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Cambodian villagers accidentally hit a landmine, resulting in four fatalities. Mine clearance operations continue to advance
Release time:2024-04-27 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

recentlyFour villagers in Mondokyri Province, Cambodia accidentally triggered a landmine while picking wild vegetables in the forest, causing four deaths on the spot and injuring a mother and daughter. After the incident, local mine clearance personnel quickly rushed to the scene to carry out emergency mine clearance and rescue work.

According to preliminary investigations, villagers attempted to escape after discovering a landmine, but for some unknown reason, it still triggered an explosion. The sudden explosion of landmines brought tremendous shock and sorrow to this once peaceful village.

The landmine problem in Cambodia has a long history, with decades of civil war leaving millions of landmines and other unexploded devices in border provinces. These landmines are like invisible killers, constantly threatening the safety of local people's lives. The border areas between Cambodia and Thailand and Laos are also high-risk areas with dense landmines.

According to statistics, sinceFrom 1979 to June 2022, landmines and explosive remnants of war have caused nearly 20000 deaths and over 45000 injuries. Cambodia has become one of the countries most severely affected by landmines and explosive remnants of war.

Faced with this serious safety hazard, the Cambodian government has always regarded mine clearance work as a priority and has set measures toThe grand goal of achieving complete mine-free throughout the country by 2025. With the help of international deminers, Cambodia is making every effort to clear unexploded ordnance from its territory and create a safe living environment for the people.

In order to accelerate the progress of mine clearance, the Cambodian government has formulated a period ofA 6-year mine action plan with a budget of up to 20 million US dollars. The plan mainly covers multiple aspects such as clearing landmines and unexploded ordnance, assisting victims of landmine injuries, and raising public awareness of the hazards of landmines.

United Nations fromSince 1991, China has been involved in assisting Cambodia in mine clearance work. In recent years, China has also provided assistance to Cambodia by donating mine clearance equipment and providing mine clearance training. With the unremitting efforts of mine clearance workers and the increasing awareness of mine hazards among the public, the number of people injured by landmines in Cambodia has shown a significant downward trend every year.

Under the promotion of mine action plans, multiple provinces and cities have announced becomingThe "mine-free zone" has brought a tangible sense of security to the local people.

two thousand and twenty-fouryearOn March 26th, Kratie Province announced that it had become Cambodia's 15th mine-free province. After 21 years of arduous efforts, Kratie Province has successfully cleared over 133 square kilometers of minefields and destroyed approximately 60000 ammunition,This achievement undoubtedly sets an example for the national mine action in Cambodia.

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