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Malaysia's Cat Mountain King Durian Sweetening Storm: Controversy over Catering to the Chinese Market
Release time:2024-10-08 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

In recent years, the Malaysian famous durian "Cat Mountain King" has quickly become popular in the Chinese market, and its unique sweet and bitter taste has become a sought after object for many durian enthusiasts. However, this popular and delicious durian in the market has recently been embroiled in a controversy of "turning bitter into sweet", causing widespread controversy in the industry.

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According to reports, in order to better cater to the taste preferences of the Chinese market, some Malaysian durian growers have begun to use genetic modification and other methods to reduce the bitterness of the Maoshan King durian and make it sweeter. This approach has caused different reactions in the market. Some durian farmers actively modify the taste of durian to meet the new needs of consumers; However, other businesses have expressed concerns that this approach may undermine the unique flavor and brand image of Maoshan King durian.

Zhang Lizhu, secretary of the Malaysian Durian Manufacturers Association, said that she has recently noticed that durians on the market have become lighter in color and less fragrant, which is likely related to the transformation measures taken by growers to pursue sweetness. She emphasized that the quality of durian is more important than sweetness, and growers should focus on the overall quality of durian, rather than simply pursuing sweetness.

Chen Shaohou, the President of the Malaysian Fruit Farmers Association, also pointed out that the combination of sweetness and bitterness is one of the characteristics of Malaysian durian and an important distinguishing feature from other varieties such as Thai durian. He is concerned that if the bitterness of durian is completely removed, it may weaken its market competitiveness and damage the brand image.

In the face of this controversy, Zuhazmi, the director of the Horticultural Research Center at the Agricultural Development and Research Institute (MARDI) under the Malaysian Ministry of Agriculture, provided a scientific perspective. He believes that reducing the bitterness of durian through genetic modification is feasible, but this approach requires strict regulation and ethical considerations. He explained that the bitterness of durian mainly comes from saponins, etcGlycoside substancesBy controlling the gene expression of these substances, the taste of durian can be altered to some extent. However, to ensure that genetic modification does not have adverse effects on other traits, extensive experimentation and testing are still needed.

Nevertheless, the storm of "turning bitterness into sweetness" continues to ferment. On the one hand, some argue that adapting to market demand is an inevitable result of commercial behavior; On the other hand, some people are concerned that this will undermine the traditional flavor and cultural value of durian. Finding a balance between meeting market demand and maintaining traditional characteristics will be a major challenge for Malaysia's durian industry.

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In addition, this incident has also sparked public attention and discussion on genetically modified foods. Some people are concerned about the safety and environmental impact of genetically modified foods; Others believe that genetically modified technology provides new possibilities for agricultural development. In this discussion, it is particularly important to strengthen science popularization propaganda and improve the public's scientific literacy and awareness level.

The controversy surrounding the "turning bitter into sweet" durian of Malaysia's Cat Mountain King is not only a commercial issue, but also a complex topic involving culture, technology, and social values. Only through extensive discussion and in-depth thinking can the best solution be found that can meet market demand while maintaining traditional characteristics.

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