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August 1st Qingqiao Morning Post | Indonesia will ban online sales of imported goods priced below $100
Release time:2023-08-02 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:
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Don't worry about a thousand miles, there will always be wind to come
Today in history:Today, 249 years ago, British chemist Priestley found oxygen when he heated Mercury(II) oxide in the laboratory. Priestley was therefore called the "father of gas chemistry", which played an important role in the research of modern chemistry.

01Cambodia's new cabinet undergoes a major reshuffle

According to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Hung Mane is expected to be appointed as the new Prime Minister by the King of Cambodia on August 7th and sworn in on August 22nd. The new cabinet is also expected to undergo a major reshuffle, with 90% of cabinet ministers being replaced by the younger generation. Former Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen once stated that the future rotation of Cambodia between old and new positions will not be just a simple succession of Prime Minister Hun Mane, but a whole "new generation" of cabinet members taking over the positions of the older generation. He hopes that in the next five years, there will be an excellent team to continue promoting the implementation of the national democratic system.

This move has also raised concerns among relevant departments, and in response, Hun Sen stated that,After the establishment of the new government, the current state secretaries and deputy state secretaries of government departments,Important positions such as military commander and national police director will remain unchanged.

01Indonesia will ban online sales of imported goods priced below $100

According to the daily news from Indonesia, on July 29, according to the introduction of the Indonesian Cooperative and Small and Medium Enterprises Department, the government will prohibit the e-commerce platform and social media business platform from selling imported goods with a price lower than IDR 1.5 million, about US $100. At the same time, the department and the Ministry of Trade plan to verify the identity of local enterprises and local products through Corporate identity numbers, so as to deal with mixed market and online sales.

It is understood that currently IndonesiaOn e-commerce platforms such as Tik Tok, there are a large number of local sellers selling imported goods without government supervision, such as clothing, cosmetics, shoes and hats, which are priced as low as IDR5000 to IDR100000, seriously eroding the Lebensraum of local small and medium-sized enterprises in Indonesia. The main purpose of the government's action is also to enable local small and medium-sized enterprises to produce goods that can be circulated online on the platform.

01Thailand experienced a major explosion, resulting in hundreds of deaths and injuries

According to surging news, on July 29, a fireworks warehouse in southern Thailand exploded. The Ministry of Public Relations of Narathiwat Province said that at least 118 people were injured, more than 200 households were affected, and some residents were trapped under the ruins waiting for rescue.

Local Public Relations MachineAccording to the report,The explosion caused approximatelyThe area within 500 meters has been damaged. Videos posted on social media display,A huge smoke rose from the scene, with many damaged buildings, cars, and motorcycles, and the streets covered in debris,Many houses and other buildings have collapsed roofs and walls. The relevant person in charge revealed that the explosion is likely due to the ongoing metal welding in the warehouse, which generated sparks, causing the stored fireworks to catch fire and explode.

01List of presidents of Indonesia Joko Attends the Opening Ceremony of Chengdu Universiade

According to Xinhua News Agency, on the afternoon of July 27, President Joko of List of presidents of Indonesia arrived in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, to attend the opening ceremony of the 31st Summer Universiade, which is the fifth time for China and the fourth time for Chinese Mainland to holdWorld University GamesIt is also the first time that Western China has held a global eventMulti-sport eventA total of 6500 athletes from 113 countries and regions have registered for the competition.

The opening ceremony was held in the main stadium of Dong'an Lake Sports Park in Chengdu, which can accommodate 40000 spectators. In addition to List of presidents of Indonesia Joko, President Ghazvani of List of heads of state of Mauritania, President Ndayismiye of List of presidents of Burundi, President Ali of President of Guyana and Prime Minister Garibashvili of Prime Minister of Georgia attended the opening ceremony. China is also actively showcasing traditional culture to leaders of various countries, promoting communication and exchange, and injecting momentum into the post pandemic world.


Recently, Chengdu, China has been cloudy with occasional rainfall, and the temperature remains around 30 degrees Celsius. Friends participating in the Universiade in Chengdu are advised to bring rain gear and observe the event in a civilized manner.

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