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Hot Event Tracking - Red Sea Crisis
Release time:2024-04-04 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

UN Secretary General Guterres once likened the tragedy in the Gaza Strip toOur collective conscience is suffering from a decaying wound, and the Red Sea crisis that erupted in November 2023 is the overflow of this "decaying wound".

The Red Sea connects the three continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and is one of the busiest major transportation routes in the world. After the outbreak of the Israeli Palestinian conflict, the Yemeni Housa armed forces first supported Hamas in resisting Israel and launched attacks in the Red SeaThe past ships associated with Israel were later formed by the United States to form a multinational escort fleet, which reclassified the Hussai armed forces as a "terrorist organization" and launched attacks on them. The situation in the Red Sea immediately escalated, and the Hussai armed forces fought back without showing weakness.

Qingqiao Vision will have an impact onFrom February to March, a series of events in the Red Sea were thoroughly sorted out:

The Houser armed forces are preparing for a long-term confrontation with the United States in the Red Sea and threatening to blockade the Strait of Mandela

February 23rdAccording to insiders, regardless of the development of the war between Israel and Hamas, the Yemeni Hussein militants and Iran are ready to engage in long-term confrontation with the United States and its allies in the Red Sea region. The Houthi armed forces have been reinforcing their positions in the past few weeks. They have dug more trenches and tunnels in the Haj province in the northwest of the Yemeni capital Sanaa, which borders Saudi Arabia and overlooks the Red Sea.

Subsequently,Vice Foreign Minister Ezi of the Houthi armed forces issued a warning on social media platforms, stating that the Houthi armed forces are considering a complete blockade of the Mand Strait in the coming days,This threatens to end the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The United States and Britain launch a new round of joint strikes against the Hussain armed forces

Due toThe Strait of Mandela, located at the southern end of the Red Sea, is the throat of the sea route between the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean,To preventNavigation blocked, global trade and oil supplyDisturbance.

February 26thWith the support of allied countries such as Australia, Bahrain, Denmark, Canada, the Netherlands, and New Zealand, the US and UK coalition forces launched an attack on Yemen's territoryThe second round of strikes this month was carried out on 18 armed targets in 8 locations, including weapon storage facilities, attack drones, air defense systems, radar, and a helicopter. This round of airstrikes is the fourth joint action taken by the US and UK forces against the Houser armed forces since January 12th, and is also one of the most intensive airstrikes.

Husai armed forces announced control over Yemeni waters and attacked merchant ships, resulting in the death of crew members

March 4thThe Yemeni Husai armed forces, supported by Iran, announced that ships must apply for a permit from the maritime authority controlled by the Husai armed forces before entering Yemeni waters, in order to ensure the safety of the ships.

2 days laterThe Yemeni Housai armed forces have taken control of the Barbados flag held by GreeceThe "True Confidence" carried out a missile attack, causing the ship to catch fire approximately 50 nautical miles off the coast of Aden Port in Yemen, resulting in the death of two crew members. Multiple countries, including US warships, assessed the situation at the scene of the incident and assisted in rescue efforts. This is also the first time that the Husai armed forces have caused casualties since launching an attack on a Red Sea merchant ship.

The EU announces joining the Red Sea Escort Operation

In fact, regarding the situation in the Red Sea, as early asFebruary 19thThe EU Foreign Minister stated that the EU will also organize a Red Sea escort operation and send warships to protect international shipping in the Red Sea from attacks by the Yemeni Housa armed forces. France, Germany, Italy, and Belgium have indicated plans to send warships to the Red Sea region, with at least four warships joining the escort operation initially. This operation will last for one year, limited to protecting civilian shipping in the Red Sea from launching attacks on Yemeni territory.

Nevertheless, there have been incidents of merchant ships being attacked, and since the outbreak of the Red Sea crisis,The number of ships passing through the Suez Canal has decreased by nearly40%, the spot container freight for trade from Asia to Europe has doubled. Automobile companies including Tesla and Volvo have announced a suspension of production in European factories due to component shortages, inevitably affecting oil tankers and dry bulk carriers transporting grain.

HSBC EconomistThe Shanella Rajanayagam team pointed out that from the current situation, it is difficult to say when the normal transit of the Red Sea will resume. The bank expects that under ideal conditions, the interference on the Red Sea route in the first quarter of this year will be alleviated, but in extreme cases, the interference will continue until the second half of this year.

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