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Nepal faces severe natural disasters, posing a risk period for tourist destinations
Release time:2024-08-27 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

sixSince the beginning of the month, Nepal has entered the rainy season and experienced heavy rainfallViolentContinuous rain triggers flash floods and landslidesetc.Various disasters.According to Reuters, the torrential rain in rainstorm caused the disruption of many roads in Nepal, causing serious crop lossesThe Goshi Dam has been fully openedfifty-sixA gate for flood discharge.bysevenmonthtwelvedaydisasterResulting inThe number of deaths has reachedone hundred and onepeopleThe total losses caused are as high asnine thousand five hundred and sixty-seven point four two fiveTen thousand rupeesThe Nepal Hydrological and Meteorological Bureau has notified the countryforty-threeA region issues a red alert.

Nepal has always been a high-risk country for flash floods and landslides.two thousand and twentyyearsixMonth, Nepal'sMudflows, lightning, and floodscommoncausetwo hundred and thirty-sixpeopleDeath,seventy-fourMissing personstwo hundred and tenPeople are injured.two thousand and twenty-oneThe above-mentioned disasters causedNepal NationaltwentyA countySerious sufferingcauseat leastseventy-sevenPeople die,twenty-twoPeople are injured,twenty-sixMissing person.two thousand and twenty-twoyearNepal at leastone hundred and tenHuman deaths due to heavy rainfall and flooding disastersThousands of residents were urgently evacuated.Research has found that the frequent occurrence of flash floods and landslides in Nepal is determined by the country's geography and climate.

NepalyesSoutheast Asia InlandofMountain CountryAdjacent to China to the north, the other three sides areIndiaBordering.The north is the world's largest mountain rangeThe Himalayan region,averagealtitudestayfour thousand eight hundred and seventy-sevenrice-eight thousand eight hundred and forty-fourBetween metersThe southern part is an alluvial plainFlat terrain.The extreme high in the south and low in the north is the causeLandslides and mudslidesOne of the important reasons for the frequent occurrence. On the other hand,Nepalbelong toSubtropical monsoon climate,The whole year is generally divided into dry season and rainy seasonfourmonth-9As the rainy season approaches,Heavy rainfall causes the water level of rivers to rise, leading to floods; At the same time, soil and rocks in mountainous and hilly areas are prone to loosening under rainwater erosion, leading to landslides and mudslides.

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These disasters not only pose a serious threat to the safety of local people's lives and property, but also are one of the biggest safety issues faced by tourists traveling to the country.NepalbecauseLocated at the southern foot of the Himalayas, with beautiful natural scenery,Every year, it attracts a large number of tourists for sightseeing. Data shows that,two thousand and twenty-threeNepal receives over 100 foreign tourists throughout the yearone hundredTen thousand peopleAnd with the recovery of the tourism industry, the number of overseas tourists is gradually increasing, and authorities expecttwo thousand and twenty-fourAnnual receptiontwo hundredTen thousand overseas tourists.

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Authoritative security risk assessment agencies suggest that forTraveling to NepalOr workofpersonnelBefore travelingmust doPay close attention to local weather forecasts, especially changes in rainy season weather. Timely understanding of government and relevant agency releasesofDisaster warning information, avoid traveling to high-risk areas. Try to choose tourist routes with good road conditions and safe and reliable transportation.Before hiking in high-altitude areas, tourists should understand relevant safety knowledge, make sufficient preparations, and try to travel together as much as possibleChoose a qualified travel company and purchase relevant insurance. At the same time, it is important to have access to emergency contact information in order to seek help promptly when needed and ensure personal safety.

Meanwhile, facingThe challenge of natural disasters, Nepalese governmentAlso in progressEnhance disaster prevention and response capabilitiesStrengthen social mobilization and public participation, as well as enhance international cooperation and exchanges, to comprehensively improve disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities and levelsReduce the impact of disasters on people's lives and economic development.

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