This is the first time a US probe has landed on the moon since the end of the Apollo 17 mission in 1972, and it is also the first time a private enterprise has completed this mission.

It is understood that NASAstayIn 2017, the "Artemis" program was announced, aiming to establish a long-term base on the moon. Intuitive machines areAmerican AirlinesTianjuOne of the probe contractors for the Lunar Commercial Launch Service Program,The purpose of this plan is to transport scientific testing equipment and goods to the surface of the moon, in order toThe Artemis lunar landing program laid the foundation.So far,Only four countries in the world have landed probes on the moon, namely the former Soviet Union, China, India, and Japan; Among them, the United States is the only country that has ever sent humans to the surface of the moon.

Financial Newsletter
According to The Wall Street Journal, the main contracts for soda ash futures have accelerated their decline recently, with a decline of 3.19%, reaching a new low in nearly four months. In addition, downstream glass futures of soda ash are also falling, with a decline of 1.5%.


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