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June 1st Qingqiao Morning Post | Vietnam claims that only a very small amount of electricity is imported from China and Laos
Release time:2023-06-02 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:
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It is the sprout of a new era
Today in history:Today, 78 years ago, Indonesia's first President Sukarno put forward the five principles of Indonesia's founding, namely religious belief, humanism, nationalism, democracy and social justice, which are also one of the basic spirits of Indonesia's Constitution.


01Singaporean President Halima will not run for the next presidential election

Recently, Singaporean President Halima announced that she will not run for the next presidential election and will expire on September 13th of this year. Halima is the first female president in history of Singapore and the second Malay president after the first President Yusuf Issa.

Singapore is a multi-ethnic country, with Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Eurasian ethnic groups being the main ethnic groups, with Chinese accounting for approximately 74% of the total population, Malay accounting for 13%, and Indian accounting for 9%. The Singapore presidential election is held every 6 years, and the president is a symbolic head of state, but has the power to supervise the use of national reserves and veto important personnel appointments.

two thousand and sixteenyearelevenmonthThe Singapore Parliament has passed constitutional amendments to improve theone thousand nine hundred and ninety-threeThe popular presidential election mechanism implemented since stipulates that if a representative of a certain ethnic group is not elected as president in five consecutive presidential elections, the candidate quota for the next election will only be reserved for that ethnic group.staytwo thousand and seventeenyearpresidentelectionIn,presidentA positionIt is prepared for the Malay community, as they have been in the pastfortyNo member has served as president for many years,Among the 5 people who registered for the election, only former Speaker of the National Assembly, Halima, met the criteria,Halima was automatically elected.

02Vice Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives Demands Review of Sea Sand Export License

Vice Chairman of the Sixth Committee of the Indonesian House of RepresentativesMartinRequest government reviewchecktwo thousand and twenty-threeYear Notwenty-sixHao ZhengGovernment Regulations(PP)The sea sand export license included in.MartinMany environmentalists also openly oppose this regulation, which means it is a clear threat to our environment.

The Chairman of the Indonesian Democratic Progressive Party stated that the reasons for the ban on sea sand exports in the Minister of Industry and Trade Decree (SK) No. 117/MPP/Kep/2/2003 are very clear. One of them is causing environmental damage.

Martin stated that although according to relevant laws and regulations, exports can be made as long as domestic demand is met, it is still unclear what control measures will be taken.

Just like the previous edible oil shortage case, the legal requirement was that exports could be made if domestic demand was met, but the result was later broken.

Meanwhile, legislators in North Sumatra Province emphasized the position of the Democratic Progressive Party and demanded that the government review and sit down with all parties to rewrite the regulation.

The Sixth Committee of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia has responsibilities in the fields of industry, investment, and commercial competition. On May 15th, Indonesian President Joko Widodo signed Presidential Decree No. 26/2023, abolishing Presidential Decree No. 33/2002 on controlling and supervising sea sand mining. This Presidential Decree was issued during the reign of Indonesia's 5th President Megawati, with the aim of controlling unfavorable sea sand export business for Indonesia.


01The United States continues to delay the final conclusion of its anti circumvention investigation into hardwood plywood in Vietnam

On May 30, according to the Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade, the United States Department of Commerce (DOC) has announced that it will extend the release period of the final conclusion of the anti-dumping and tax evasion investigation on plywood imported from Vietnam. The United States Department of Commerce originally planned to release the conclusions on July 14. This is the eighth extension of the deadline.

Previously, the United States Department of Commerce announced the preliminary conclusion of the case on July 25 last year, saying that if the core materials of plywood imported from Vietnam to the United States use the wood veneer raw materials imported from China, they will be subject to anti-dumping and countervailing duties, and the temporary tax rate may be as high as 378.26%, just as it is applicable to plywood imported from China. If its core material uses peeled boards produced domestically or in other countries, it can be exempt from taxation.

The United States Department of Commerce allows Vietnamese enterprises cooperating in the investigation to prove themselves that they did not use Chinese materials, so as not to be taken measures. According to the department's calculations, the number of enterprises participating in self certification accounted for approximately% of Vietnam's exports during the survey period80%.

02Vietnam claims that only a very small amount of electricity is imported from China and Laos

Recently,Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of VietnamDang Hoang AnIn response to congressional representatives' question about why Vietnam did not increase its total capacity tofour thousand and six hundredThe issue of increasing imports from Laos and China due to the integration of megawatt domestic renewable energy projects into the national grid,Indicates that the electricity imported from Laos and China only accounts for half of Vietnam's total electricity demandA small portion.

Previously, Vietnamese National Assembly Representative Ta Thi Yen stated at a meeting last weekend that although pricing negotiations for connecting renewable energy projects to the national grid faced obstacles, Vietnam was forced to increase imports from Laos and China to make up for the shortage. She believes that facing severe power shortages, hundreds of solar and wind energy projects cannot generate electricity for consumption, which is a huge waste.

