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June 24th Qingqiao Morning Post | South Korea May Provide Lethal Weapons to Ukraine
Release time:2024-06-24 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

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A nine story platform, starting from accumulated soil
Today in history:123 years ago today, the works of Spanish painter and sculptor Picasso were first exhibited in Paris. Picasso is one of the main representatives of modern art in the 20th century, with over 20000 works left behind, including oil paintings, sketches, sculptures, collages, ceramics, etc. His representative works include "Guernica", "Peace Dove", "Avignon Girl", "Life", etc.


01Russia Vietnam Deepens Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

Hanoi Comprehensive News,On June 20th,Putin arrived in Hanoi for a state visit to Vietnam. Vietnamese President Surin welcomed Putin's visit at the Presidential Office with the highest standard of national etiquette. The two held a meeting afterwards. Su Lin held a joint press conference afterwardsWhen asked about the results of the talks, it was said that both sides have passed a joint statement on deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

besides,Sulin and Putin also witnessed the signing and exchange of representatives from both countries11 agreements and memorandums covering fields such as oil and gas, nuclear science, and education. Putin said at a press conference that strengthening strategic relations is one of the priorities of his trip. The two countries discussed the establishment of a necessary and reliable security framework in the Asia Pacific region based on the principles of non resort to force and peaceful resolution of differences.It is reported that,Vietnam is the second stop of Putin's trip to Asia. hestayDuring his visit to Pyongyang, he signed a joint defense agreement with North Korean leader Kim Jong un, who also expressed full support for Russia's war in Ukraine.

02Malaysia Announces New Framework for Second Home Plan

According to Agence France Presse, the Malaysian government has recently passed a new framework for the Second Home Plan, establishing an economic and financial zone group. Applicants for the economic and financial zone group must be at least 21 years old. Applicants under the age of 50 must have a deposit of $65000, while those aged 50 and above must have a deposit of $32000. The maximum visa period is 10 years and must be renewed every five years thereafter. In addition, the new framework also stipulates that all applicants must purchase property in Malaysia. Among them, applicants for the Silver group are required to purchase properties worth RM600000 or more, the Gold group is RM1 million, and the Platinum group is RM2 million. Applicants for special economic zones must purchase property through designated developers, and the minimum value of the property is determined by the state governments.

This is the Second Home Plan sinceSince its launch in 2002, authorities have mandated for the first time that applicants must purchase property in Malaysia. This has caused a sensation among many applicants, and online discussion forums have also sparked heated discussions. Liu Rongfa, President of the National Advisory Association for the Second Home Plan, said in a media interview that if the Second Home Plan can promote real estate and economic development, it is certainly a good thing. However, if the new regulations on mandatory property purchases lead to a decrease in the number of applicants, it may have the opposite effect and not achieve the expected results. The newly established economic and financial special zones are believed to attract investors interested in entering the Johor Singapore Special Economic Zone and the Forest City Financial Zone.


01South Korea may provide deadly weapons to Ukraine

Bloomberg reported that Russian President Putin signed a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement with North Korean leader Kim Jong un in Pyongyang on June 19th. According to the agreement, if both sides are invaded, they will support each other. After reaching a new military agreement between Russia and North Korea, on June 20th, Zhang Haozhen, the director of the National Security Office at the Presidential Palace of South Korea, said at a press conference that South Korea will reconsider its policy of banning the export of deadly weapons to countries such as Ukraine. He expressed significant concern about the contract reached between Russia and North Korea, which South Korea believes violates the United Nations Security Council resolution.

Previously, the Kremlin stated that if South Korea supplies weapons to Ukraine, it will become a participant in the conflict. Former Russian President Medvedev has hinted that Russia may respond by selling advanced weapons to North Korea. It is understood that South Korea and North Korea have the largest artillery units in the world, aiming thousands of large caliber guns at each other in the demilitarized zones separating the two countries.



