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March 14th Qingqiao Morning Post | France surpasses Russia to become the world's second largest exporter of weapons
Release time:2024-03-14 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

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Knowing each other without distance, thousands of miles are still neighbors
Today in history:145 years ago today, Jewish physicist Einstein was born. He proposed the photon hypothesis, successfully explained the photoelectric effect, and established special relativity and general relativity. Einstein ushered in a new era of modern science and technology, and is widely recognized as the greatest physicist after Galileo and Newton. He is also the culmination and promoter of the critical school of scientific philosophy. Selected by Time magazine as the "Great Man of the Century" of the 20th century.

01Indian overseas citizens petition the government to recognize dual nationality

Bangalore news: Recently, the Supreme Court of India held a hearing on the petition of Indian overseas citizens for government recognition of dual nationality. It is understood that in the past 10 years, the Indian government has cancelled the residence permits of over 100 Indian overseas citizens on suspicion of making anti national remarks. This injects new urgency into the petition lawsuit currently being heard by the Supreme Court of India against this practice.

Indian overseas citizens are from IndiaSince 2005, special immigration status has been granted to Indian nationals holding foreign nationality or foreign spouses of Indian citizens. They can reside, work, and hold property in India, but have no voting rights. In 2021, India revised its Citizenship Act to allow authorities to deprive Indian overseas citizens of their status based on India's sovereignty, national security, or public interest, which has caused strong dissatisfaction in Indian society.

In February 2021, 80 Indian overseas citizens collectively filed a lawsuit with the Supreme Court of India, alleging that the amendment to the Civil Code granted the executive branch too much power to arbitrarily revoke their overseas citizenship, leaving them constantly in a state of difficulty, fear, and uncertainty. One person with Indian overseas citizenship pointed out that in the era of globalization, if India does not allow dual citizenship, it will force Indian people to abandon their own citizenship in order to obtain citizenship from other countries.

02430 South Korean hospital professors threatening to resign

According to Yonhap News Agency, on March 11th, 430 professors from Seoul University Hospital announced that if the government does not come up with a reasonable solution to the current medical situation, they will also resign collectively in the context of a collective strike by hospitalized and intern doctors in South Korea. According to data from the South Korean Ministry of Welfare, as of 11:00 am on March 8th, a total of 11994 interns and resident doctors were absent, accounting for 92.9% of the total number. If the professor group also announces their resignation, the frontline of healthcare in South Korea may fall into even greater chaos.

It is reported that in order to prevent collective strikes by doctors from causing damage to national health, the South Korean Ministry of Law has previously establishedMedical Collective Action Victims Legal Aid Center. At present, the center accepts 127 legal aid cases. Among the accepted cases, there were 86 cases of delayed surgery, 8 cases of refused diagnosis and treatment, 3 cases of delayed admission, and 17 others. South Korean people express strong dissatisfaction with this.


military affairs
01France surpasses Russia to become the world's second largest exporter of weapons

According to Global Times, recently,The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute in Sweden has released a report stating that France has surpassed Russia to become the world's second largest exporter of weapons in recent decadesofFor the first time, the United States continues to maintain its leading position in arms exports. The report states that from 2019 to 2023, Russia's arms exports decreased by 53%, while France's exports surged by 47%. In 2019, 31 countries purchased weapons from Russia; By 2023, this number has dropped to 12.

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute in Sweden said that the Russia-Ukraine conflict promoted the large-scale procurement of new weapons by European countries, and the United States weapons manufacturers became the biggest beneficiaries. fromFrom 2019 to 2023, global arms trade overall decreased by 3.3% compared to 2014-2018, but during the same period, European countriesThe number of imported weapons has doubled compared to the previous five years. In arms sales to European countries, the United States accounts for 55% of the market, an increase of 20 percentage points from the previous period. Ukraine is now the country with the largest increase in arms imports in Europe. From 2019 to 2023, Ukraine gradually became the world's fourth largest buyer of weapons, second only to India, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, with its import volume increasing by 6600% compared to the previous cycle.



