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April 2nd Qingqiao Morning Post | Fire and explosion in Indonesian military ammunition depot
Release time:2024-04-02 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

Advancing with knowledge of shortcomings, moving forward with a distant view of the mountains
Today in history:On this day 219 years ago, Danish fairy tale writer Hans Christian Andersen was born. His representative works include "The Firm Tin Soldier," "The Daughter of the Sea," "Thumbelina," "The Little Match Girl," "The Ugly Duckling," and "The Emperor's New Clothes." His works have been translated into more than 150 languages, distributed and published worldwide, and he is also known as the "sun of world children's literature.".


01Russia denies extending the term of the United Nations expert group on North Korean sanctions

Moscow News: On March 28th, in the latest vote by the United Nations Security Council to extend the term of office of the expert group of the North Korean sanctions committee, Russia voted against it, resulting in the resolution not being passed. This is the first time in 15 years since the establishment of this expert group that Russia has opposed extending their term, highlighting the increasingly close relationship between Moscow and Pyongyang.

It is reported that after North Korea conducted its second nuclear test in 2009, the United Nations imposed sanctions on Pyongyang and established this expert group with the support of permanent members of the United Nations, responsible for monitoring and reporting on any North Korean activities that violate sanctions. Over the past 15 years, this group has provided reports on North Korea's nuclear weapons development, providing information basis for a series of international sanctions decisions by the Security Council. A few weeks ago, this group stated that they were investigating the transfer of weapons between Moscow and Pyongyang.

At present, the United States, Japan, and South Korea constantly accuse North Korea of providing ammunition for Russia's attack on Ukraine in exchange for Russian support. South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won seok recently stated that since the meeting between North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong un and Russian President Putin in September last year, North Korea has shipped up to 7000 containers of weapons to Russia. Russia provides North Korea with food, raw materials, and components for weapon production.


military affairs
01The annual military parade of the Burmese military government has been reduced, with an increase in female soldiers

Yangon Comprehensive News: On March 27th, Myanmar's annual Military Day celebration was held as scheduled. Local media reported that compared to last year, mechanized troops were absent from this year's military parade, and the scale of aerial performances was also reduced. Only a few helicopters and three fighter jets participated, far from last year's 19. In addition, the number of military personnel participating in this year's parade has also decreased, and the proportion of female soldiers is significantly higher than in previous years. This shows that since the large-scale anti military government offensive in civilian areas at the end of October last year, the military has suffered serious casualties in the conflict.

It is understood that after launching the "1027 Operation" to comprehensively attack the Burmese army in October last year, the anti military government's actions quickly expanded to other areas of Myanmar. The military retreated step by step during the battle, and was controlled by civilian and local forces at several important border trade ports. In order to supplement its military strength, the Myanmar government announced the implementation of a mandatory conscription order in February this year, but it caused a backlash from the public. During the military parade, Burmese military government leader Min Ang Lai emphasized that conscription is aimed at strengthening national defense capabilities and restoring peace and stability to the country.



01Brunei Enterprises Propose Cross Borneo High Speed Rail Project

Brunei Comprehensive News: On March 30th, Brunei Brunergy Utama announced on its official website that it intends to build its first cross Borneo high-speed railway project, connecting Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak in eastern Malaysia, and Kalimantan, Indonesia. This high-speed railway plan has 24 stations and four terminal stations, with a total length of 1620 kilometers and train speeds ranging from 300 to 350 kilometers per hour.

It is understood that Brunergy Utama was established on October 21, 2013, formerly known as Mumin Energy Company, mainly engaged in the business of oil and natural gas. This company adjusted its direction in 2014, focusing on developing public transportation systems in Brunei and Malaysia. Regarding this, Malaysia's Sabah Chief Minister Hachichi stated that if the Trans Borneo Railway is completed, it will help strengthen the connectivity between people in the relevant regions and promote trade and economic growth in Borneo.

02Thailand offers tax-free discounts to attract world-class events

Bangkok News: On March 28th, the Thailand Investment Promotion Council announced that in order to increase efforts to turn Thailand into a tourism center, the authorities will invest at least 100 million Thai baht to provide import tariff exemptions to organizers of large-scale international concerts, sports events, and festivals, and facilitate the temporary entry of required foreign staff to attract "world-class" events to be held in Thailand and promote the development of Thailand's tourism industry.

