Qingqiao Information


Qingqiao ASEAN Information - March Collection
Release time:2023-03-16 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:





The Ministry of Trade supports enterprises to increase exports to China

Vietnam's Ministry of Industry and Trade said that it would organize a wide range of trade promotion activities to support enterprises to export products to China.

The Director of the Trade Promotion Bureau of the Ministry said that despite the serious impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic and trade cooperation activities were still developing, and stressed that China was still Vietnam's largest trading partner and import market.

The Ministry of Commerce will continue to work with local governments and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to guide enterprises to handle export documents through official channels to better expand the market.

The Ministry also plans to coordinate with Vietnamese and Chinese institutions to hold the first Vietnam Shanghai Trade Forum to export Vietnamese agricultural and seafood products to China through the Shanghai Port. The event is scheduled to be held in Hanoi in April and will become an annual event to promote the economic and trade development of the two countries.

According to the Vietnam Trade Office in China, since China fully opened its door on January 8, the country has relaxed the policy of entry and exit and import and export activities. Therefore, general commercial activities, especially trade promotion activities, have basically returned to the pre-pandemic period.


Laos is allowed to take flights to China from today when the antigen test kit is negative

According to the development of the COVID-19 situation and the need to facilitate personnel exchanges, from March 1, 2023 (local time), it is allowed to replace nucleic acid testing with antigen testing (including self testing with kits) for personnel taking direct flights from Laos to China. In order to facilitate passengers to prepare for the trip, the Embassy in Laos has updated the "Guidelines for Epidemic Prevention and Control of Passengers from Laos to China". Please read carefully and follow them to avoid affecting the trip.

After obtaining the negative result of nucleic acid test, the user can use the WeChat applet "Customs Passenger Fingertip Service", and hold the Shanghai Customs APP or web version( https://htdecl.chinaport.gov.cn )Fill in the Exit/Entry Health Declaration Card of the People's Republic of China for declaration.


No nucleic acid testing will be conducted after returning from Cambodia today

According to the notice issued by the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia, according to the development of the COVID-19 situation and the need to facilitate personnel exchanges, from March 1, 2023(local time)It is allowed to replace nucleic acid detection with antigen detection (including self-test with reagent kit) by personnel on direct flights from Cambodia to China. In order to facilitate passengers to prepare for the trip, the Embassy in Cambodia has updated the "Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Epidemic Diseases of Passengers from Cambodia to China". Please read carefully and follow them to avoid affecting the trip.

China - Laos

Inbound goods of China Laos Railway increased 5 times year-on-year

Since 2023, China Laos railway has transported more than 600000 tons of cross-border goods, including 510000 tons of imported goods, a year-on-year increase of five times. As of February 22, the China Laos Railway has delivered 15.6 million tons of goods since its opening, including 12.2 million tons of goods in domestic sections, 3.4 million tons of goods in foreign sections, and 2.98 million tons of cross-border goods transportation.

Since the opening and operation of the China Laos Railway on December 3, 2021, the transportation security has remained stable and the freight transportation has continued to flourish.

It is understood that the cross-border freight trains of the China Laos Railway have increased from 2 trains per day at the initial stage of opening to 12 trains per day at present, and the category of goods has expanded from more than 10 kinds of fertilizers and general merchandise at the initial stage of opening to more than 1200 kinds of electronics, photovoltaic, cold chain fruits, etc., which has played a positive role in unblocking the domestic and international double circulation and promoting the construction of the China Laos economic corridor.

Qingqiao International Security Group website: www.qingqiaoint.com




Vietnamese doctors help the Philippines perform robot surgery

Doctors from Pingdan Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City assisted colleagues from the Philippine General Hospital and Medical Center in using robots to perform gastrointestinal cancer surgery.

Thanks to the technology transfer, the doctors of the hospital successfully performed rectal cancer surgery for a 50-year-old female patient who underwent preoperative chemotherapy and transverse colectomy due to intestinal obstruction. Philippine doctors were impressed by the single-docking technology and skilled minimally invasive anatomy technology of doctors in Pingtan Hospital.

the Philippines
economy and trade

RCEP brings new opportunities for win-win cooperation to the Philippines

The Philippine President's Special Envoy for Trade, Investment and Tourism to China said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency that the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) would bring new opportunities for win-win cooperation for the recovery and development of the Philippine economy.

The Senate of the Philippine Congress approved the RCEP approval on the 21st, clearing the last obstacle for the agreement to enter into force in the Philippines. The Special Envoy said that all members of RCEP would benefit from each other and jointly promote the formation of a larger market so that consumers could obtain more products at a more favorable price.

The Special Envoy said that the Philippines should take advantage of RCEP to fully explore its geographical advantages and try to build a regional logistics center in Asia. In addition, the official entry into force of RCEP in the Philippines will help it become an ideal manufacturing center and a more attractive investment destination.

The Special Envoy said that China is an important participant in regional economic cooperation. Under the RCEP framework, the economic and trade cooperation between the Philippines and China will usher in new opportunities for win-win results. It is expected to obtain more favorable Chinese market access arrangements and attract more foreign investment in manufacturing, agriculture and other fields.

RCEP currently has 15 member countries, including China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and 10 ASEAN countries, which account for about 30% of the global total in terms of population, economic volume and trade volume. Since its entry into force on January 1, 2022, the policy dividend of RCEP has been continuously released, becoming an important highlight of world economic growth.


High-level opening-up will further promote the cooperation between Myanmar and Guangxi

The Consulate General of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in Nanning held a reception banquet to celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the independence of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in Nanning, Guangxi. At the reception banquet, the Consul General of the Consulate General of the Republic of Myanmar in Nanning said that the high-level opening policy would further promote the cooperation between Myanmar and Guangxi.

The Consul General said:"Myanmar and China have had people-to-people exchanges since ancient times. On the basis of adhering to the five basic principles of peaceful coexistence, friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries have developed steadily, and our relationship is known as" Pau Bo "friendship."

The Consul General said that China is currently Myanmar's largest trading partner and the second largest source of investment. More importantly, Myanmar and China have carried out comprehensive cooperation, such as participating in the construction of the "the Belt and Road" and the cooperation of the "Global Development Initiative". At the same time, the relationship between Myanmar and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has developed through high-level mutual visits and the continuous establishment of sister cities.

