Qingqiao Information


Malaysia's rampant electricity theft and mining have caused heavy losses to the national energy company
Release time:2024-08-29 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

In recent years, cryptocurrency mining activities in Malaysia have rapidly spread. However, this has been accompanied by rampant electricity theft, causing significant economic losses and challenges to the stability of electricity supply for the National Energy Corporation (JNEC). According to the Metropolitan Daily News Weekly, from 2018 to June this year, Guoneng has received over 11603 complaints of electricity theft mining, revealing the severity of the problem and involving a total amount of RM3.7 billion.


With the continuous heating up of the cryptocurrency market, more and more people are attracted to this high-risk, high return field. However, in Malaysia, although cryptocurrency mining is not illegal, stealing electricity is explicitly prohibited. Criminals, in order to reduce mining costs, are willing to resort to illegal means such as tampering with electricity meters, stealing a large amount of national power resources. This not only seriously damages the interests of Guoneng, but also poses a threat to the entire country's power supply system.

Faced with this severe situation, Guoneng has taken a series of measures to combat electricity theft. The company has strengthened cooperation with the National Energy Commission, the police, the Anti Corruption Commission, and local governments to carry out joint surprise operations and severely investigate suspected acts of electricity theft. At the same time, Guoneng is actively promoting the replacement of smart meters, improving the accuracy and efficiency of power monitoring through high-tech means, and striving to detect and prevent electricity theft in a timely manner.

However, the problem of electricity theft mining still persists despite repeated bans. Guoneng pointed out that cases of tampering with electricity meters and stealing electricity have shown an increasing trend in recent years, which fully demonstrates the complexity and stubbornness of the problem. The act of stealing electricity not only causes huge economic losses, but also may lead to safety accidents such as meter fires, seriously threatening the safety of public life and property.


It is worth mentioning that Malaysia's cryptocurrency mining industry also holds a certain position globally. According to data from the Alternative Finance Research Center, Malaysia's mining computing power accounts for 2.5% of the world's total computing power, ranking among the top ten in the world. The achievement of this result is inseparable from the support of the Malaysian government for technological innovation and digital economy, but at the same time, it has also brought unprecedented pressure to the power supply system.

In response to the issue of electricity theft mining, industry insiders call for the establishment of a sound legal and regulatory system, increased efforts to crack down on illegal activities, and strengthened publicity and education for the public to enhance their legal and environmental awareness. Only in this way can the problem of electricity theft mining be fundamentally solved, ensuring national energy security and social stability.

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