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July 15th Qingqiao Morning Post | North Korean military officials flee after removing $30 million
Release time:2024-07-15 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

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Standing on a towering wall, without desire, one becomes strong
Today in history:On this day 418 years ago, Dutch painter Rembrandt was born. His representative works include "The Carpenter's Family," "Night Watch," "Three Trees," etc. Rembrandt's use of light was superb, and he was able to flexibly handle the brightness and darkness of light, emphasizing the importance of the image. This is also one of the main characteristics of his paintings. He was one of the greatest painters of the 17th century in Europe and also the greatest painter in Dutch history.


01Former Indonesian Agriculture Minister sentenced to 10 years in prison for corruption

According to Jakarta News, on July 11th, former Indonesian Minister of Agriculture Charul was sentenced to 10 years in prison for embezzlement of public funds. According to official reports, 69 year old Sharur coerced two officials from the Ministry of Agriculture to transfer a total of 44 billion Indonesian rupiah to him. He used the money to purchase jewelry and beauty treatments for his wife, participate in religious activities, travel abroad on private planes, pilgrimage, and donate to political parties. Two former high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Agriculture involved in the case were sentenced to four years in prison and fined 200 million Indonesian rupiah. It is reported that Shahrul is the sixth corrupt minister during the tenure of Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

In recent years, Indonesia has arrested dozens of public officials suspected of corruption. last yearIn November, the former Minister of Communications was sentenced to 15 years in prison for his corruption case, which resulted in national losses exceeding $500 million. In 2021, a former Minister of Social Affairs was sentenced to 12 years in prison for accepting a bribe of $1.2 million. This bribe is related to providing food aid to impoverished families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

02North Korean military officials flee after removing $30 million

According to South Korean media reports, on July 10th, sources reported that a senior official belonging to the North Korean Army Defense Bureau fled after embezzling $30 million in secret funds. It is reported that in order to accelerate the modernization of North Korea's weapons, North Korea has appointed this cadre to be responsible for introducing computer digital control machine tools from China. According to reports, this cadre is a core cadre of the Kim Jong un regime, mainly responsible for managing secret funds. The embezzled funds account for 30% of the $100 million secret funds raised by Kim Jong un for weapon modernization. It is currently uncertain whether this cadre fled with cash or through a transfer.

Nam Sung wook, the director of the Institute of Unification and Integration at Korea University, believes that the cadre may have been involved in the transfer of secret funds and decided to defect after receiving a recall order from Pyongyang. If carrying huge amounts of funds to South Korea, there will be a threat of murder from Pyongyang. In order to ensure personal safety, it cannot be ruled out that he has fled to another country. There are also reports suggesting that countries such as the United States and Europe do not recognize illegal funds from hostile countries, so this cadre may have fled to the United States and Europe.


01The United States will begin deploying long-range weapons in Germany in 2026

According to Reuters, on July 10th, the United States and Germany issued a joint statement at the NATO summit, stating that the United States will begin deploying long-range weapons in Germany from 2026 to demonstrate its commitment to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European defense. The "phased deployment" of the United States is to prepare for the long-term deployment of such weapons, which will include Standard Missile Type 6, Tomahawk cruise missiles, and hypersonic weapons with longer ranges than those currently available in Europe.

It is understood that according to former Soviet leader Mikhail·Gorbachev and former US President Ronald Reagan signed the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in 1987, which banned land-based missiles with a range exceeding 500 kilometers. This was the first time that the two world superpowers agreed to reduce their nuclear arsenals and eliminate an entire class of weapons. Germany, Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic followed in the footsteps of the signatory countries and destroyed their missiles in the 1990s. The United States withdrew from the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in 2019, claiming that Moscow violated the treaty on the grounds that Russia had developed the 9M729 land launched cruise missile, which NATO called SSC-8, but Moscow has repeatedly denied this accusation.