When attending the reception banquet, members of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region said that Guangxi has always attached great importance to the friendly cooperation with Myanmar. In 2022, the total bilateral trade between Guangxi and Myanmar was 183 million US dollars. "Guangxi and Myanmar have their own characteristics, strong complementarities in resource structure, industrial structure and market structure, good foundation for economic and trade cooperation, and great potential for cooperation and development in ports, finance and other fields. We are willing to enhance consensus with Myanmar friends, work together, and with the strong support of the Myanmar Consulate General in Nanning, promote bilateral cooperation to a deeper and higher level."

Qingqiao International Security Group website: www.qingqiaoint.com




Training courses for the first batch of operation and maintenance personnel of Indonesia's Yawan High-speed Railway

The opening ceremony of the training course for the first batch of operation and maintenance personnel of the Yawan High-speed Railway was recently held in Indonesia. After the class opening ceremony, the students will officially begin their 4-month online learning.

It is understood that the Yawan High-speed Railway is the first high-speed railway in Indonesia, and also the first overseas construction project of China's high-speed railway with full system, full elements and full industrial chain. The Jakarta Wanzhou high-speed railway connects Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, and Bandung, the fourth largest city, with a maximum operating speed of 350 kilometers per hour. It is a landmark project of the "the Belt and Road" initiative and practical cooperation between China and Indonesia.

For up to two years, according to the actual needs of the other party, we regularly followed up the process, prepared, adjusted and optimized the Chinese and English training courses, and finally obtained the administrative permission of the relevant competent departments of the Indonesian government with the professionalism of the training content and the efficiency of the work.

The training focused on training four professional positions, including EMU driver, operation control center dispatcher, emergency attendant and EMU mechanic. Students from different majors will receive theoretical training for 1 to 6 months, and then they will go to Yawan High-speed Railway for practical training.


Cambodia's existing railway will be upgraded to high-speed railway

Cambodia plans to upgrade all existing railway lines to high-speed railway lines. Cambodia currently has two railway lines from Phnom Penh to West Port and Phnom Penh to Pobe. The current operating speed is only 30 kilometers per hour. If it is increased to 130 kilometers per hour, it can save a lot of transportation costs.

firstmutuallyHun Sen said that the construction of high-speed railway will not be loaned to foreign countries, but will be adoptedBOT (construction, operation and transfer) mode cooperates with foreign enterprises and is invested and constructed by foreign enterprises.

It is understood that Cambodia has entrusted China Road and Bridge Corporation to carry out a feasibility study on the construction of Phnom Penh - Pobe high-speed railway. The preliminary study results show that the Phnom Penh - Pobe high-speed railway is 382 kilometers long and is expected to cost US $4 billion.


Cambodia officially broke out of the "grey list" of money laundering

The Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) officially announced that Cambodia would be removed from the "grey list" of money laundering risk countries.

It is understood that countries listed in the FATF grey list will increase the cost of local banks' business with global peers, resulting in increased compliance costs of financial institutions, affecting the confidence of foreign investors, and affecting the local real estate industry.



Lao official forecast:368000 Chinese citizens may visit the elderly this year

The tourism department of Laos expects that about 368000 Chinese citizens will visit Laos this year, an increase of 21% over 2022.
This figure was quoted at a meeting of the Tourism Development Department of the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism of Laos, which discussed plans to prepare for the influx of Chinese tourists. The Vice Minister of the Ministry stated that China's tourism industry is a high value market, and given that the government has authorized its citizens to travel, many countries are making every effort to attract Chinese tourists.

He pointed out that the high-speed rail connection between Laos and China is an important factor to facilitate travel, and in the near future, Vientiane and many cities in China plan to open new flights to provide more routes for Chinese citizens to visit Laos.
The meeting discussed how to enhance the reputation of Laos as an attractive tourist destination, such as improving facilities, domestic tourism, tourist attractions, hotels, restaurants, tourism companies, guides, gift shops, services and security, and simplifying the entry and exit procedures.

Qingqiao International Security Group website: www.qingqiaoint.com




On the morning of March 2, the fourth special session of the 15th National Congress was held under the chairmanship of the President of the Vietnamese National Congress, Wang Tinghui. The meeting elected Comrade Wu Wenshang as President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for a term of 2021-2026.


Cambodia may be divorced from the least developed country Prime Minister Hun Sen worried about losing preferential policies

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said that Cambodia would soon be separated from the list of least developed countries and worried that it would no longer enjoy the low-interest loans offered by other countries.

At the graduation ceremony of the National Technical Training Institute, Hun Sen said that Cambodia needs loans from other countries to build railways, bridges and other infrastructure to promote national development.

Hun Sen stated that he had mentioned with development partners such as Japan, South Korea, China, and the Asian Development Bank that even if Cambodia was separated from the ranks of the least developed countries, he hoped that the partners would lend at preferential loan rates.
It is reported that the three criteria set by the United Nations for the withdrawal of the least developed countries are: the per capita gross national income is more than 1222 dollars; Human asset index is higher than 66; The economic and environmental vulnerability index is below 60.

economy and trade

Cambodia will develop cashew processing industry

Prime Minister Hun Sen mentioned the issue of Cambodia's agricultural development and hoped that Cambodia could develop cashew processing industry and become a cashew processing and exporting country.

At present, Cambodia exports about 1 million tons of unprocessed cashew nuts to the outside world every year. The government has issued incentives to attract foreign investors to invest in the cashew processing industry in Cambodia. Cambodia is rich in raw materials, but its processing capacity is limited. If we invest in the construction of cashew processing industry, it will not only create jobs for local people, but also increase the added value of products.



2023-2024 is the "Lao Tourism Year"

The Lao government has announced that 2023-2024 will be the year of tourism in Laos, and is developing an in-depth plan to welcome tourists from all parts of Laos and other parts of the world.

The Director of the Tourism Marketing Department of the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism of Laos stated that the 2023-2024 Lao Tourism Year will receive more extensive publicity than the previous Lao Tourism Years, and more details will be announced soon.


