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Portugal becomes a global hub for data exchange
Release time:2024-08-27 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

GermanysomecorereleasereportPortugal has a long history ofone hundredKilometers of submarine cable, Internet switching center, data center and other network infrastructure.As of the beginning of this year, Portugal hasthirty-threeA data center, among whichtwentyLocated near LisbonKoveliang, located in the central region, has one of the world's largest data centersOne.SinisstillWe plan to build a data center powered entirely by green energy, which will become one of the largest green energy data centers in Europe upon completionThis means that Portugal has become a hub for global data exchange.

Portugal is located in EuropeIberian PeninsulaThe SouthwestConnected to Spain to the east and north, bordering the Atlantic Ocean to the west and southLong coastlineeight hundred and thirty-twoKilometers. Long lastingone hundredThe kilometer long submarine cable not only connects various parts of Europe, but also directly connects South America and the east coast of the United States, providing a high-speed channel for international data transmission.

oneThe Global Interconnection Hub——The research report "To Europe, To the World" believes that Portugal can become a global data exchange center with the following advantages: perfect Internet infrastructure, significant geographical advantagesIPTransmission price advantage, as well as several global submarine cables intersecting at the port of Sinis in the southwest.

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The significant difference between Portugal and other countries is that,hisFour major international cable mooring stations and three major Internet data exchange centers in Lisbon are all concentrated at a radius ofone hundredWithin a kilometer long area, a centralized and interconnected network infrastructure has been formed,This highly centralized layout gives Portugal a significant advantage in data transmission speed and efficiency. In addition,Compared to London and Frankfurt, Lisbon has a unique location and is the only city among the three that directly connects South America and the East Coast of the United States through submarine cables.These data centers not only provide strong support for Portugal's domestic Internet and communication services, but also attract many international enterprises and institutions to set up branches, further promoting Portugal's position in the field of global data exchange.

butPortugal, as a global data exchange hub,The risks it faces should not be underestimated. Firstly, it isSafety of submarine cablesBoth natural and human factors can have significant impacts on it.For example,two thousand and elevenThe Year of Japan“3·11”The earthquake damaged several submarine optical cables, affecting Internet services in Asia. artificialaspect,According to statistics, approximately60%It was caused by operational errors on the ship.

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Submarine fiber optic cable

in additionData CenterFaced withSecurity challengesIt is also worth paying attention to.Physicsaspect,Data centers need to prevent physical threats such as illegal intrusion, fires, and floods to ensure the safe operation of equipment. As the amount of data carried by data centers continues to increase, network security threats are becoming increasingly severe. Network security incidents such as hacker attacks, virus transmission, and data breaches may have a significant impact on data centers.

According to relevant experts,Submarine optical cable is an important link to ensure the normal operation of economic and financial activities and large-scale Internet platform services. Once the submarine cable fails, the global real-time financial transactions will be affected, and the Internet platform services will also be interrupted and down. Portugal, as a global data exchange hub, the stable operation of its network infrastructure is crucial for global Internet services. Once these infrastructures are attacked or fail, it may lead to large-scale network interruptions and service unavailability. The supply chain of data centers and network equipment may be affected by various factors, including political, economic, and technological factors.

Overall, as a global data exchange hub, Portugal needs to attach great importance to and actively address various security issues while enjoying the convenience and opportunities brought by data exchange. By strengthening security measures and cooperating with the international community, we aim to further enhance its position and influence in the field of global data exchange.

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