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March 8th Qingqiao Morning Post | Russia and China Consider Jointly Building a Nuclear Power Plant on the Moon
Release time:2024-03-08 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

No less than a slight light, making a torch into a sun
Today in history:406 years ago today, German astronomer Johannes Kepler discovered Kepler's law. These three laws can be described as follows: all planets orbit in elliptical orbits of different sizes; At the same time, the area scanned by the planet's radial direction on the orbital plane is equal; The square of a planet's orbital period is directly proportional to the cube of its distance from the sun. These three laws also earned Johannes Kepler the reputation of being a "sky legislator".

01France incorporates the right to abortion into its constitution

Paris Comprehensive News,On March 4th,The two houses of the French Parliament780 votes in favor72 votes opposed the passage of a bill to include women's right to abortion in the constitution, becoming the first country in the world to provide clear protection for terminating pregnancy in its constitution. French President MacroncallThis is France's pride, heplanHold a special public celebration in Paris. Macron last yearOctoberPreviously publicly disclosedIt is stated that women's right to voluntarily terminate pregnancy will be enshrined in the constitution in 2024, becoming an irreversible right.

According to authoritative analysis,France fromAbortion was legalized in 1974, and now women's freedom of abortion is enshrined in the constitution. It will be even more difficult for future legislative bodies to attempt to revoke this right due to unconstitutional issues. Polls show that about 80% of French people support the government's constitutional amendment to ensure women's right to abortion, but some anti abortion groups still strongly criticize this.


military affairs
01Sweden joins NATO exercises

According to Bode's comprehensive news, Sweden has recently joined NATO's largest military exercise since the end of the Cold War. The exercise was held in Pode, northern Norway, with the main participating countries being the United States, Norway, Finland, and Sweden. More than 300 officers and specialized personnel coordinated and commanded this multilateral air force exercise. This exercise is part of NATO's overall "Defender of the Firm 2024" exercise, aimed at rehearsing how the US military can reinforce NATO's European allies on the east wing and rehearse new regional defense plans.

Major General Flanders, Commander of the NATO Air Warfare Center and Chief of Staff of the Norwegian Air Force, emphasized the importance of integrating regional air forces. He stated that the new direction of NATO military cooperation is further integration, and the Swedish Air Force has many advantages in combat and system connectivity. They are planning to expand this advantage to NATO countries and NATO, eliminating the final obstacle to comprehensive integration. It is understood that Sweden and NorwayWeihe and Denmark agreed last year to establish an integrated NATO air defense collaboration to address the growing threat from Russia. To effectively deter potential attackers, the Nordic Air Force will need to establish a treatyA regional air force fleet consisting of 250 fighter jets.

02North Korea condemns large-scale joint military exercises between the United States and South Korea

According to North Korean Central News Agency, a spokesperson for the North Korean Ministry of Defense strongly condemned the United States and South Korea for launching a new initiativeThe large-scale joint military exercise of the Shield of Freedom is believed to exacerbate the unpredictability of the situation in the peninsula region. A spokesperson for the North Korean Ministry of Defense stated that this military exercise includes a field mobility training program that has doubled in scale compared to last year, and has also mobilized the armed forces of more than ten member countries under the United Nations Command, including the world's largest nuclear power, the United States, to carry out large-scale military exercises targeting individual countries. This is absolutely impossibleIt is for the purpose of defense.

It is understood that the US and South Korean militaryOn March 4th, a joint military exercise codenamed "Shield of Freedom" was launched. The South Korean Joint Staff Headquarters previously announced that the joint military exercise between South Korea and the United States will continue until March 14th, and 12 countries including Australia, Canada, France, and the United Kingdom will also participate in the exercise.