Chongqing citizens can travel to Laos by transnational tourism special train in April

The first international tourism special train launched by Chongqing News International Travel Service this spring - Xishuangbanna, Vientiane and Luang Prabang on the 8th will be launched around April 24. Chongqing citizens can take the first international tourism special train to visit Laos.

This transnational special train will not only take tourists to Vientiane and Luang Prabang in Laos, but also allow tourists to stay in Xishuangbanna for one night and visit for two days. In Xishuangbanna, tourists will visit the representative scenic spots such as Wild Elephant Valley, West Double Scenery of Gaozhuang, Mekong River Starlight Night Market, Grand Buddha Temple, and taste the Dai peacock feast and experience the water sprinkling carnival. In Laos, tourists will visit the famous scenic spots such as the Presidential Palace, Simon Temple, Xiangkun Temple, Taluan, Guangxi Waterfall, Puxi Mountain, characteristic market, South Goose Lake, Grand Palace, and will also visit the food and culture along the way"Catch it all in one net" can be described as scenery and song all the way.

Qingqiao International Security Group website: www.qingqiaoint.com



economy and trade

Vietnam and Laos strengthen energy and mining cooperation

The Minister of Industry and Trade of Vietnam and the Minister of Energy and Mining of Laos agreed to further strengthen the energy and mining cooperation between Vietnam and Laos, and make contributions to the traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive partnership between the two countries. At the working meeting held in Hanoi, both sides agreed that the memorandum of understanding signed by the two governments in 2016 on cooperation in hydropower development, grid connection and import of electricity from Laos was being implemented.   

The Vietnamese Minister also proposed to further strengthen the coordination between the two countries in the mining and processing of mineral resources. He said that Vietnamese enterprises are interested in investing in tin mining and processing in Laos to export to Vietnam or other countries.

The Minister of Laos said that he would send Lao institutions to work closely with Vietnam to jointly solve the difficulties encountered by Vietnam in Laos projects and further tap the cooperation potential of the two countries in the fields of power purchase, mine management, mineral resources development and so on.


The International Organization for Migration has decided to provide technical assistance to Laos after assuming the chairmanship of ASEAN in 2024

The Asia-Pacific Regional Director of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) paid an official visit to the Lao People's Democratic Republic for the first time, with the purpose of further strengthening the continuous cooperation between IOM and the government, and decided to provide technical assistance on migration management and related issues after assuming the rotating presidency of ASEAN in 2024.

The main highlights of the cooperation between the two sides include signing a cooperation agreement and making contributions to the formulation of the National Strategy of the International Organization for Migration for 2022-2026, which provides a clear strategic approach for carrying out work in the country.


China and Laos Discuss the Preparations for the Opening of Cross border Passenger Transport of China Laos Railway

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Laos met with officials from the Foreign Affairs Office of Yunnan Province of China. The officials of Yunnan Provincial Foreign Affairs Office said that the purpose of this trip was to prepare for the visit of Yunnan Provincial Party Secretary to Laos at the end of March, and discuss the preparations for the opening of the Vientiane Kunming Vientiane China Laos Railway.

The Lao government is speeding up the optimization of the passenger transport service of the China Laos Railway, and adding the staff of the Exit Entry Administration to the railway station to complete the exit entry declaration.

In 2023, it will focus on optimizing the convenient quality of passenger transport services of China Laos railway, optimizing ticket sales services, optimizing the space in the station, so that passengers can wait inside the station. Arrange the officials of the Exit Entry Administration Bureau to enter the station, complete the exit entry declaration, and prepare for the opening of cross-border passenger trains of the China Laos Railway.

According to China Railway Kunming Bureau Group Co., Ltd., since the opening of the China Laos Railway, the "Fuxing" and "Lancang" EMUs have been running safely, green, fast and comfortable, which has greatly shortened the space and time distance between cities along the line. They are favored by the people of both countries and become the first choice for travel. At present, relevant departments of China and Laos are negotiating, studying and formulating plans. It is expected to run cross-border passenger trains of China Laos railway this year, further improving the quality of passenger and cargo transportation of China Laos railway, and making positive contributions to the high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" and benefiting the people of China and Laos.



Thai media estimates that 3 million people are expected to visit Laos by China Laos railway every year

According to Thai media, after China's opening up, more than 3 million Chinese tourists will travel to Laos via the old China Railway every year, many of whom will take the China Laos Railway from Kunming to Vientiane.

Qingqiao International Security Group website: www.qingqiaoint.com




Vietnam, Laos and Thailand strengthen traffic connectivity

The 23rd preparatory meeting of 9 provinces of Vietnam, Laos and Thailand sharing the 8th and 12th highways was held in Laos recently to review the cooperation among the three countries.

They recorded achievements in transportation, education, sports, culture, tourism, trade and investment, agriculture and health care. The most outstanding achievement is in transportation. Several projects connecting the three countries and provinces are under construction.

In Vietnam, the central province of Yi'an has also created favorable conditions for the construction of Vientiane - Bazan - Qingshui - Hanoi Expressway.

The central provinces of Guangping Province and Khammong Province of Laos agreed to allow their two border ports to trade goods, and allow the vehicles of the two provinces to transport passengers and goods through the border ports of Guangping Province.


Indonesia announced the priorities of the Chairman of the ASEAN Social and Cultural Community

At the meeting of the Senior Officials Committee of the ASEAN Social and Cultural Community (SOCA) Retreat, Indonesia announced the priorities of the Chairman of the ASEAN Social and Cultural Community (ASCC).

The chair of the meeting welcomed the presence of the Director General of the Ministry of Solidarity and Social Inclusion of Timor Leste as an observer and reiterated ASEAN's continued support for Timor Leste's readiness to join ASEAN.

At the meeting, the participants discussed the priorities of ASEAN, including ASCC priority areas and deliverables under the theme "ASEAN Affairs: Growth Center" under the chairmanship of Indonesia.

In strengthening the regional health architecture, the meeting heard a briefing on promoting health methods to better respond to the health risks in the region. This method recognizes the interrelation among people, animals, plants and their shared environment.

Another priority of ASCC this year is to empower villages to accelerate rural development in the region. ASCC will use the collaboration platform to promote knowledge sharing and cooperation opportunities, thus accelerating rural development.

