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The Peak of the Divine Mountain: The Poetic World of Kinabalu
Release time:2024-01-28 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

In MalaysiaeasternIn Sabah, there is a secluded land called Kinabalu Park, also known as Kamiyama Park. It is located in the capital of Sabah——South of Gedajing Nabalu83 kilometersplace, footprint754 square kilometers, like a gem carefully nurtured by nature,It is one of the scenic spots and world heritage sites in Sabah. Here, various plants from tropical to cold regions gather, which is an important manifestation of world biodiversity.

Kinabalu Park was established in1964,Not only a kingdom of plants, but also a paradise for animals. exceed4500 typesAnimals and plantsHere, symbiosis and mutual prosperity have been achieved, building a complex and harmonious ecosystem. There are as many orchids here asone thousand and two hundredspeciesRhododendrontwenty-sevenspeciesBanyan tree78 types. have610 species of ferns, more than the entire tropical Africa. In addition, there are 326 species of birds, approximately 100 species of mammals, and over 110 species of snails.Featured animals includeBorneo gorillas, Malay rhinoceroses, bare footed weasels, bare headed noisy babblers, and chestnut cheeked toad billed chicks, among others,theyEach is a unique existence on this land.

Mount Kinabalu is the soul of the park, as well as Malaysia andBorneo IslandPeak,altitude4095 meters,AndEvery yearA speed of 0.5 centimetersincrease. The rugged lines of the mountains havevastThe mountaintop plateau, year-roundThe scenery has a unique beauty. In addition to the main peak, there are seven peaks with heights exceeding3900 metersPeak.hisGeological structure originates fromIntrusive granite formed 15 million years ago. One million years ago, due to crustal movement, these granites were pushed up to the surface. Subsequently, continuous crustal movements shaped today's landscape.

Kinabalu Park belongs to a tropical rainforest climate,For those who want to gain a deeper understanding of this land, the rainfall from February to May is relatively low,The pleasant climate is the best season for mountaineering.On the mountainThe ecological environment is rich and diverse, covering everything from lowland rainforests to temperate forests, and then to alpine grasslands.As the altitude gradually increases, it presents various different climatesandGrowing animals and plants. The most prominent feature of this mountain is the rough and dark rocks at its peak, as well as the endless granite geology. Mountaineers need to pass through the total lengthThe 14.5 kilometer journey, of which 8.5 kilometers require a vertical elevation of 1600 meters, is a difficult and long journey. However, watching after climbing highmeansA magnificent sunrise, overlookingmeansThe sea of clouds and magnificent mountain scenery are also the driving force for many visitors to move forward bravely.

Kinabalu Park is a place that combines natural beauty, biodiversity, and cultural charm. Bathing in the embrace of Mount Jingnabaru, you will be amazed by the wonders of nature and the infinite life, as if you are in a beautiful dream.

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