Qingqiao Information


Mandalay Palace: The World's Largest Palace
Release time:2024-03-24 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

stayMyanmar,StandingThere is a palace even bigger than the Forbidden City in BeijinglargeThe palace, thatThat's itMandalay Palace. It is locatedtoThe heart of the ancient city of Mount Mandalay was the last glory of the Gongbang dynasty. sinceSince 1857, this imperial palace has been proud of heaven and earth with its magnificent momentum.

The Mandalay Palace covers an extremely wide area, withAs a wholeSquare, both length and width exceedtwo thousandMeters, total area surprisinglyEquivalent toThe Forbidden City is five and a half times its size. The city walls are toweringnineMeters, everytwo hundredriceJustThere is a towering tower that guards the dignity of the imperial city like iron walls and copper walls. Outside the city wall, there is KuandasixtyThe moat of rice ripples with water, separating the palace from the worldopen.

Within the palace,The main halls include89 seatsThere are even more temples in Gaotangone hundred and fourSeat, with a well arranged and distinct layout. On both sides of the east and west are male relativesandThe residence of the female dependents is located in the central areaemperorThe Golden Luan Palace. On the Golden Luan Hall, the lion throne is solemn and sacred, and the hall below isemperorHolding a grand ceremony and receiving foreign envoysThe place. hallRelated toBetween thrones,The steps advance layer by layer, symbolizing the supreme authority of the monarchy.

The architectural style of the Mandalay Palace is unique, incorporating the charm of Bagan,At a glanceLooking like the Pagoda of PugancommonlyStand tall.All buildings are primarily colored in gold and red, providing a distant viewBrilliant and magnificent, the carved corridor and painted pillars are exquisitely beautiful when viewed up closeAnd all of them are made of Burmese royal wood——It is built from a unique precious tree species, teak, and has the characteristics of being less prone to cracking and corrosion-resistant.

However, this magnificent palace only fulfilled its obligationsthirty-twoResponsibilities of the year. From King Mindong's relocation to Mandalay, toIn 1885, the last emperor of the Gongbang Dynasty, Xipao, was captured by the British army,Throughout history, emperors handled government affairs heredailyI only lived for half a century. During World War II, with the flames of war raging, this palaceJust likeThe Old Summer Palace in Chinaequally,A large number of buildings were set on fire.

Nowadays, the grand palace we see,actuallyIt is the Burmese government thatReconstructed on the original site in 1989 based on historical images and records, greatly restoring its original appearance, making itLand occupationachieve4 million square meters,Becoming aThe largest palace in the world today.It is worth mentioning that the original designer of this palace was actually an overseas Chinese living in Myanmar——Yunnan native Yin Rong hired craftsmen from China to participate in the construction, thereforeMandalayThe imperial palace can be said to be the crystallization of Chinese wisdom.

In 2012, the Myanmar governmentContribution,A Burmese style Buddhist temple was built at the White Horse Temple in Luoyang, China, with its four main gates and walls designed entirely in the style of the Mandalay Palace.This transplant not only became a symbol of friendship between the people of China and Myanmar, but also allowed the charm of the Mandalay Palace to transcend national borders and shine with a unique brilliance in foreign lands.

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