In promoting environmental cooperation to protect biodiversity and mitigate the impact of climate change, in particular to improve regional capacity to protect biodiversity and implement the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution.

In order to better protect ASEAN migrant workers on land and at sea and improve their ability to work in the future, ASCC will strengthen the protection of the rights of migrant workers and fishing boats in crisis situations, and promote the retraining and upgrading of skilled workers to meet the future labor demand.

With regard to the inclusive development of the disabled through strengthening partnerships, this year, ASCC will ensure the rights of the disabled through the implementation of the ASEAN Empowerment Master Plan 2025 and beyond.



Lao Vice Premier Calls for Strengthening Economic Relations with China

The Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Laos, Sharon Sai, called on all parties concerned to take more measures to strengthen economic ties with China, especially the use of the seven strategies. First of all, he suggested that the relevant departments act as the secretariat of the Lao government to strengthen economic, trade and technical cooperation with China.

Secondly, he called on all parties to strive to achieve the goals set out in the agreement reached during the leaders' visit to China at the end of last year.

The third is to strive to attract more investment from China.

Fourth, strengthen trade cooperation and use the Laos-China Railway to promote the export of clean agricultural products, minerals and other products.

The fifth is to strengthen the tourism industry, especially to improve services and facilities to adapt to the influx of Chinese tourists after China reopened its borders to outbound tourists in January.

The sixth is to ensure that all development projects are carried out and completed in a manner agreed upon by both parties.

Finally, it is suggested to strengthen the skills of workers and personnel in all aspects of trade with China and learn lessons to ensure the success of cooperation projects.

Qingqiao International Security Group website: www.qingqiaoint.com


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Malaysia Express

On March 4, the rainstorm in rainstorm caused floods in Johor Bahru, Malaysia and other five states. The water level of four dams in Johor Bahru reached dangerous levels, and the worst hit areasMore than 30000 people were stranded in 219 temporary evacuation centers.Malaysia's Prime Minister Anwar announced the allocation of RM50 million (about RMB 75 million) to Johor for disaster relief and to help people restore normal life.

Thailand Express

On March 1, 6000 US troops participated in the 2023 Thai-American "Golden Cobra" joint military exercise, which has been held in Thailand every year since 1982. It was jointly sponsored by the Royal Thai Armed Forces and the United States Indian Ocean-Pacific Command, and is also the largest military exercise in Southeast Asia. This year's exercise was held from February 28 to March 10, with 7394 soldiers from 30 countries participating, including Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and South Korea. Chinese, Indian and Australian troops will participate in military exercises in the humanitarian sector.

Indonesia Express

On March 4, a local court in Indonesia made an amazing rulingSuspend all elections until 2025,The judicial supervision organ is ready to summon the judge who made the decision, while the ruling party points out that the postponement of the election is unconstitutional, and the election committee indicates that it will continue to prepare for the presidential election originally scheduled for next year.The reason for this incident is that the People's Party for Justice and Prosperity, established in Indonesia in 2020, claimed that the right to vote in 2024 was deprived and filed a civil lawsuit with the court. The court's ruling result is that the Election Commission must suspend the election process for two years, four months and seven days. This ruling may delay the election in Indonesia until 2025.

Vietnam Express

On February 23, Vietnam's real estate credit crisis intensified, with a large number ofNo Va Land, Vietnam's second largest developerRequest for deferred repayment.

No Va Land Investment Group announced this weekWill postpone the payment of 1 trillion Vietnamese dong due on February 12(about 250 million yuan), and require the bondholders to agree to the extension or choose to exchange the principal for the company's real estate products. The developer is trying toRepayment of debt within two months. No Va LandThe investment group is selling its hotels and resorts, dismissing nearly half of its employees and suspending most of its construction projects. According to relevant reports, the Vietnamese government is holding a meeting to discuss allowing bond issuers to postpone the maturity of bonds to two years in order to alleviate the current difficulties in the market.

The above is today's morning broadcast. Thank you for listening.


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Malaysia News

According to yesterday's news, the floods caused by rainstorm in Malaysia are slowly fading away, but the number of victims is rising, which has exceeded 50000 people since then. Johor is still the worst hit area, accounting for 90% of the total number of victims. A large number of farms, warehouses and shops were affected by the flood, and countless goods were damaged by the blister. About 100000 livestock farmers were affected. The Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar announced that the Malaysian water control projects that would be stopped before the resumption in June this year would cost RM600 million (about RMB 900 million). The government stopped these projects because it found that there were shortcomings in them.

Thailand News

Recently, the price of marigold in many places in Thailand has doubled, and the price of marigold has increased from 0.8-1 Baht/piece to 1.6-1.7 Baht/piece, with an average daily order of no less than 100000 pieces. Because March 6 this year is Thailand's Ten Thousand Buddhas Day, Thai people are accustomed to using marigold to worship Buddha. It is said that Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, first publicized the teachings of the monks who came to the meeting in the main hall of Zhulinyuan, Shacheng, King Magadha, on March 15 of the Thai calendar. Thai Buddhists regard this gathering as the day of the founding of Buddhism, which is of great significance. It is understood that with the upcoming election in Thailand, various parties have also ordered marigold wreaths to canvass, which is also one of the reasons for the rise in marigold prices.

Indonesian News

Indonesia said it would strengthen customs inspection at the port and crack down on the illegal import of second-hand shoes.

Indonesian Minister of Industry AgusthreemonthsixStatement issued on:The illegal import of used shoes is organized and abused social projects. We must stop the illegal import of used shoes and implement stricter supervision on enterprises that import textiles, because this will have a negative impact on the domestic shoemaking industry.

The cause istwo thousand and twenty-oneyearsevenSingapore's used shoes recycling plan in September,The program aims to recycle and recycle old shoes,And decompose it for recycling,Make it a building material for sports venues. However, it is now found that subcontractors smuggle used shoes to Indonesia and resell them to the second-hand trading market for personal gain.

