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Popa Mountain: The City of the Sky in Reality
Release time:2024-04-14 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

Mount Popa, a layered volcano standing in central Myanmar, is like a towering giant at the northern end of the Bogu Mountains, attracting the attention of countless travelers with its unique posture. It is located in the southeast of Pugan, nestled in the emerald green of the national park and highly cherished.

Popa MountainofAt an altitude of up toone thousand five hundred and nineteenMi, like an indomitable warrior standing tall, becomes the peak of the entire mountain range. In Burmese, Mount Popa is known as"The Mountain of Flowers" is not only because its name symbolizes the fragrance of flowers in Sanskrit, but also because on this mountain peak, blooming trees, plants, and ivy compete to bloom, decorating the entire mountain peak like a poem or painting.

This lonely and proud mountain peak is formed by the accumulation of volcanic ash from underground eruptions, quietly watching the vicissitudes of life on the Puganping Plain. The gift of volcanic ash has made this land fertile and fertile. At the bottom of the volcano, dense vegetation is lush, while as the altitude increases, the vegetation on the outer slope gradually becomes sparse, but it highlights the steepness and grandeur of the mountain peaks.

Whenever the weather is clear, from the distant Irrawaddy River, even if the distancesixtyEven from a distance of thousands, one can clearly see its majestic posture. The northern section of its volcanic crater slopes slightly westward, while the east, south, and west sides areSlightly high, showcasing its extraordinary momentum. The almost vertical rock peak is occupied by the golden and milky white monastery,Like a fairy pavilion in the clouds,From a distance, it shakes people's hearts. On the mountaintop is a holy land in the hearts of believers, with numerous temples and relics of Nate,Among them, the Bobataan Karat Monastery is particularly famous——It enshrines the Natianismthirty-sevenA deity, revered by believers asMount Olympus in Myanmar symbolizes the dwelling place of the gods.

To this day, Mount Popa remains a symbol of spiritual worship among the Burmese people and a mysterious place where legendary deities appear. This mountain peak is full of colorful magical legends, stepping on ithereAs if entering the world of mythology.Flowers and butterflies dance gracefully across the mountains and fields, standing on the mountaintop, one can even overlook the magnificent scenery of the entire Pugan Plain.

However, it is necessary toon footWorship these deitiesButIt's not an easy task. Believers need to climbseven hundredA multi-level steep staircase is necessary to reach the mountaintop temple. Along the way, many monkeys can be seen playing and frolicking,There is a type of Poppa leaf monkey that is particularly eye-catching, and according to genomic research results, this monkey is approximatelyIt existed 1 million years ago and is a rare species unique to Myanmar.

Popa Mountain,Not just a mountain peak, but also aSilently enduring the passage of timeMonument,Its magical charm ripples in everyone's heart.In this city of the skyinPeople seem to merge with all things in heaven and earth, feeling the breath of nature, listening to the echoes of history, and deeply baptizing their souls.

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