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Malaysia: Tropical Paradise and the Charm of Multiculturalism (Part 1)
Release time:2023-12-10 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

Malaysia, also known as Malaysia, is a developing country in Southeast Asia. It is located on a peninsula between the Pacific and Indian Oceans, bordering countries such as Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines. This geographical location makes Malaysia a unique multicultural country with diverse ethnic groups including Malays, Chinese, Indians, and Indigenous peoples. These different cultures blend together to create a rich and colorful social and cultural landscape.

Malaysia also boasts magnificent natural landscapes, including coconut trees and forested beaches, majestic mountains, abundant tropical rainforests, and breathtaking coral reefs. Among them, rainforest coverage ranks first in the world and is listed as a World Natural Heritage Site. Its territory is divided intoAs of now, the total population of Malaysia, consisting of the Malay Peninsula in West Malaysia and Kalimantan Island in East Malaysia, is 33 million. The capital is Kuala Lumpur, and there are 13 states and 3 federal territories in the country, with a total land area of 330000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the area of Yunnan Province in China.

As aOne of the "Four Asian Tigers", Malaysia is rich in natural resources and ranks among the world's top producers and exporters of rubber, palm oil, and pepper. It used to be a major producer of tin in the world, but its production has been decreasing year by year in recent years. But there are abundant oil reserves, as well as minerals such as iron, gold, tungsten, and coal.

Speaking of whichMalaysiaLong standingHistory can be traced back to BCsecond century.at that timehereInhabited by ancient Maya, Srivigia and other ethnic groupsOver,With the introduction of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Judaism, local culture and religion have all undergone changesNowGreat changes.

In the early 15th century, the Sultanate of Malacca was established asAimportantofTrade ports. Subsequently, European colonial powers such as Portugal, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom successively entered Malaya. The NetherlandsConquered Malacca in the early 17th century and gained controlNowThe regionofTrade.

In the mid-19th century, Britain began colonial rule in Malaya, developing rubber cultivation and tin mining, introducing a large number of Chinese immigrants, and forming a multi-ethnic and multi-ethnic societyofsociety

During World War II, JapanonceoccupytooMalaya. After the war, the Malayan people launched an anti colonial movement,toIn 1957, he gained independence and becameASovereign country, later renamed Malaysia.

There are many political and social events in Malaysia's history, and this multicultural countryEventually, it becameOne of the most important economies in Southeast Asia.

Tomorrow at the same time, please continue to follow Qingqiao Vision and walk into the charming country of Asia together——Malaysia.

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