Philippines News

Pamplona Town, Eastern Negro Province, PhilippinesthreemonthfourDay morningnineHourthirtyThere was a shooting case in which six suspects wearing military uniforms and carrying guns broke into the residence of Governor Degamo to kill,Including Degamo'seightPeople were killed,17People were injured. That afternoonfourThe local military and police were at the scene of the accidentsixtyThree suspects were detained in Bayawan, kilometers away, and five submachine guns and one were seized at the place where the suspects abandoned the carB40Howitzer launchers, some bullet belts, several protective clothing and other items. Philippine President Marcos Jr. held a press conference and said that the Philippine military police would arrest the remaining suspects as soon as possible.

This is the third assassination case since the Philippine President took office.

The above is today's morning broadcast. Thank you for listening.


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Indonesia Express

On March 3, an explosion occurred in the oil depot of Petronas Indonesia located in the Bolun district of North Jakarta, causing a fire. The cause of the fire is not clear at present. According to reports, 19 people were killed in the fire. In addition, 69 people were injured by the fire, 1085 residents had to leave their homes, and another 18 people were still missing. The Seventh Committee of the People's Congress (House of Commons), which is responsible for supervising energy and mineral resources, has scheduled a hearing on March 13, requiring the leadership of Petronas to be responsible for the fire in the oil depot. Before the fire, the government had planned to set up a 50-meter buffer zone between the oil depot and the nearby block, but it did not implement it.

Malaysia Express

In order to meet the housing needs of low-income groups, the Malaysian government has formulated various housing plans to provide public housing and subsidized housing for people to apply for. Those with a monthly income of less than RM3500 (about RMB 5000) can apply for renting or purchasing public housing built by the government. The price of public housing with an area of about 60 square meters is RM35000 (about 52500 yuan), and the rent of public housing is only RM124 (about 186 yuan) per month.

Public housing provides cheap housing for low-income groups in MalaysiaThe housing option, however, faces problems of poor management, poor public security and disrepair.

Ni Kemin, Minister of Local Government Development of Malaysia, said in a recent interview with the Malaysian News Agency that potential residents of the "People's Housing Scheme" must participate in civic courses from this year to raise awareness of community life and neighborhood etiquette. He also suggested building convenience stores, banks and electronic eye facilities in the future to improve the attractiveness of rental housing.

Thailand News

Thailand is the world's largest rubber producer and producer, exporting $6 billion worth of rubber in 2021. In recent years, rubber farmers in Thailand have used a large amount of pesticides to eliminate pests and cleared land for planting more rubber trees through deforestation. These practices have led to increased soil erosion and a sharp decline in biodiversity.ThaiChina has taken some measures to encourage rubber farmers to abandon pesticides. For example, farmers with certificates granted by the Forest Management Committee of the international non-profit organization can sell rubber at a higher price.two thousand and eighteenIn, the European Union began to ban the import of rubber produced in areas with serious environmental pollution, aiming to allow more rubber farmers to change their production methodsEquation.

Philippines News

On February 28, an oil tanker named MT Prince Empress in the Philippines suddenly broke down on its way to Ilo province, and sank off the coast of East Mindoro province on March 3 after drifting for several days. All 20 crew members on board were rescued. However, about 800000 liters of industrial fuel oil leaked from the ship, and the Philippine Ministry of Environment has sent underwater detectors to search for it. Marine experts at the University of the Philippines said that the oil spill may cause about 36000 hectares of coral reefs, mangroves and seaweed to be contaminated, affecting 60 villages nearby. The top priority should be to determine the location of the sunken ship, determine how much fuel remains and how to pump out the remaining fuel.

The above is today's morning broadcast. Thank you for listening.


On the 8th local time, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the removal of Gersijian as Regional Director of the Western Pacific. Previously, Ge Xijian was accused by the staff of racism, abuse of power and despotism in his work.

AFP reported that,This is the first time for WHO。 Ge Xijian from Japan was originally responsible for the work of WHO in the Western Pacific region, which is a "powerful" position. The WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific is located in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, and covers nearly 1.9 billion people in 37 regions.

Unlike other United Nations agencies, the six regional directors of WHO have a lot of power and autonomy.They are elected by the member countries of the region and then appointed by the Global Executive Committee. Ge Xijian has held this position since February 2019.


kasai healthy

It is reported that WHO received it as early as the second half of 2021For Ge Xijian"ImproperConduct. WHO said that it had investigated these allegations and then reviewed the investigation. It was found that there was "misconduct". After careful consideration of the investigation results, "the appointment of the regional director has been terminated".

The United States also said that it recognized the "seriousness" of the investigation results, and Washington voted to dismiss Ge Xijian.

In January 2022, the Associated Press first disclosed a series ofGe XijianCharges. An Associated Press survey showed that dozens of staff members filed internal complaints against Ge Xijian in October 2021.

In an email received by AFP, the staff accused Ge Xijian of "racist and authoritarian leadership". He was accused of causing a "toxic atmosphere" in the Manila regional office, forming a culture of "systematic bullying and public ridicule". A staff member who was worried about retaliation and didn't want to be named accused Ge Xijian of "making derogatory remarks about staff members of certain nationalities, especially local Filipinos".

The staff also accused him of mismanaging the COVID-19 pandemic, wasting donor contributions, abusing power and cronyism for re-election.In addition, Ge Xijian was also accused of regularly providing Japan with confidential data on the vaccination needs of members in other regions of COVID-19, so that Japan could benefit from diplomatic donations.In a document sent to the World Health Organization, Ge Xijian denied most of the allegations.


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China-ASEAN News

In the first two months of this year, the total value of bilateral trade between ASEAN and China reached 951.93 billion yuan, up 9.6% year on year. China's exports to ASEAN reached 570 billion yuan, up 17.9% year on year. In 2023, China's foreign trade started smoothly, and ASEAN continued to be China's largest trading partner

Vietnam News

Tourism: Enjoy a spring stroll on the longest Lihua Road in Vietnam. Xuanguang has rich natural wonders, beautiful scenery and cultural relics, and has great potential for developing tourism. In early March, the pear blossom. The flowers are clustered, lasting for two to three weeks, and the mist seeps into the pear flowers, which is more poetic and picturesque. The beauty of pear flowers and the cultural identity of mountain people have made Hongtai Commune a destination for many tourists both inside and outside the province. When visiting Hongtai Commune, tourists can walk under the white pear flowers and enjoy the mountain scenery on the 5km long road

