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Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Causes Multiple Deaths, Japanese Internet Celebrity Drug Becomes Dangerous Goods
Release time:2024-08-27 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

sevenmonthtwenty-threeOn the day,JapanKobayashi Pharmaceutical Company announcesRegarding the deaths of multiple people due to taking health supplements from Kobayashi Pharmaceuticalsinvestigation report,reportIt is believed that the management of Xiaolin Pharmaceutical Company, after realizing the safety issues in the company's food production, failed to take emergency measures as required, delayed reporting and concealed information, and bears significant responsibility for the expansion of public health damage. As a result, on the same day, both the president and president of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Company resigned to take responsibility.bysevenmonthtwenty-oneOn the day,Reported by Kyodo News Agency of JapanThe suspected number of related deaths has reachedone hundred and onepeopleThe number of patients seeking medical treatment in medical institutions exceedstwo thousandPeople.

This incident was caused bytwo thousand and twenty-fouryearthreemonthtwenty-sixThere are reports thatoneContinuous Consumer NamethreeAfter taking Xiaolin Pharmaceutical's health products containing red yeast extract in the year, he died of kidney disease. Subsequently, multiple cases of physical abnormalities and even hospitalization caused by the use of this health supplement were reported in Japan. After receiving the relevant report, Xiaolin Pharmaceutical Company conducted component analysis on the product and its raw materials, and found that some red yeast raw materials may contain unexpected components. The company subsequently announced a recall of related products and apologized to the affected consumers.the near future,Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Company announced that it will establish a new facilityCompensation corresponding to the headquartersSpecifically addressing health issues caused by health products containing red yeast components. Xiaolin Company will compensate consumers suspected of experiencing symptoms after taking such health products for their medical expenses.

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Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Company President Akihiro Kobayashi bows and apologizes at a press conference

According to relevant reports,The health product issue of Xiaolin Pharmaceutical Company is focused on health products containing red yeast rice ingredientsMainly due to issues with product quality, production management, and supervision.

Substances originating from Penicillium have been detected in the raw materials of Hongqu health products produced by Xiaolin PharmaceuticalSoft haired penicillin acidThis substance is associated with renal dysfunction, which is one of the health impairments for consumers. In addition, two other unknown compounds were also discovered, which are speculated to be produced by Penicillium mixed in during the cultivation of Monascus. becauseMonascus is a product made by breeding Monascus on grains, and its fermentation process is complex and difficult to fully control.Strict control is requiredFermentation conditions,otherwiseMay introduce other harmful microorganisms or produce harmful by-products.

In production management,Early ontwo thousand and twenty-twoyearelevenIn early October, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's Osaka factory confirmed the presence of penicillin on the inside of the lid of the red yeast culture tank, but the factory's quality management personnel did not consider it a serious issue, resulting in the continued production and sale of problematic products.According to multiple media reports, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Company has announced this yearoneWe received a report of consumer health damage caused by health supplements containing red yeast rice ingredients, but it took more than two months to inform the company's external directors and announce the recall decision.healthyExperts also said that the company still answered questions from doctors about health products after discovering related kidney disease casesNo side effects.In addition,Three years ago, Xiaolin PharmaceuticalofAfter doubling the sales revenue,hisThe red yeast related business has been expanding, however, the production factoryexistencelabor forceseriousshortagephenomenonThisdirectAffects quality control and supervision in the production processintensity.

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Kobayashi Pharmaceutical in Japan is involved in the health product Red Yeast Cholesterol Granules

It is worth noting that,countryThe regulatory measures for health products, especially in the United States and Japan, are relatively relaxed. Nutritional functional health products only need to be self inspected by the manufacturing companies to ensure that the types and contents of the nutrients they label meet the requirements announced by the Consumer Affairs Department before they can be put on the market for sale. This regulatory approachAlthough it has promoted the prosperity and development of the market to a certain extent, it has also brought risks such as difficulty in ensuring product safety, rampant false advertising, and difficulty in regulation.

Coincidentally, in recent years there have been some developments in JapanInternet celebrity drugs have also frequently fallen apart,two thousand and nineteenyearfourMonth, Canada bans salessixThe eye drops from Japan, according to Health Canada,These products contain ingredients that belong to prescription drugs,Self useMay cause serious side effects and harm health.two thousand and twentyyeartenIn June, the "Children's Cold Syrup" series products, which are widely popular in both domestic and overseas markets in Japan, were urgently recalled on a large scale due to serious oversights caused by incomplete quality inspection processes before leaving the factoryseven hundred and seventy-fiveTen thousand bottles of products; In addition, there are also drugs produced in Japan that are widely popular among purchasing agentsEVEWhite Rabbit Pain Relief Tablets "and Taisho Cold Medicine GoldAGranules, Longjiaosan cough suppressants, etc. have been found to contain special ingredients that have been eliminated in China. These ingredients can have side effects on the human body and pose certain medication risks.

Frequent incidents of this kind not only have a serious impact on the reputation and performance of enterprises themselves, but also raise widespread concerns and doubts about the safety of overseas drugs and health products. Enterprises should strengthen product quality control and management, and regulatory authorities should also increase their supervision of the health product market to ensure the health and safety of consumers.

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