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May 14th Qingqiao Morning Post | United Nations General Assembly Passes Resolution on Palestine's Accession to the United Nations
Release time:2024-05-14 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

Never forget, there will always be an echo
Today in history:On this day 253 years ago, British entrepreneur Robert Owen was born. He was one of the most accomplished entrepreneurs of the early 19th century and an outstanding pioneer in management studies. Irving strongly criticized the practice of many capitalists at the time who placed too much emphasis on machines and ignored people, and adopted various methods to improve the working conditions of workers, earning him the title of the father of modern personnel management.

01The United Nations General Assembly passes the Resolution on Palestine's Accession to the United Nations

Reuters reported that on May 10th, the 49th plenary session of the 10th Emergency Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly was held, and a resolution was passed with 143 votes in favor, 9 votes against, and 25 abstentions, deciding that the State of Palestine should be admitted as a member of the United Nations and "recommending that the Security Council actively reconsider this matter.". Among them, the United States and Israel voted against it. The Israeli Foreign Minister's Office issued a statement on the same day, stating that the United Nations General Assembly's decision to elevate the status of Palestinians in the United Nations is a "reward for Hamas.".

It is understood that in order to apply for full membership in the United Nations, the first step is to obtain approval from theThe Security Council, consisting of 15 member countries, approves it before obtaining approval from the United Nations General Assembly. Last month, the United States rejected Palestine's application to join the United Nations in the Security Council, forming a group of 193 member statesThe United Nations General Assembly held this vote as a result. The report points out that if the Security Council votes again on Palestine's accession to the United Nations, the United States may cast another veto vote.

The resolution passed this time by the United Nations General Assembly means that from September 2024, Palestine will receive some special treatment, such as the right to attend United Nations General Assembly meetings. Palestine is currently an observer state of the United Nations General Assembly, which is a de facto recognition of its national status by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012. Palestinian Authority President Abbas said after the vote that Palestine will continue to strive to become a full member of the United Nations.


military affairs
01Japan approves the establishment of the Self Defense Force's "Integrated Operations Command"

According to Kyodo News, on May 10th, the Japanese Senate passed an amendment approving the establishment of a permanent organization called the United Operations Command by the Ministry of National Defense to command the Land, Sea, and Air Self Defense Forces. The ruling coalition of Japan, consisting of the Liberal Democratic Party and the Komeito Party, as well as opposition parties such as the Constitutional Democratic Party, the Japan Reform Association, and the National Democratic Party, voted in favor of the amendment, while the Japanese Order and the New Election Group voted against it.

It is understood that the systemThe Cooperative Warfare Command willEstablished before the end of March 2025. This institution will be located within the Ministry of Defense in Tokyo, with an initial personnel size of approximately 240 people. In recent years, Japan has accelerated the improvement of the combat capability of its Self Defense Forces, while continuously strengthening the binding between the Self Defense Forces and the US military stationed in Japan. Many people in Japan believe that the establishment of the United Operations Command is to further bind Japan to the United States' tanks.

02North Korea showcases a new type of rocket launcher

According to the news from the Korean Central News Agency,On May 10th, North Korean leader Kim Jong un learned about the technology update and iteration of the 240mm rocket launcher weapon system, and watched controlled rocket shells produced by military companies test fire. This new type of rocket artillery weapon system has high maneuverability and the ability to concentrate firepower. It adopts an automatic shooting comprehensive command system, and the troops of the Korean People's Army will obtain this equipment between 2024 and 2026. According to the Korean Central News Agency, Kim Jong un also organized a meeting to discuss further accelerating North Korea's defense and economic work, elevating the technology update and iteration of rocket weapon systems and controllable rocket projectile production to the highest level, and proposed important tasks and directions.

North Korea started this yearIn February, it was announced that the Academy of National Defense Sciences had successfully developed controllable rocket shells and ballistic control systems. Kim Jong un subsequently appeared on April 25th this year to watch the 240mm mouthTest firing of the new type of multiple rocket launcher shell. The North Korean 240mm rocket launcher is referred to as a weapon specifically designed for targeting the South Korean capital region. However, analysis suggests that Kim Jong un has recently visited the scene one after another to watch "traditional weapons" test launches, rather than strategic weapons, which is very rare. It cannot be ruled out that North Korea is exporting rockets to Russia, so the highest leader personally confirms the performance.



