Qingqiao Information


September 29th Qingqiao Morning Post | Durian market expands by 400%, with China accounting for 91%
Release time:2023-09-29 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

All good things come from difficulties, and young people have no direction but ease
Today in history:Today is the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, the Mid-Autumn Festival. I wish friends at home and abroad a happy reunion, more than a happy celebration, farewell to Mu'er and fireworks every year.


01135 Malaysian lawmakers jointly demand that Myanmar allow Aung San Suu Kyi to receive treatment

According to the Lianhe Zaobao, 135 Malaysian parliamentarians recently signed a statement calling on the Burmese coup group to allow the imprisoned Aung San Suu Kyi to meet with external doctors and receive treatment, and calling for the release of all political prisoners arbitrarily arrested, including Aung San Suu Kyi.

In February 2021, Myanmar's President Wen Min, State Councilor Aung San Suu Kyi, and some senior officials of the National League for Democracy were detained by the military. Afterwards, the Minister of MyanmarThe period is in a state of emergency, with frequent domestic disputes. Sources close to the prison told the media that 87 year old Aung San Suu Kyi suffers from gingivitis and toothache. She requested external dental treatment, but only the prison doctor examined her, which delayed the treatment time. Malaysia stated that as representatives of the ASEAN region, they will stand with the people of Myanmar and also called on ASEAN to work hard to secure the release of Aung San Suu Kyi and all political prisoners by the Myanmar military.



01Durian market expands by 400%, with China accounting for 91%

According to data released by HSBC recently, global demand for durian has surged by 400% in recent years, with the Chinese market accounting for 91%. According to a report from the General Administration of Customs of China, the annual import volume of durian in China has exceeded 4 billion US dollars in recent years, ranking first among all imported fruits. The import price jumped from approximately 11.8 yuan/kg in 2015 to 33.1 yuan/kg in 2022, a threefold increase in six years.

It is understood that ASEAN is the world's durianThe main export destination, accounting for 70% of global durian exports90%, of which Thailand is the main exporter of ASEAN, accounting for 99% of ASEAN's total exports. In the first half of this year, China imported 787000 tons of durian, of which 600000 tons came from Thailand. In recent years, Vietnam and the Philippines have also gradually increased their exports of durian to the Chinese market. However, in the short term, Thailand's position as the largest exporter of durian is still difficult to shake.



01Outburst of plankton on the east coast of Thailand

Lianhe Zaobao News,The eastern coast of Thailand has recently experienced an unusually dense concentration of plankton, with a normal amountMore than 10 times,Causing the seawater to turn greenForming a pieceThe 'dead zone' poses a threat to the survival of marine life and also has a serious impactYesThe livelihood of fishermen.It is reported that,Chunburi Province in eastern Thailand is famous for its mussel farmingMore than 80% of the approximately 300 aquaculture areas along the coast are affected by plankton.

Ocean scientist Danus Bang from Thailand Agricultural UniversityWeigh,This is the first time in his life that he has seen such a bad situation. The proliferation of plankton leads to the seaThe phenomenon of water turning green occurs once or twice a year, usually lasting for two to three daysBut the situation on the east coast of Thailand this time is extraordinary,planktonNot only are redundant constantsAnd it lasts for several daysHas had a significant impact on the marine ecological environment. So far,The reason for the massive reproduction of plankton is still unclearBut environmentalists believe that,Seawater pollution and climate change are the main culprits.


01The 2023 Vietnam Korea Cultural Festival will be held in Danang, Vietnam

According to Yue Tong News Agency, the recent three-day2023 Vietnam Korea Cultural FestivalstayDa NangShidonghai Park was officially held. The event was jointly organized by the Foreign Affairs Bureau of Danang City, relevant departments, industries, and the Consulate General of South Korea in Danang City. A total of 60 booths were set up to introduce the cultural and dietary characteristics of the two countries. Three art nights and many interesting folk games were also held, such as traditional clothing shows and cultural performance programs of the two countries.

The South Korean side stated that,For 30 years, South Korea and Vietnam have beenEconomy, Trade, InvestmentSignificant progress has been made in areas such as cultural and cultural exchanges,This cultural festivalFurther strengthening mutual understanding, cultural dissemination and exchange between the two peoples, providing more development space for close cooperation between the two countries. The authorities willTo create opportunities for both parties to hold intensive cultural exchange activitiesMore convenient conditions.

Financial Newsletter
Guoxin Futures News: Recently, US cotton fell due to the rise of the US dollar and the weakness of the stock market. The main contract fell by 0.39 cents per pound, a decrease of 0.45%. Cotton prices weakened under the strong influence of the US dollar.


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