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April 26th Qingqiao Morning Post | Abandoned fishing gear endangers Thailand's marine ecology
Release time:2024-04-26 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

You can become wings on your own, why lift up the ladder
Today in history:135 years ago today, Austrian philosopher Ludwig Joseph Johann Wittgenstein was born. His representative work is "On the Philosophy of Logic". Wittgenstein is one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, whose research fields mainly include mathematical philosophy, spiritual philosophy, and linguistic philosophy. He once studied under the famous British writer and philosopher Russell.


01Empowering the Prime Minister of Thailand through proposed amendments to the law

Bangkok Comprehensive News,April 20th, ThailandDeputy Defense Minister Jamnon told the mediaThailandMinister of National Defense Su DingstayHosted a meeting of the National Defense Committee to discuss"Anti coup clause"Specifically, the authoritiesPreparation for amendment authorizationThe Prime Minister promptly dismissed potential coup leaders to prevent the military from carrying out another coup and overthrowing the government. The relevant provisions will be submitted to the cabinet for discussion, followed by parliamentary debate and a vote on whether to pass them.

JamnonexpressThe National Defense Commission also agreed to amend the administrative regulations and military court rules of the Ministry of National Defense, while also stipulatingNowA new standard for the promotion of generals. According to the new standards, senior military officers must have integrity and cannot be involved in crimes such as drugs, human trafficking, and destruction of natural resources. They also cannot have conflicts of interest with government departments. Except for negligence, defamation, and some minor cases, those facing other criminal charges cannot be promoted.The National Defense Commission also agreed to add two members and abolish the military courts in 77 provinces nationwide, while retaining the Supreme Military Court. Cases that were originally tried by provincial military courts can now be handed over to criminal courts for trial.

It is reported that,Thai soldiersSince launching a coup in June 1932 to overthrow absolute monarchy and establish a constitutional monarchy, there have been 21 military coups in the area so far. Among them, 13 coups led to the collapse of the government, while the remaining coups were promptly quelled by pro government soldiers.

02The UK classifies the extremist organization Terragram as an illegal organization

FaxinSocial news,On April 22nd,The British government will shift the far rightThe Terragram network terrorist organization is classified as an illegal organization and the act of joining and supporting this organization is classified as a criminal offense. This will be the sixth far right organization to be banned in the UK, and also the first cyber terrorist organization.

It is understood that,Terrorgram produces and disseminates violent posts and videos across multiple social media platforms.hisPreviously published online content targeting racial and religious groups inciting violence, encouraging anti Semitic violence, and beautifyingThe attack by "neo fascist terrorists" refers to them as "saints".BritainSecretary of the Interior Cleverley said,The Terrorgram organization aims to advocate for young people to engage in heinous terrorist activities.


military affairs
01The Director of the Israeli Military Intelligence Agency resigns and is responsible for the Israeli Israeli Israeli conflict

According to Agence France Presse, on April 22, the Israeli military stated in a statement that after coordinating with the Chief of the General Staff, the Director of the Israeli Military Intelligence Agency, Aharon Haliva, demanded the termination of his position. As the director of the intelligence agency, he was responsible for the Hamas attack that broke out on October 7th last year. The statement also stated that after appointing a successor according to the procedure, Haliwa will end his position and retire.

Haliwa is the first senior Israeli official to resign due to his failure to prevent the Israeli Israeli Israeli conflict. He stated in his resignation letter that,The intelligence department I commanded did not complete the assigned task. After the incident broke out, the dark days have been with me, and I will always remember the terrible pain brought by war. On October 7, 2023, Hamas attacked Israel, resulting in at least 1170 deaths and hundreds of hostages being taken hostage, leading to the outbreak of a new round of Israel Israel Israel conflict.



01The United States announces a $7 billion solar panel plan

Reuters reported that on April 22nd, US President Biden announced during a speech at Prince William Forest Park in the Historical Triangle of Virginia that $7 billion would be allocated to install solar panels on residential roofs, marking the beginning of a week-long Earth Day event aimed at promoting the US government's efforts to address climate change. The relevant units stated that the installation of solar panels project will create 200000 job opportunities and save approximately $400 per year for participating families.

At the same time, the US government will also open recruitment activities for the US Climate Action Team. It is understood that President Biden of the United States last yearThe US Climate Action Team program was launched in September, aiming to assist in the yearBe prepared for work in climate related industries and cultivate talents in climate and environmental protection related industries.



01Abandoned fishing gear endangers Thailand's marine ecology

Phuket News: Recently, according to the Thai Department of Marine and Coastal Resources, the proportion of endangered marine organisms threatened by plastic waste in the Andaman Sea of Phuket has increased from 20% in 2021 to 30% in 2023. It is understood that Phuket, Thailand is famous for its clear and green waters, pristine white beaches, and vibrant underwater world. However, in recent years, the underwater world in Phuket's waters has been polluted by "ghost fishing gear", and more and more marine life has been killed.

"Ghost fishing gear" refers to discarded or lost fishing gear, such as fishing nets and lines entangled in coral reefs, which is a type of marine plastic waste. Fishing nets covering coral reefs can seriously hinder the photosynthesis of coral polyps and cause fatal damage to corals. Other marine organisms may also be entangled in fishing nets and die. In the long run, plastic waste such as fishing nets will decompose into microplastics and enter the food chain. The head of the Phuket Marine Rescue Center, Bhacharbang, pointed out that plastic waste is a major cause of death for endangered marine life. According to the World Wildlife Fund, approximately one million metric tons of fishing gear are discarded in the sea each year.

Southeast Environmental Justice Foundation for Ocean Cleanup WorkSha Lisha, the manager of Asia Plastics, said that their divers will carry tools to record relevant data when going into the sea, such as the type of fishing gear they pick up, date, location, how far they are from the water surface, and what objects they cover. I hope these data can assist marine scientists in assessing the impact of fishing gear waste on the ecology of Thai waters.

02Clean up beaches on World Earth Day in Malaysia

Lianhe Zaobao News,On April 22nd, World Earth Day was held in Penang, Malaysia, which included hosting a forum, clearing three beaches on Penang Island, and planting one million trees.

It is understood that Malaysia is a major global producer, consumer, and recycler of plastics, as well as a country with a severe spread of plastic waste. According to UK Energy Services ConsultingAccording to Utility Bidder's report, Malaysia is one of the top ten countries in the world with the worst plastic waste management practicesThe average amount of poorly managed plastic waste is 25.49 kilograms.


01Singapore's current Lyra meteor shower

Singapore news: On April 22nd, the Lyra meteor shower swept across the Singapore starry sky. According to astronomy enthusiasts, the annual Lyra meteor shower usually reaches its peak in late April, especially from the 22nd to the 23rd. Stargazers can expect to watch up to 18 meteors per hour. Observing meteor showers does not require special instruments, but it is best to go to an open and away from bright city lights.

The formation of meteor showers is due to a large group of meteoroids orbiting the sun in a fixed orbit. When the Earth enters their orbit, many meteors are sucked towards the Earth and collide with the atmosphere, burning and leaving stripes in the sky.

According to the website of NASA, the Lyra meteor shower is known for its fast and bright shooting stars. Although it is not as good asFast or high-density like the famous Perseid meteor shower in AugustHowever, there were also unexpected outbreaks in Virginia in 1803, Greece in 1922, Japan in 1945, and the United States in 1982, with a maximum of 100 meteors per hour.

Financial Newsletter
London financial news: Recently, leading shipping companies such as Maersk, DaFei, and Herbert have issued price increase letters, with some routes experiencing a nearly 70% increase. For a 40 foot container, the freight rate has increased by up to $2000.


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