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Black Wind Cave: The Mysterious World's Largest Cave
Release time:2023-12-17 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, is a city that combines Eastern colors with Western civilization. As a landmark attraction of Kuala Lumpur, the Black Wind Cave is well-known and is known as one of the most mysterious caves in the world. It is also the most famous cave in the world after IndiaHindu pilgrimage sites.

Heifeng Cave is located in Kuala LumpurNorthern SuburbA group of limestone caves located 11 kilometers away,On the hillside, nestled in the jungle and steep cliffs, it is quite spectacular. aboutThe origin of Heifeng Cave has aIt has been circulating for a long timeThe legend of. According to legend, in the early years, on this mountain in the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, people would see caves every morning and eveningThe black wind drifted in and out, and the Indians living at the foot of the mountain were unaware,Often feeling uneasy. Later, in order to seek peace, they raised funds to build temples in the cave, which led to the Hindu temples in the later Heifeng Cave. With the continuous increase of Hindu worship activities, this Indian temple has been continuously built and increasingly dazzling. Until one day, the locals discovered the surge of water entering and exiting the cave"Black Wind" used to be thousands of bats living in caves,henceThe mystery that has been troubling us for many years has also been resolvedUnlocking.

As aThe holy land of Hinduism in Malaysia,The Black Wind Cave is locatedannuallyDuring the Da Bao Sen Festival in late January and early February,There will beDevout Hindus carrying deities and singing religious hymns march into caves to worship, and pilgrims can reach300000 people.To enter the temple inside the Black Wind Cave, you need to follow a long pathA steep staircase with 272 steps ascended, painted in various bright colors, as if a rainbow had fallen from the sky in the mountains. In addition, at the foot of the mountain, there is a huge statue as high as 140 meters“The Hindu god of war, King MuruganThe whole body is golden and magnificent, guarding the temple,It adds a grand and mysterious atmosphere.

treadmeansRainbow staircase,Climbing up the stairs,First, reach the black hole in one of the main holes.This is a very spacious limestone cave, with stalactites hanging from the top of the cave, and the strange rocks are rugged,The light is dim, abouttwoKilometer lengththreeA kilometer wide space with a magnificent and unique Indian temple in the middle, with many exquisite and magnificent sculptures of figures, flowers, birds, and animals on the ridge of the temple, lifelike.Inside the cavetemperatureRelatively stable, the air is moist and cool, very comfortable.

Follow the front hole straight inside,Step onThe second step, justWill arrive"Light hole". Light hole is actually a huge sinkhole, where light shines down from the opening above the sinkhole. The entire interior of the sinkhole appears very bright and can refract some of the light source into the black hole in front of it, hence the name. Light holeWithin a hundred meters squareThe cave walls are lush with vegetation and treesUnder the leaked light, it was indistinct and indistinct.

Although the scale of Heifeng Cave is not large, its unique mysterious color and grand temple architecture make itpeopleWhile experiencing the wonderful cave scenery,I can also understandThe unique charm of exotic cultures.


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