01Apple agrees to open up mobile payment technology to competitors

Bloomberg reported that on July 11th, Apple reached a settlement with the European Union, allowing third-party developers to use Apple's payment technology to help them develop alternative mobile wallets. This agreement is binding for 10 years, and if Apple violates the agreement, it will face a fine of up to 10% of its global annual revenue.

For a long time, Apple and the European Union have been in dispute over how Apple complies with EU regulatory requirements. The EU had previously warned that restricting the use of this technology is equivalent to abusing market power. EU Competition Commissioner Vestager said that Apple has promised to allow competitors to useThe "one click payment" technology of iPhone will provide consumers with more secure and innovative mobile wallets to choose from, and the market will become more free and open.

02Cambodia's fresh longan exports increase by 120%

According to the Cambodia China Times, data recently released by the Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture shows that in the first half of this year, Cambodia's agricultural product exports reached 6.135 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 57.2%. The main agricultural products exported include rice, rice, cassava chips, fresh cassava, cassava flour, cashews, bananas, mangoes, longans, etc. Among them, Cambodia exported 14817 tons of fresh longan, a year-on-year increase of 120%.

It is reported that fresh longan from CambodiaAt the end of October 2022, it was approved to be exported to China, and in December of the same year, Cambodian Longyan was officially launched on Chinese e-commerce platforms. After knocking on the door to the Chinese market, the export volume of longan has been increasing year by year. According to statistics from the Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture, the export volume of longan reached 17400 tons last year, of which 17300 tons were sold to China. In addition, the report also pointed out that in the first half of this year, Cambodia's fresh mango exports reached 190000 tons, a surge of 107.7% from 91000 tons in the same period last year; The export volume of fresh bananas reached 128000 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 22.6%; The export volume of fresh cassava reached 1.67 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 385.4%; The export volume of cashew nuts reached 545000 tons, a year-on-year increase of 50.4%; The export volume of processed cashew nuts reached 87 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 87%.



0165 British pilot whales stranded and died

According to Reuters, on July 11th, a British marine life rescue organization reported that at least 65 pilot whales had died after being stranded on an island in northern Scotland, making it one of the largest whale strandings in recent years in the UK. The British diver marine life rescue organization said that they had received a grounding notification earlier that day and sent medical personnel to a beach on Sandy Island in the Orkney Islands of Scotland, but most of the stranded pilot whales had already died.

There are many reasons why whales are stranded on shore, such as getting lost or being affected by tides. Pilot whales have close social connections, and when one whale in a group encounters difficulties, other whales usually follow it, leading to large-scale stranding. A year ago, a similar pilot whale stranding incident occurred on the Scottish island of Lewis, with at least55 whales died or were euthanized. Earlier this year, there was also a large-scale grounding incident in Western Australia.


01New species similar to vampire squid discovered in South China Sea

According to Xinhua News Agency, recently, researchers from the South China Sea Institute of Oceanography and other institutions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a paper in the English academic journal Journal of Zoological Taxonomy, saying that in September 2016, Chinese scientists collected a specimen at 800 to 1000 meters deep in the Dongnanhai area of Hainan Island. The research team compared its morphology with that of the ghost octopus and found significant differences in its tail shape, lower keratinized jaw shape, and position of the luminescent organ. Through genetic analysis, it was found that it is two branches with a relatively large genetic distance from the ghost octopus on the evolutionary tree, which confirms that the collected specimen is a new species and becomes the second known existing species in the order of ghost octopus, known as the pseudo ghost octopus.

On March 8, 2022, researchers from the American Museum of Natural History and Yale University published a research report in the British journal Nature Communications, analyzing an ancient fossil of a 10 armed octopus that lived 328 million years ago. They believe that this ancient octopus is the oldest known ancestor of the octopus and ghost octopus. This fossil study confirms scientists' previous hypothesis that the ghost octopus animals originally had 10 arms and gradually evolved into the current eight arms.

Financial Newsletter
London financial news: Recently, the consolidation index of European bound goods has fallen sharply again, with EC2408 closing down 4.43% to 5488 points, EC2410 falling 13.65% to 3870 points, and all other contracts hitting the daily limit down.


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