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August 3rd Qingqiao Morning Post | Singapore Navy Receives First New Submarine
Release time:2023-08-03 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:
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Stable in daily life, light in time
Today in history:On this day 531 years ago, the Italian List of maritime explorers Columbus started his first voyage. During this voyage, he landed in the Bahamas and San Salvador. Columbus was one of the major figures in the era of great navigation and the pioneer of Age of Discovery.

01Singapore Navy Receives First New Submarine

Recently, according to US media reports, the Singapore Navy has received the 218SG submarine "Impeccable" purchased from Germany. This is the first brand new submarine welcomed by the Singapore Navy. Singapore's submarine force, equipped with second-hand submarines, will also become an underwater force mainly composed of brand new submarines.

The 218SG submarine was jointly designed by ThyssenKrupp Maritime Systems and the Defence Science and Technology Agency according to the requirements of the Singapore Navy. The submarine is about 70 meters long, the diameter of the pressure hull is about 6.3 meters, and the underwater displacement is about 2200 tons. The power system includes diesel engine, propulsion motor, AIP system, etc, can support submarine navigation underwater2-3 weeks.The 218SG submarine will replace the active service of the 171st Submarine Squadron of the Singapore NavyofFour second-hand submarines,Bring SingaporeUnderwater combat capabilities will rise to a new level.


01Cambodia's rubber exports exceeded 180 million US dollars in the first half of this year

According to a report from the Rubber General Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodia, Cambodia's rubber exports exceeded 180 million US dollars from January to June this year, while rubber wood exports amounted to nearly 840000 US dollars, a decrease compared to the same period last year. In 2022, Cambodia's rubber and rubber wood exports reached 531 million US dollars, of which rubber exports were approximately 52000 US dollars.

Analysis suggests that this is mainly due to the decrease in rubber prices. In the first half of this year, the price of rubber per ton was$1344, a year-on-year decrease of $252, a decrease of 15.81%.


01Rainstorm and tornado hit southern Southern Vietnam

According to CCTV news, Southern Vietnam has suffered severe weather such as rainstorm and tornado for several consecutive days. As of July 30 local time, five people have been killed, two missing and hundreds of houses damaged.

According to Vietnam National Hydrometeorological Forecast Center,On July 29th and 30th, the precipitation in some southern provinces reached 90-162 millimeters, with some areas experiencing precipitation greater than 210 millimeters, which is equivalent to one month's normal precipitation. It is expected that the situation of rainfall will continue in the provinces of Southern Vietnam in the next week, which may lead to the risk of landslides again.

01Completion of the Teacher Training Phase of the China Aid Laos Railway Vocational and Technical College Project

According to China News Network, on July 31st, the first batch of 40 railway teachers from Laos who studied railway professional knowledge at Kunming Railway Vocational and Technical College in China completed a one-year and a half study period and obtained a graduation certificate. This marks that China's aid to the Laos Railway Vocational and Technical College projecteducationThe work in the training phase of capacity building teachers has been successfully completed.

As the core supporting project of the China Laos Railway, the China aided Laos Railway Vocational and Technical College Project is to build a railway vocational and technical college in Vientiane, Laos. Kunming Railway Vocational and Technical College is responsible for the "education capacity building and education technology cooperation" part of the project. The first batch of railway teachers in Laos will train more builders and maintainers for the China Laos railway and provide strong talent support for the railway construction in Laos after they return from their studies.


Recently, rainstorm and gale in Southern Vietnam have kept the temperature at about 27 degrees. Please stay at home as far as possibleBe prepared for disaster prevention when away from the mountains and the coast.

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