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Tracking of Hot Events - The French parliamentary elections have seen a "three part world" pattern of left, center, and extreme right
Release time:2024-08-03 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

On June 30th, in the first round of voting in the French parliament, the National Union and its allies, belonging to the right-wing political party Marina Le Pen, received 33.2% of the vote, ranking first; The left-wing New People's Front received 28% of the vote, while the centrist coalition led by Macron received 20.8% of the vote. More than half of the 577 constituencies have three candidates entering the final election.

In this case, the third ranked candidate can withdraw to strengthen the possibility of another mainstream political party defeating the National Alliance.

Due to the absence of any political party obtaining an absolute majority of seats, the French National Assembly will have left, center, and far right factionsThe pattern of 'three parts of the world'. French President Macron will face more challenges in selecting a new prime minister and pushing the agenda in parliamentThe tracking of hot events will sort out this election.


The French Prime Minister promotes the formation of a united front to prevent the far right from winning

On July 2nd, at least 200 candidates from the centrist ruling coalition of French President Macron and the left-wing New People's Front withdrew before the National Assembly elections, working together to prevent far right forces from taking power. Data shows that as of the deadline for the second round of voting registration, at least 200 candidates have withdrawn, with over 110 being members of the left-wing New People's Front, including more than 70 representing Macron's camp. Both sides hope to use this tactical tactic to weaken the National Alliance's chances of winning.

On July 3rd, French Prime Minister Atal warned that the far right leader Le Pen's anti immigrant National Alliance was close to winning more than half of the seats. He called on voters to form a united front to block the far right forces in the upcoming second round of parliamentary elections.

France over50 candidates and assistants were attacked

On July 5th, French Interior Minister Darmanin told the media that over 50 candidates and campaign supporters have been attacked during the less than three week campaign period, and authorities have arrested at least 30 troublemakers. Dalmanin announced that 30000 police officers will be deployed to strengthen vigilance to ensure that "neither the far left nor the far right will create chaos". He warned that the terrorist threat risks currently facing France are still very serious.

This means that Macron will not have a majority advantage in the last three years of his presidency, and he will be unable to push for important plans regarding immigration, tax cuts, and security.


France will have a hung parliament

On July 8th, according to the results released by the French Ministry of the Interior, in the second round of parliamentary elections held that day, out of 577 seats in the National Assembly, the left-wing alliance New People's Front won 182 seats, but lower than the 289 seats required for an absolute majority; The ruling party coalition won 163 seats together; The far right National Alliance and some right-wing Republicans allied with it won 143 seats.

The hope of the far right National Alliance, which was originally expected to achieve a historic victory, coming to power was shattered by the joint efforts of the center and left camps. However, if none of the three major camps win an absolute majority of seats, France will face a hung parliament and the political arena will be paralyzed for a long time.

Previously, polls unanimously predicted that the far right National Alliance would easily win, and the alliance's leader Le Pen firmly believed that they would win more than half of the seats, with party leader Bardela becoming prime minister.French sociologist Hugo·Pareta said that since Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly, "France has been in a serious political crisis". The strong rise of far right and far left political parties has intensified political opposition and division in French society, leading to an increase in violent incidents.

According to Reuters analysis, due to the significant differences in the platforms of the left, center, and far right in France and the lack of a tradition of cooperation and collaboration, the National AssemblyThe highly fragmented situation will make it difficult to advance various domestic agendas, inevitably weakening France's influence in the EU and even globally.

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