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May 2nd Qingqiao Morning Post | Vietnamese National Assembly Chairman Wang Tinghui Resigns
Release time:2024-05-02 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

Do not rejoice in things, do not grieve for oneself
Today in history:505 years ago today, Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian Renaissance painter, naturalist, and engineer, passed away. His greatest achievement was in the field of painting, where his works organically combined scientific knowledge and artistic imagination, leading to a new level of expression in painting at that time. His representative works include "The Virgin Mary in the Rock", "The Last Supper", "Mona Lisa", and so on. He is also known as the "most perfect representative of the Renaissance" by modern scholars.


01Vietnamese National Assembly Chairman Wang Tinghui Resigns

On April 26th, Vietnamese National Assembly Chairman Wang Tinghui submitted his resignation, which was approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, according to Vietnamese news agency. The statement released by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam on the official website of the Vietnamese government pointed out that Wang Tinghui violated the "Regulations on Several Prohibited Acts of Party Members" and the "Regulations on the Responsibility of Party Members and Cadres as Model", which has affected the reputation of the party, the country, and himself. He is well aware of his responsibility to the Party, the country, and the people, so he requests to resign. Although it is not yet clear about Wang Tinghui's specific violations, Fan Taihe, Wang Tinghui's assistant and deputy director of the National Assembly Office, was arrested earlier for involvement in bidding violations and accepting large bribes from a construction company. Relevant sources speculate that this may be related.

BBC VietnamAccording to channel analysis, the crime charged against Fan Taihe is"Abuse of power and seeking personal gain" belongs to the category of corruption crimes and is classified as "particularly serious". Therefore, Wang Tinghui's resignation should be held responsible for the errors of his assistant. It is reported that the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the President of the country, the Prime Minister of the government, and the President of the National Assembly are known as the "four pillars" of Vietnamese politics, with two pillars falling in just over a month. Vietnamese political observers point out that Hanoi, Vietnam is facing serious political turmoil.

02Tens of thousands of supporters gathered on the streets, calling on the Spanish Prime Minister to stay in office

Reuters reported that on April 27th, tens of thousands of supporters of the Spanish Workers' Socialist Party held a rally in Madrid, calling on Prime Minister Sanchez to stay in office. The Spanish government stated that about 12500 supporters participated in the rally, filling the streets with many waving flags or painted faces. Spanish Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Montero also expressed support for Sanchez at the rally.

Previously, Sanchez claimed that in court, his wife's private transactionConduct a commercial corruption investigationAfterwards, he will consider whether to continue to govern. Sanchez denies the court's charges against his wife, stating that this is part of the ongoing defamation by political opponents against him and his family.


military affairs
01Russia launches large-scale airstrikes to attack Ukraine's energy facilities

According to comprehensive foreign reports, on April 27th, the Russian companyA large-scale missile attack was launched at night, attacking energy facilities in multiple regions of Ukraine, resulting in damage to Ukrainian power plants and injuries to personnel. Ukrainian Energy Minister Galushenko has stated that the enemy is once again attacking Ukraine's energy infrastructure. Especially in the facilities in Dnipropetrovsk, Ivano Frankivsk, and Lviv regions. The largest private energy company in Ukraine also stated that the equipment of its four thermal power plants was "severely damaged" in the attack, and some people were injured, but did not provide details such as the number of injured people.

In recent months, Russia has intensified its attacks on Ukraine's energy network, causing widespread power outages. Currently, Ukraine has suffered losses of approximately80% of thermal power generation and about 35% of hydroelectric power generation capacity are facing an energy crisis.



01China Laos Railway imports and exports more than 8 million tons

ASEAN financial news, recently, Kunming Customs of China revealed that since the opening and operation of the China Laos Railway, Kunming Customs has cumulatively supervised the import and export goods of the China Laos Railway, which has exceeded 8 million tons. China's high-tech products such as new energy vehicles and electromechanical products are constantly being exported, and some new commodities such as corn and dried cassava are being imported through railways. The import of mineral products and other commodities has increased significantly, driving rapid growth in freight volume.