01Malaysia reiterates not to restart consumption tax temporarily

Kuala Lumpur comprehensive news: Recently, the Malaysian government reiterated that the people are facing the challenge of rising living expenses, so the government has no plans to restart the consumption tax. It is understood that the Malaysian government announced in July last year that it will start implementing it on August 1st of this yearElectronic invoice systemTo narrow the gap between the predicted and actual tax revenue of the country and prepare for the possible restart of consumption tax. As a result, there are rumors on social media that the government may restart the consumption tax this year.

Malaysia's second finance minister, Amir Hansha, stated that the scope of consumption tax taxation is broad, but people, especially low-income groups, are facing the challenge of rising living expenses. Therefore, the government believes that the current is not the appropriate time to restart consumption tax. He also revealed that before implementing the consumption tax, the government will first improve the tax system and avoid affecting vulnerable groups. For example, the government imposes an 8% service tax on residential users whose monthly electricity consumption exceeds 600 kilowatt hours. This is to enable capable individuals to pay more taxes.

It is understood that former Malaysian Prime Minister NajibStarting from April 1, 2015, a consumption tax of 6% was levied. After winning the election and taking office in May 2018, Ximeng abolished the consumption tax and changed it to levying taxesCollect 10% sales tax and 5% service tax.



01PM2.5 in Hanoi, Vietnam reaches 24 times the guidance value

According to Agence France Presse, Hanoi, Vietnam recently ranked among the most polluted cities in the world on the air monitoring website IQAir. The level of PM2.5 pollutants is classified as "very unhealthy", exceeding the World Health Organization's guidance by more than 24 times.

In recent years, Hanoi has often been listed as one of the most polluted cities in the world, with a large amount of exhaust emissions from electric bicycles and cars shuttling between the capital and coal-fired power plants in the northCarbon emissions and agricultural burning have exacerbated this problem. Some residents have expressed that they must wear masks every time they go out because the air quality is too poor and they have to limit the time they go out. They hope that the authorities can take measures to improve this situation.

02The number of cases of bone pain fever in Brazil has exceeded one million

According to Xinhua News Agency, the latest weekly report on the bone pain fever epidemic released by the Brazilian Ministry of Health recently showed that Brazil has recorded overThere were 1 million cases of bone pain fever, including 1017278 suspected cases, of which 214 were deaths. By the end of this yearAs of February 24th, the number of cases of bone pain fever in Brazil increased by 369% year-on-year, the number of severe cases increased by 154% year-on-year, and the number of deaths increased by 31% year-on-year.

Brazilian media believes that this situation is concerning because2023 has become the second highest number of bone pain fever cases and the highest number of deaths in Brazil on record. Brazilian Health Minister Terindada predicts that the number of cases of bone pain fever in 2024 may double that of 2023. At present, the Federal District of the Brazilian capital, as well as six states including Rio de Janeiro and Akre, have declared a state of public health emergency due to outbreaks of bone pain fever.

It is understood that bone pain fever is an acute infectious disease caused by the bone pain fever virus, mainly transmitted through Aedes mosquitoes, and is mostly prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions. Typical symptoms include persistent fever, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, etc. If the condition is severe, it can lead to death.


01Russia and China are considering jointly building a nuclear power plant on the moon

Reuters reported that recently, the Director of the Russian Space Agency, Borisov, stated that Russia and China are considering building a nuclear power plant on the moon between 2033 and 2035, laying the foundation for building settlements on the moon. Moscow can contribute its expertise in "nuclear space energy". He said that solar panels cannot provide enough electricity to power future lunar settlements, while nuclear power can. At present, Russia is planning to build a nuclear powered cargo spacecraft, and all technical issues related to the project have been resolved, except for finding a solution to cool the nuclear reactor.

It is understood that Russia'sThe Luna-25 spacecraft lost control and crashed last year, marking the country's first lunar mission in 47 years. China also publicly stated last month that its goal is to send its first Chinese astronaut to the moon before 2030.

Financial Newsletter
Bloomberg reported that recently, the price of Bitcoin rose above $68000, reaching a peak of $68580 during trading, approaching its historical high of $68999 set in November 2021.


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