Vietnam Sports

threeOn July 7, in the finals of the 2023 Asian Football Union U20 Asian Cup qualifier held in Uzbekistan, Vietnam U20 men's football team lost 1-3 to Iran, forcing the team to withdraw from the game

On the evening of March 9, Vietnam won 11-0 in the Group F match of the 2024 Asian Women's Football U20 Asian Cup qualifierSingapore
Vietnam scored the first goal in the second minute of the first half, during which time Vietnam scored three more goals.In order to maintain their victory, Vietnamese players forced their Singapore opponents to concede seven more goals in the second half

With this 11-0 victory, Vietnam now has a better goal difference than India and the top of Group F.
Vietnam's U20 women's football team will play India at 6pm on March 11th, while Singapore will play Indonesia at 3pm on the same day

Indonesian News

Indonesia Anti-Corruption Commission (KPK) andCambodiaThe leaders of the Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) held a meeting in Jakarta on March 8 to discuss measures to strengthen regional and international cooperation to combat cross-border corruption.
The Chairman of the Commission said that the visit of the delegation of the anti-corruption agency was the driving force for the establishment of cooperation between the two countries in this field

He stressed the need for ASEAN countries to support each other in preventing transnational corruption and promote international cooperation in this work by strengthening the anti-corruption agenda in international forums.
The Vice President of the Anti Corruption Agency stated that the discussion at the meeting was aimed at promoting cooperation between the two sides in exchanging information and experience in preventing and prosecuting corruption.
During the period from March 8 to 9 in Beijing, the delegation of anti-corruption agencies participated in the anti-corruption culture and anti-corruption education activities, shared the experience of asset declaration management, confiscated goods and asset management, and participated in the anti-corruption conference of the ASEAN Parties

Malaysia News

After being arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) on March 9, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Muhidin Yassin, has been released on bail and will be released on March 10 forcorruptchargeappear in court

The Anti-Corruption Commission said thatWith the permission of the General Prosecutor's Office, Muyodin was sued in the Kuala Lumpur court on March 10. Muyudin is also the Chairman of the Turkestan Party. He will face many challenges according to the 2009 Anti-Corruption Commission ActCharges.

Lao News

The Lao Foreign Trade Bank issued a warning on March 9 that a group of illegal elements were suspected of stealing bank card information through the transformation of ATM devices, and hoped that the general public would be vigilant.

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Vietnam News

Since the reopening of China, Vietnam's lobster exports to the market have increased, but the purchase price of this seafood delicacy is only volatile at best, leaving farmers at risk of loss

On March 6, green lobster farmers said that the current price had dropped to 720000 Vietnamese dong per kilogram. At this price, farmers can't make any profit because the startup and operation of varieties, feed and labor forceBen is very tall

He said that he hoped that the prospect of this summer would be brighter. At that time, tourism activities would recover well and lobster consumption would increase

Indonesian News

Indonesia provides incentives for new capital investors. The President of Indonesia approved a new regulation to provide incentives for enterprises investing in Nusantala, the new capital, including a tax exemption period of up to 30 years and a land use permit of 95 years

The new capital is located in Kalimantan, Indonesia's second largest island, covering 256142 hectares

According to this regulation, if local and foreign companies are registered as taxpayers in Indonesia and invest in several priority areas of Nusantala, they can enjoy 100% exemption from corporate income tax

Companies can enjoy a tax holiday of 10 to 30 years, depending on the industry they invest in and the starting time

Indonesia will also encourage the development of financial centers in the new capital. Specifically, eligible banks, insurance companies and Islamic finance companies will enjoy a 100% tax exemption period of up to 25 years if they invest between 2023 and 2035, and a 20 year tax exemption period if they invest between 2036 and 2045. Other financial servicescompany, including capital markets, pension funds, venture capital companies, and financial technology companies, can apply for 85% tax relief

Multinational companies that move their regional offices to Nusantala are eligible for full tax exemption for 10 years, and then 50% reduction in the next 10 years in some cases

Lao News

The General Administration of Customs of Guangzhi Province, Vietnam, said on March 11 that they had coordinated with the provincial police and border guards to destroy a drug trafficking gang from Laos to Vietnam. From March 7 to early March 8, the customs office at the Lalay border port in Guangzhi Province found drugs in the luggage of some vehicles during the process of completing the formalities for entering Vietnam. On March 9, after investigation, the competent authorities arrested a 37-year-old man living in the center of Da Nang, who was suspected of transporting drugs from Laos to Vietnam by car in Fulu District, Shunhua Province, Chengtian

Further investigation of the case is ongoingin

Thailand Newsletter

Thailand is about to launch astronomical tour guides to create new tourism experience for tourists

Cambodia Newsletter

China's Cambodian Medical Team of Traditional Chinese Medicine went to Siem Reap for free clinic

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Lao News

Lao tourism enterprises introduce durable certification. The Lao project cooperates with the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Provincial Chamber of Commerce and Industry to provide tourism enterprises with information and resources to start the certification process. Supplier enterprises will understand the standards and the benefits they will gain after obtaining certification. The benefits will include reputation, becoming a competitive supplier and increasing revenue

The training, guidance and evaluation of enterprises will be managed locally by the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the Lao tourism supply chain to enter sustainable practice market projects

Thailand News

According to the Thai Meteorological Bureau, affected by the movement of the high pressure mass, Thailand will encounter local strong convective weather during March 12-14. At that time, there will be thunderstorms in northern, northeastern, central and eastern Thailand, including Bangkok and surrounding areas, and thunderstorms, strong winds, hail and other weather in some areas