Regarding this, the Deputy MinisterDang HoaNg AnexpressVietnam's import of electricity is not due to power shortages. sincetwo thousand and fiveSince, the country has been purchasing electricity from China through transmission lines in Laojie and Hejiang provinces, andtwo thousand and nineteenAfter reaching an intergovernmental cooperation agreement in, we purchased hydropower from Laos. From LaosAnd ChinaImported electricityAndThe daily consumption demand in the northern region is very limited.The import of electricity from Laos and China has increased this year,yesDue to the extreme weather and drought during the dry season, there is a shortage of supply.In addition,The import electricity price is approximatelysix point fiveCents,Lower than some domestic sources.


0111264 people in the Philippines are affected by Typhoon "Betty"

Due to the typhoonBettyThe heavy rainfall and strong winds brought about have cut off power supply to at least four provinces in the northern part of Luzon IslandPhilippinesNational Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management(NDRRMC)Co-ownership2859Families or11264People are affected byBettyThe impact of. Among them, there are877Families or3483peopleLiving in an evacuation center.

Sabtang City in the Bataan Islands is experiencing a complete power outage. Due to the huge waves, an oil tanker that was supposed to provide fuel supply to the province ran aground southwest of Punga. A warehouse located in Barangay Casambalangan, Santa Ana City collapsed due to a strong storm.

The Philippines is a country in Southeast Asia, with a very special geographical location, close to the western Pacific Ocean and coastlineGrow up abouteighteen thousand five hundred and thirty-threeKilometers, because it is particularly close to the seaside, it is hit by typhoons every year,The typhoon season usually starts fromsixMonth toelevenmonth,The level of typhoons varies every year, but most typhoons pass over or around the Philippines, so the frequency of typhoons in the Philippines will be higher.

02Myanmar media calls for the cessation of all mining operations in ethnic minority areas

Myanmar Mining Observation Network(MMWN)Call for the cessation of all mining operations in ethnic minority areas such as Kachin State, Shan State, Karen State, and Karen State. The network states that,sincetwo thousand and twenty-oneSince the coup in, the exploitation of resources such as gold, tin, nickel, steel, zinc, coal, and jade in these regions has increasedDue to landslides and drowning in lakes caused by large machinery, as well as drug use around mining sites, the illegal mining boom has caused increasing loss of life and an increase in forced child labor. At the same time, chemicals used in mining are poisoning fields and water sources, leading to a shortage of various fish, animals, medicinal plants, and other flora and fauna in drinking water, farmland, and rivers.

According to the report released by the network, the Myanmar military government and its affiliated militia organizations, without any legal basis, issue licenses to gold mining and levy taxes. Mining revenue is helping to purchase military equipment for use against civilians, especially ethnic minorities and other minorities.

According to Kachin Accountable Resources Governance Organization (K-SAG), since the military seized power in 2021, the illegal gold mining in Kachin State has increased 10 times.

This organization is responsible for supervising and managing the natural resources of Kachin State, including forests, land, water, and mineral resources,Simultaneously protecting the interests of local communities.

01Memorandum of Agreement on Renovation Project Signed between Lao National University and Seoul National University in South Korea

Recently,National University of Laos(NUOL)Agricultural College andKoreaSEOUL National University (GSIAT Korea)Officials from the International Graduate School of Agricultural Technology have signed a memorandum of agreement on the renovation project,South Korean Ministry of EducationtakeProvided for the renovation project of the Ministry of Livestock Husbandry1785714USD to offer dairy courses. In addition,Starting from this year, Seoul UniversityIn seven yearsWill donate again333361USD for this project.

The purpose of the project is to create animal husbandry and strengthen the dairy farming industry in Laos, to meet international standards, and to promote prosperous animal husbandry development. Students will learn about dairy farming and encourage Lao farmers who raise cows to form cooperatives. This project is seen as an important driving force for dairy farming and the expansion of small-scale operations currently in Laos.

The renovation project will develop the dairy industry in a sustainable manner, producing high-quality milk for public consumption. The project will also create employment opportunities for local people.

The Minister of Education and Sports of Laos stated that the Lao government hopes to develop agriculture on a large scale, produce agricultural products and livestock, meet domestic demand, and export to China. Due to the lack of talents trained in modern animal husbandry in Laos, the government is eager for experienced talents from South Korea to train Lao officials and farmers in order to develop the industry on a commercial basis.

The dairy industry in Laos is small in scale and cannot produce enough milk to sell to the market. Due to a lack of expertise in dairy farming, all milk consumed in Laos is imported.


  The Laos meteorological department issued a reminder that from now on to June 4, local thunderstorms, heavy rain and gales are expected in the northern and central provinces of Laos. People in this area should pay attention to the warning preparation, beware of rainstorm disasters, and pay attention to power safety in thunderstorm weather.

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