Currently, Thailand has announced that it has obtained the hosting rights for two international events. The first grand event is "Summer Sonic" from Japan, which will be held in Bangkok, Thailand from August 24th to 25th. This is also the first time "Summer Sonic" has arrived in Southeast Asia and is expected to attract 350000 people to participate. The second is that Thailand will hold the "Tomorrow's World" Dance and Music Festival starting from 2026, which originated in Belgium and the scale of the event is still planned. The Vice Chairman of Thailand's National Soft Power Commission, Berdandong, said that her committee is working to abolish any regulations that pose obstacles to the industry at the event.



01The Biden administration allocated 60 million yuan to rebuild the Baltimore Bridge

Baltimore Comprehensive News: On March 28th, Maryland Governor Moore requested $60 million in emergency economic assistance from the federal government to rebuild the collapsed Baltimore Bridge. The authorities approved his request a few hours later. This is the fastest release of emergency funds by the US federal government for such disasters to date. After approving this application, the US Department of Transportation issued a statement stating that $60 million is the initial cost of responding to the Baltimore bridge collision accident, and as reconstruction work begins, the federal government will continue to provide emergency aid funds.

Previously, the Dali, which was flying the Singapore flag, collided with this bridge, causing the bridge to collapse. All eight workers who were repairing roads on the bridge fell into the Patapsco River below. Two of them were rescued, two of their bodies were found, and the other four are believed to have died.

Maritime experts point out that in recent decades, the scale of cargo ships has notBreaking the expansion means there is a more urgent need to protect critical infrastructure such as the Baltimore Bridge. The Baltimore Bridge is listed asA "critical and prone to breakage" bridge refers to a situation where a portion of the bridge collapses and the entire structure of the bridge collapses. According to data from the Federal Highway Administration, there are over 16800 such bridges in the United States.

02Fire and explosion in Indonesian military ammunition depot

Jakarta Comprehensive News,On March 30th, a fire broke out in a military ammunition depot on the outskirts of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. The fire triggered a series of explosions, and residents several kilometers away could hear the loud explosion and see the flames and thick smoke. After the incident, the police immediately sealed off the scene and evacuated about 135 nearby households. Firefighters fought the fire for nine hours before extinguishing it. The military claimed that no one was injured or killed in the accident.

Jakarta military commander Mohamad Mohammad pointed out thatThe ammunition depot is mainly used to store expired ammunition, some of which have been stored for more thanIn 10 years, the military is preparing to scrap them. There is no electrical circuit in this ammunition depot, so authorities suspect that expired ammunition may contain some unstable chemicals due to friction causing a fire and explosion. Currently, authorities are still investigating the exact cause of the fire.


01The Central United Department of China hosts the publication of Contemporary World magazine in Cambodia

According to the Cambodian China Times, recently, the magazine "Contemporary World" sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Relations was released in Cambodia. It is understood that "Contemporary World" magazine is a central level core social science journal under the supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Relations of China. It is a comprehensive monthly magazine that mainly disseminates information on politics, economy, society, culture, life, and other aspects of countries around the world, and is publicly distributed both domestically and internationally in China.

Previously, the Contemporary World magazine and Cambodia China Friendship Youth Home signed a cooperation agreement for the publication of Contemporary World (Cambodia version), agreeing to cooperate in the establishment of English journals on major international theoretical and practical issues. The president and editor in chief of the magazine expressed the hope that it will become an important platform for cultural exchange, an important channel for cultural mutual learning, and an important bridge for people to people's hearts, helping China, Cambodia, and ChinaThe comprehensive and in-depth development of ASEAN relations.

Financial Newsletter
The Wall Street Journal reported that recently, US crude oil futures have risen by about 3.2%, while Brent crude oil futures have risen by about 2.4%. Based on monthly contract prices, US crude oil futures in March have risen by about 6.3%, and Brent crude oil futures have risen by about 4.6%.


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