Vietnam News

Vietnam supports and is ready to achieve the cooperation priorities set by the Indonesian President and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in 2023
He Zhiping, acting head of the Vietnamese delegation, made the above statement on the issue of East Timor's application for ASEAN membership when attending the ASEAN Senior Officials' Meeting and the 15th meeting of the Working Group of the ASEAN Coordinating Council. The event was organized by Indonesia, the rotating presidency of ASEAN, in 2023 to prepare for the 42nd ASEAN Summit and the Foreign Ministers' Meeting in May
At the meeting, participants discussed and basically agreed on the direction of implementing EU priorities this year, including promoting growth and recovery; Improve the institutional capacity and efficiency of ASEAN; Addressing non-traditional security challenges, especially those related to food security, energy security, cyber security, transnational crime, the flexibility of the health care system, and financial and economic stability
In terms of ASEAN's external relations, they reviewed and discussed measures to strengthen results-oriented and mutually beneficial cooperation between ASEAN and its dialogue partners on the basis of maintaining the central position of the Bank of China and the values of ASEAN's leading mechanism, in particular to promote the culture of consultation and dialogue and the evolution of an open, transparent, inclusive and rule-based regional architecture
The participating countries agreed to continue to help Timor-Leste improve its capacity and gradually meet the standards of ASEAN member countries, and encouraged Timor-Leste to actively participate in the existing capacity-building projects and activities of ASEAN

Vietnam Newsletter

Vietnam's population is expected to exceed 100 million in three weeks, making it the 15th country in the world with a population of more than 100 million

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Vietnam Law Enforcement News

Three interdepartmental checkpoints will be set up at sea in Paditungton Province, southern Vietnam, to supervise the operation of fishing vessels and combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities.
The document requires the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, in conjunction with other departments and agencies, to complete a review of all fishing vessels by May 2023

According to the document, the registration of fishing vessels, the issuance of fishing licenses and the installation of vessel monitoring system (VMS) should be completed at that time.
The decision also calls for the updating of the national fisheries database and the inspection and supervision of fishing vessels at border stations and seaports as well as fishing vessels operating at sea.
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Table
As shown, 2631 fishing vessels with a length of more than 15 meters have been installed with VMS, accounting for 95% of the total.
Central Guangdong Province also launched a 180-day campaign to combat misconduct in the fishery sector, especially IUU fishing

The local frontier defense department has set up a working group to supervise the compliance of fishing regulations at 10 stations

Vietnam Environmental News

Environmental experts said that Hanoi urgently needed the best solution for waste treatment, and the construction of modern waste treatment facilities and waste source classification was the key to improve the urban waste treatment capacity

In recent years, there have been nearly 20 incidents of garbage piling up on the streets in the city, because the two largest garbage disposal centers have not enough space to bury the garbage in the capital

At the same time, the expansion of these landfills also stalled due to land acquisition compensation disputes

Although the city has instructed the relevant departments to carry out dialogue with the local districts and seek temporary solutions, the protests still reoccurred, leading to a waste disposal crisis in the city

A staff member of Vietnam Natural and Environmental Protection Association said that the biggest problem of Hanoi waste treatment is to bury waste, which is an old-fashioned waste treatment method, leading to overcrowding and unsanitary waste landfills

He said: "If we continue to use the old method, I believe that there will be no way out for garbage disposal, and the conflict between local authorities, residents and garbage disposal owners will escalate."

Environmental experts suggested that Hanoi should speed up the progress of land clearing and garbage disposal area construction.

In particular, the city needs to pay attention to new waste treatment technologies, that is, burning waste for power generation or suppressing construction particles.

He added that landfilling must be stopped to avoid polluting the environment.

rootAccording to Hanoi 2030 Year and2050 The solid waste treatment plan of the year vision will include17 Waste treatment areas with daily treatment capacity of up to1,200 Tons.

Lao News

Laos - China Railway announced that train tickets can be booked online.

Lao-China Railway Co., Ltd. announced that it would start selling tickets through its newly developed application LCR Ticket from March 15, 2023. However, this service is only applicable to domestic passengers.

The mobile application is compatible with Android and IOS smartphones.

Previously, this application was only used to view the information of the Laos-China Railway Station.

Through LCR Ticket APP, passengers can view travel information, purchase tickets, make reservations (up to 7 days in advance), change reservation information and even cancel reservations.

After using the application to purchase tickets, passengers can carry the QR code to pick up tickets at any station of the Laos-China Railway.

threemonthfourJapan, Laos and China railway transport passengers togetheroneMore than 10000 person-timestwo thousand and twenty-oneyeartwelveThe highest daily passenger volume since the opening of the railway at the beginning of this month.

Thailand News

Recently, the smog situation in Chiang Mai, Thailand, has worsened, not only affecting the health of local residents, but also the tourism industry in Chiang Mai.

Although Thailand is now entering the hot season, making the tourism industry in northern Thailand enter the slack seasonIn this caseThere are tourists coming to visit the area.However, the recent haze has been serious, and tourists have cancelled their accommodation orders.

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ASEAN is one of the fastest growing regions in the world. According to the data of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the economic growth rate of Southeast Asia will reach 5.5% in 2022.

However, a series of constantly changing and generally negative economic pressures are putting ADB's growth forecast on the regionThe measure (reflecting the pattern of the rest of the world) was lowered to 4.7%.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts global growth of 3.2% and 2.7% in 2022 and 2023 respectively, which means that ASEAN's growth is still expected to be significantly faster than the global average.

Despite the current economic downturn, foreign direct investment (FDI) in Southeast Asia is still very attractive, and some industries are expected to flourish in 2023. The trend of capital inflow into key industries such as technology, manufacturing and infrastructure development may continue, and China's "reopening" will start in the second quarter(The second quarter of 2023) began to provide much-needed impetus for the tourism industry.

What promising industries will ASEAN have in 2023?


Manufacturing industry is an important part of regional economy. In some countries, this dependence on manufacturing is more obvious - in Vietnam, manufacturing is the backbone of the economy, while in Thailand - this industry contributed 27% of GDP in 2021.

ASEAN governments have introduced preferential incentives and supportive policies to take advantage of this shift in regional supply chains. This includes the implementation of tax reduction, the improvement of business convenience, the increase of infrastructure expenditure and the establishment of special economic zonesAnd free trade zones.


There are several reasons to expect that 2023 will be a more positive year for the industry. The first is China's "re opening" tourism. The China Immigration Bureau recently announced that it would resume issuing visas for mainland residents to travel abroad from January 8. The lack of Chinese tourists is regarded as the main challenge for the tourism industry of most ASEAN countries.

Another reason is the rebound in demand for tourism in other parts of the world. According to the data shared by CNBC, as concerns about Covid-19 subside, American families will continue to release the pent-upDemand. The Asia-Pacific region is one of the most popular destinations.