01The coverage area of the Rouxin Special Economic Zone may reach 3505 square kilometers

New Mountain Comprehensive News,May 12th, MalaysiaJohor State Secretary Onghafiz revealed in response to questions from multiple legislators in the state legislatureNowThe preliminary plan of the state government for the Rouxin Special Economic Zone. The government of Johor, Malaysia suggests that the Johor Singapore Special Economic Zone's coverage area includes the entire Iskandar Special Economic Zone and Bian Jalan, covering six local government jurisdictions, namely Johor Bahru, Iskandar Butiri, Brazilian Gudang, Kulai, Bengjin, and Bian Jalan, with a total area of 3505 square kilometers.

This is the year of Singapore and MalaysiaSince the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on January 11th,MalaysiaThe Rouzhou government has explicitly mentioned for the first time the specific potential location of this new economic special zone. Onghafiz pointed out that after the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between Singapore and Malaysia, the federal government of Malaysia and the Johor State government are subordinateThe organization has held multiple meetings and established eight working groups to discuss and improve the implementation details of the Rou Xin Special Economic Zone, including economic areas that can be developed collaboratively, pro business measures, simplified customs clearance for people and logistics, and land issues.He emphasized thatThe biggest challenge facing the Rou Xin Special Economic Zone is to change the mindset of policy makers and implementers, and accept it as aA special existence, not just another special economic zone.

02The export value of rice from Cambodia reached 170 million US dollars in the first four months of this year

Cambodia China Times News,The latest report from the Cambodia Rice Alliance states that,this yearFrom January to April, Cambodia exported rice to 60 countries and regions248400 tonsExport valueReached 170 million US dollars.

Among them,The European Union is Cambodia's largest export market, before this year4 months, export volume reached105 thousand and 800Tons, export value reached81.62 million US dollars. China is CambodiaThe second largest export market in Zhai, with an export volume of67 thousand and 400Tons, export valuereach42.28 million US dollars; The seven ASEAN countries are the third largest export market with an export volume of53 thousand and 700Tons, export valuereach27.74 million US dollars; Sales to other countriesAnd regionalIncluding Africa, Middle East, United States, etclandExport volume reached21 thousand and 400Tons, export value18.57 million US dollars.



01Thailand oil storage facility fire, resulting in 1 death

Bangkok News: On May 9th, a storage tank exploded and caught fire at a dock in the Madap Industrial Zone of Rayong Province in eastern Thailand, resulting in one death and three injuries. The fire spread to two other storage tanks, and authorities were concerned that the fire would spread further. They ordered the evacuation of people near the incident site, and the dock immediately suspended operations.

According to videos released by social media and volunteer fire clubs, flames and thick black smoke surged into the sky from the oil storage facilities after the fire broke out. After receiving the investment report, the Thai authorities urgently mobilized various departments to go to the rescue and used nearby seawater to cool the burning oil storage tanks to contain the fire. Thai Prime Minister Saita stated after learning that the authorities have established a combat room to coordinate disaster relief and follow-up effortsRegarding work, including requiring relevant departments to arrange patrol vehicles to measure the air quality in upwind and downwind areas. It is understood that the facilities where the fire broke out are equipped with solvents used in various industries. The fire started with oil storage tanks containing hydrocarbons, which are by-products of the production process of plastic reactants.


01Glorious auroras appear in many parts of the world

Washington News: On May 10th, auroras appeared in the night sky in many parts of the world, including the United States and Bahamas in the northern hemisphere and Tasmania in Australia in the southern hemisphere. Low latitude Mexico in the northern hemisphere and parts of Chile and Argentina in the southern hemisphere also staged rare auroral displays. The night sky in the desert city of Mexico's northern Mexico is illuminated by pink purple auroras, and local civil defense agencies say they may see more auroras the next day.

It is understood that auroras are caused by solar storms, and everyIn 11 years, the surface energy of the sun will enter an active period, causing geomagnetic storms. geomagnetic storms may not only cause power outages or communication interruptions, but also increase radiation exposure to astronauts. NASA has a dedicated team to monitor space explorationFor the safety of astronauts, it may be necessary to instruct the International Space Station astronauts to transfer to areas with strong shielding inside the space station.

Financial Newsletter
According to Futures Daily, after experiencing a volatile adjustment in the past three weeks, international gold prices have significantly risen. The June gold futures market on the New York Mercantile Exchange closed at $2375.00 per ounce, an increase of 1.48%, with a cumulative weekly increase of 2.88%, marking the largest weekly increase in nearly five weeks.


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