01Malaysia Airlines Group's first profit in 13 years

Kuala Lumpur comprehensive news: Recently, Malaysia's Ministry of Finance's subsidiary, State Treasury Holdings, announced that its Malaysia Airlines Group achieved its first profit in 13 years this year. However, State Treasury Holdings did not disclose the specific amount of profit. According to relevant parties, this is mainly due to the significant increase in tourism demand from international and Malaysian tourists, the recovery of passenger volume to pre pandemic levels, and Malaysia Airlines' optimization in cost management and cash flow.

It is understood that Malaysia AirlinesCompleted in 1994After becoming a listed company, it suffered consecutive losses. After the 1997 Asian financial crisis, the Mahathir government acquired the equity of former Chairman of Malaysia Airlines, Dazuddin, for approximately RM1.8 billion and converted Malaysia Airlines into a state-owned enterprise. In 2014, Malaysia Airlines lost its MH370 flight and its MH17 flight was shot down over Ukraine, exacerbating the situation for this company, which has been losing money for years. The authorities have therefore ordered Malaysia Airlines to delist and invest RM6 billion in a restructuring plan. In 2020, Malaysian authorities injected an additional 5 billion ringgit into Malaysia Airlines through treasury holdings.



01The captain and co pilot fell asleep during the flight, and the Indonesian government launched an investigation

According to reports from Jakarta, the Indonesian Ministry of National Security and Transport recently released an investigation report stating that on January 25th, on a flight of Bati Airways from Southeast Sulawesi Province to the capital Jakarta, both the captain and co pilot fell asleep. This incident resulted in a series of navigation errors. The captain woke up about 28 minutes after the last recorded call, immediately woke up his deputy, corrected the flight path, and finally landed safely.

The preliminary report states that both the captain and co pilot are Indonesian, and they are32 and 28 years old. About half an hour after takeoff, the captain requested a break from the co pilot, butThe co pilot who had taken command accidentally fell asleep. In response, the Indonesian Ministry of Transport strongly condemned Bati Airways and called on the company to pay more attention to the rest time of its crew. Badi Airways issued a statement stating that the involved pilots have been temporarily suspended from work, and the company has relevant policies to ensure that employees have sufficient rest and is committed to implementing all safety recommendations.

02Security experts call on Thailand to establish a humanitarian corridor

Bangkok comprehensive news: Recently, Thai security experts have called on the government to establish a safety zone or humanitarian corridor in the town of Mehso near the Thai Myanmar border to cope with the expected influx of refugees in March and April to avoid mandatory conscription by the Myanmar government.

It is reported that the Myanmar government announced the implementation of mandatory conscription orders in February this year, requiring all males aged 18 to 35 and females aged 18 to 27 to serve for at least two years; Professionals under the age of 45, such as doctors, must serve for three years. The Burmese authorities plan to start conscription after the April Water Splashing Festival, and the conflict in Myanmar is expected to escalate after new recruits join, potentially forcing up to 10000 Burmese people to flee to Thailand for asylum.

Political Science at Chulalongkorn University in ThailandAssociate Professor Banidan pointed out in an interview with Thai public television that many Burmese have fled to Thailand to avoid serving. Therefore, it is recommended that the government establish a committee to coordinate the establishment of security zones by the military and the Ministry of the Interior in border areas. The Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs should hold a meeting with ASEAN colleagues to discuss the situation in Myanmar. If Thailand needs to build refugee camps to accommodate a large number of Burmese refugees, it is necessary to seek assistance from ASEAN member countries to share the cost of accommodating refugees.


01Bali Hindus set fire to welcome the new year

Reuters reported that on March 11th, Hindus in Matalan, Bali and Lombok, Indonesia, participated in a traditional ritual called "Perang Api" on the eve of the celebration of the Day of Tranquility - believers fighting with torches to purify evil and stay away from misfortune.

It is reported that Quiet Dwelling Day is also known as"Anniversary" is a new year for Hindus in places such as Bali and Lombok. Unlike the festive atmosphere of most festivals, Hindus practice 24-hour fasting, meditation, turning off the power, and staying at home with their families on their day of rest. BaliThere was a complete cessation of activity, and the entire island completely quieted down, completely different from the usual hustle and bustle.

Financial Newsletter
The Wall Street Journal reported that recently, the price of Bitcoin broke through the $72000 mark for the first time in history, even after adjusting for inflation, it remains at an unprecedented high. At present, the total market value of Bitcoin exceeds that of silver, becoming the eighth most valuable asset in the world.


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