IIIDigital economy

According to a report, the digital economy of the "six ASEAN countries" (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) is expected to reach a total of $200 billion in goods by the end of 2022Value.  

In the past three years, 100 million Internet users have been added to the region. The digital transformation agenda continues to be a major driver of investment and growth in the region. Importantly, the expanding digital economy provides a huge range of opportunities in the field of digital financial services.

Most of the population in South-East Asia still have no or insufficient bank accounts, and most of the workers work in the informal sector, so it is difficult for banks to establish credit records due to the lack of bank accounts.

In addition, SMEs in the region also lack formal credit records, which hinders their access to capital.

Vietnam News

According to Peng Shituan, Cultural Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Vietnam, the Chinese government has decided to include Vietnam in the list of countries that China can organize group tourism from today (March 15).

At the working meeting with the Director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Peng confirmed that before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, China and Vietnam had conducted strong tourism cooperation, benefiting the two peoples and making practical contributions to strengthening the friendship between the two countries.

He said that the process of resuming international tourism was convincing and encouraging, and added that Vietnam would become one of the priority countries for China to resume direct flights, and passengers did not need to show negative test results.He added that tourists entering the country only need to provide quick test results or 2% Probability detection.

Cambodia News

At about 11:00 p.m. on March 12, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said on a paper plane that he had encountered cyber fraud by fraudsters an hour ago.

Hun Sen said that at that time, a Telegram account sent him an English message asking him to transfer money to an ABA bank account. The other side's avatar embezzled the photo of the Cambodian entrepreneur Duke Khun Sear.

Hun Sen said that after investigation, professionals found that although the fraudsters used the phone number of Laos, they were in Taiwan, China, China

Hun Sen said that the fraudsters may not know that the number is the Prime Minister of Cambodia, so they tried to defraud

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Indonesian News

The official agency of Indonesia reported that on Saturday, a landslide occurred in the western province of Riau Islands in Indonesia, resulting in a death toll of 44 people. At present, 11 missing people are still being searched.   

The Secretary of the Natuna Disaster Management and Mitigation Agency acknowledged that heavy rain was the main culprit of natural disasters, destroyed more than 30 houses and evacuated 2234 people.

He added that the rescue operations involved heavy machinery, personnel of local search and rescue offices, local disaster management and disaster reduction agencies, as well as military personnel and police.

Cambodia News

Recently, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen met with online fraud on a paper plane, which attracted public attention. Since Hun Sen pointed out that the fraudsters were in Taiwan, the Taiwan police also attached great importance to it, and responded that if the fraudsters' IP addresses were in Taiwan, the Taiwan police could immediately identify them and have contacted the Cambodian side to follow up the matter.

According to Taiwan Zhongshi News Network, in response to this matter, the Taiwan police said on the 14th that the fraudster's IP address may be a physical IP address, or it may be changed by renting another or a third place, and the fraudster embezzles the Taiwan IP as a springboard. If the IP is in Taiwan, the police can immediately find out.

Vietnam News

The operation team of "970 Agricultural Contact Forum" held a forum to promote agricultural and aquatic products trade between Vietnam and Guangxi Province of China.

Nguyen Hoai Nam, Deputy Secretary-General of Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP), said that Vietnam's seafood trade with China had the strongest growth from 2018 to 2022. China has become Vietnam's second largest seafood importer after the United States.  

He said that Guangxi is the third largest place in China to import Vietnamese seafood, after Guangdong and Zhejiang, accounting for 6% and 11% of the seafood imported from Vietnam.

Vietnam is the largest supplier of seafood to Guangxi, accounting for 69% of Guangxi's imports and 75% of its imports.  

In view of these advantages, he stressed the need for Vietnam to strengthen trade exchanges between enterprises and local Chinese, and accelerate the approval process of registered enterprises exporting aquatic products to China.  

Agencies need to update and provide Vietnamese exporters with information about the needs and regulations of the Chinese market and local governments.

According to Su Wanguang, vice president of Guangxi Viet-China Chamber of Commerce, Dongteng Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. plans to purchase 35000 tons of durian, of which 15000 tons are from Vietnam. He added that the company is currently promoting the establishment of a Vietnamese seafood trading center in Fangchenggang, Guangxi, which is expected to promote direct trade between Vietnamese and Chinese companies.

Tran Thi Bich Ngoc, Chairman of Mang Street International Port Management Committee, said that the volume of Vietnamese agricultural products and aquatic products exported to the Chinese market through the port increased by 60% annually on average.

In order to promote the export of Vietnamese agricultural and aquatic products to the Chinese market, the Chairman said that enterprises should make full use of digital and information technology, as well as e-commerce trading hall, to strengthen product promotion; Improve the quality of export commodities from the aspects of planting, processing, packaging and transportation.


After Malaysian Chinese actress Michelle Yeoh won the best actress at the 95th Academy Awards, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar issued a message on her social media on the 13th, praising Michelle Yeoh as "good".

Anwar said that Yeoh, who was born in Ipoh, has improved Malaysia's international reputation with her achievements. He said that Michelle Yeoh's achievements could inspire Malaysian artists and film and television workers.

Ni Kemin, Minister of Local Government Development of Malaysia, Zhang Nianqun, Deputy Minister of Communications and Digital, and Lin Huiying, Deputy Minister of Education, all congratulated Michelle Yeoh.

Wu Tianquan, general president of the Chinese Great Hall Association of Malaysia, also issued a statement praising Michelle Yeoh as "the light of the Chinese community", and called on the Malaysian government to pay more attention to the development of the film industry and help Malaysian films to go global.






据估计,越南每年需要约 4.1 万亿越南盾(1.737 亿美元)来增加国家石油储备。






今年的重点将放在促进各领域合作的项目上印度尼西亚和卡塔尔的文化和创意艺术,并在两国之间发展可持续的长期伙伴关系。该计划包括将在整个 2023 年在两国举行的各种文化活动。






老挝水电发展目的:通过电力出口,赚取外汇,支持老挝政府经济和社会发展,加强电网建设和农村地区离网电气化,实现能源可及,满足本国增长的能源需求,保障电力平价,促进经济社会发展,老挝国家电力公司实现良好商业运营, 摆脱对进口化石燃料发电依赖。











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