Data shows that Mohan Railway Port has remained the largest railway port between China and ASEAN for 8 consecutive months. The successful operation of the international freight train of the "Lancang Mekong Express Line" of the China Laos Railway has further met the transportation needs of fruits and vegetables, fast moving consumer goods and other goods with high time limit requirements. So far, more than 1000 trains have been operated in total. In addition, the railway department also launched the pedigree train brands of "Lancang Mekong Express" such as "Shanghai Yunnan Lancang Mekong Line", "China Laos Railway+China Europe Train", especially the new mode of international transportation of "China Laos Railway+China Europe Train", which greatly shortened the direct railway transportation time from Laos, Thailand and other countries to Europe to 15 days, not only improving the transportation efficiency, but also broadening the trade channel between China and ASEAN countries.



01Kuala Lumpur saw a 112% surge in crime cases in the first quarter of this year

Kuala Lumpur News: On April 26th, Kuala Lumpur Chief of Police, Rusti, presided over a monthly rally at the Kuala Lumpur Police Headquarters and said that the overall crime rate in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur increased by 112% in the first three months of this year, with crimes involving property increasing by 125% and violent crimes increasing by 70%. But the police have achieved great success in anti drug, anti black, anti pornography, and anti gambling operations, with a completion rate of 68.92%.

Specifically, the total amount seized by the police in the anti drug operationA total of 5977 suspects were arrested for various types of drugs worth RM10.1 million. The prosecution rate of drug cases reached 93.7%, and the closure rate reached 84.9%. In addition, cases of online fraud are also increasing. The commercial crime investigation team has launched 996 crackdowns and filed investigations into 16 cases involving illegal gambling call centers, arresting 180 people to assist in the investigation.

02One fifth of retail milk samples in the United States contain fragments of avian influenza virus

According to The New York Times, on April 25th, the US Food and Drug Administration updated its online notice, which showed that approximately 20% of retail milk samples contained fragments of avian influenza virus. Samples from areas known to have cow herds infected with avian influenza have a greater chance of detecting positive results. But regulatory authorities say there is currently no evidence to suggest that milk containing fragments of avian influenza virus poses a danger to consumers,There is also no evidence to suggest that the milk on store shelves contains live avian influenza virus. American public health experts also unanimously agree with this assessment.

The US authorities state that there are 33 infected cattle herds in eight states, but the discovery of such a high proportion of virus traces in samples across the country is the strongest signal to date, indicating that the spread of avian influenza in US cows is much wider than official statistics.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, as of April 24th, only 23 people have been tested for avian influenza virus, and an additional 44 people have been observed after being exposed to the avian influenza virus environment. The widespread outbreak of avian influenza in cows will pose greater risks to farm workers, the dairy industry, and broader public health. The continuous transmission of avian influenza among cows will increase the chances of virus mutations, making it easier for avian influenza to spread among populations.


01The water level in the Philippines has dropped during the dry season, and ancient village ruins have reappeared in the sky

According to Agence France Presse, in the central province of Luzon, Philippines, the water level of the local reservoir has dropped due to prolonged dry weather, revealing the remains of a village with hundreds of years of history underwater, including some buildings of a church, city hall signs, and some tombstones.

It is reported that this relic belongs to a site withThe village, which has a history of 300 years, was submerged during the construction of the Panta Bangan Dam in the 1970s. In the past few months, there has been almost no rain, and the water level in the reservoir is nearly 50 meters lower than usual. Underwater relics began to appear in March, and nowNew tourist attractions have emerged. Tourists can pay about 300 pesos to take a fishing boat to a small island in the center of the reservoir to visit the ruins. The Philippine National Water Administration's supervising engineer Paladin said that this is the sixth time underwater relics have been seen again since the completion of the dam. Based on his experience, the reconstruction time of this relic is the longest.

Financial Newsletter
According to Caixin News Agency, recently, the exchange rates of local currencies such as the Japanese yen, Korean won, Indian rupee, and Indonesian rupiah against the US dollar have dropped significantly. Among them, the exchange rate of the Japanese yen against the US dollar in the Tokyo foreign exchange market has fallen below 158 yen to 1 US dollar, once again breaking the lowest level since May 1990.


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