01Thai Prime Minister submits budget proposal for the fiscal year 2025

Bangkok News: On June 19th, Thai Prime Minister Saita submitted a budget for the fiscal year 2025 with a total amount of 3750 billion baht. Saita stated that the budget for the fiscal year 2025 is a continuation of the budget for the fiscal year 2024, with a focus on developing major industries including tourism, healthcare, agriculture and food, industrial transportation, and aviation. Especially in the tourism industry, the Thai government expects to see over 36.7 million inbound tourists throughout the year, returning to pre COVID-19 levels. To this end, the government will expand the local airport network, improve air transportation capacity, and connect roads, railways, ships, etc., making Thailand a transportation hub to Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam.

According to the new budget proposal,The expenditure for the fiscal year 2025 will increase by 7.8% compared to the current year, while the budget deficit will increase by 24.9%, reaching 866 billion baht, accounting for 4.4% of the gross domestic product. Saita stated that this budget proposal will unleash Thailand's economic potential, create more income for the people and the country, and is expected to grow by 3.5%. However, the opposition party criticized this budget as aimed at addressing the government's own crisis rather than pressing national issues.

02Cambodia's exports to the UK reached 340 million US dollars in the first five months of this year

According to the Cambodian China Times, recently, according to statistics from the Cambodian Ministry of Commerce, before this yearIn five months, Cambodia's trade volume with the UK reached 364 million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 15.7%. Cambodia's exports to the UK reached 341 million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 24%; Imports from the UK amounted to $23.39 million, a year-on-year decrease of 41%. The main types of goods exported from Cambodia to the UK are clothing, shoes, and travel supplies.

sinceStarting from April 1, 2023, the UK will implement a new system of trade for developing countries to replace the existing System of Preferences, while Cambodia will automatically be included in the new system. Under the new system, Cambodia enjoys more favorable export conditions to the UK, including further simplifying the process of duty-free export of goods to the UK. In addition to enjoying tax exemption and quota free benefits under the existing Generalized System of Preferences, the requirements for the origin of goods have also been adjusted to make it easier for goods that are not 100% produced in Cambodia to be exported to the UK. In addition, Cambodia also signed a cooperation agreement with the UK in December last year to attract British companies to invest in Cambodia's infrastructure through public-private partnerships.



01India reports over 40000 suspected cases of heatstroke

Reuters News,This summer, billions of people in Asia are battling extreme heat, and scientists point out that this trend is exacerbated by climate change caused by human activities, with temperatures in northern India soaring to nearly50 degrees Celsius, this is one of the longest lasting heatwaves on record.IndiaAn official from the Ministry of Health said that between March 1st and June 18th, the number of heat wave days recorded in the northwest and east of India was twice normal, with over 40000 suspected cases of heatstroke and at least 110 deaths.

Due to extreme high temperatures, hospitals have reported a large number of heatstroke patients. The Ministry of Health orders federal and state agencies to ensureImmediately pay attention to patients, and at the same time, hospitals in the capital city of Delhi, which are also facing water shortages, have had to add beds. The meteorological bureau also predicts that the temperature this month will be higher than normal levels.


01Vietnam receives a bronze statue of the goddess Durga

According to Vietnamese news agency, the Cultural Heritage Bureau of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism announced on June 20th that on June 18th, the statue of the goddess Durga had arrived in Vietnam and was preserved in the National Museum of History, providing services for research, development of exhibition plans, introduction and promotion of cultural relics.

It is reported that this is an ancient statue, originally from Vietnam, long191 centimeters, weighing 101 kilograms, representing the image of the Hindu goddess Durga. This is a precious and rare cultural relic, especially the statue of the goddess Durga, which was cast in bronze, has a larger body size, an earlier age, and is relatively well preserved. This statue has historical, cultural, and artistic value and is a cultural relic that reflects the historical, cultural, and religious beliefs of the Champa people. The acceptance of the bronze statue of the goddess Durga is the result of the cooperation and sharing of legal documents between Vietnam, the United States, and the United Kingdom in combating illegal trade in cultural relics.

Financial Newsletter
According to Caixin News Agency, since late May, the price of pure benzene in the aromatics market has been strengthening, and the price difference between styrene and pure benzene has been compressed from around 600 yuan/ton in early June. This is the first time that styrene has been priced lower than pure benzene.


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