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Technology organizations warn that the United Nations Cybercrime Treaty may exacerbate global security issues
Release time:2024-10-16 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

fromone hundred and fiftyThe Cybersecurity Technology Alliance, composed of multiple global cybersecurity and technology companies, warns of the proposed United Nations draft treaty on cybercrimeThe case may weaken global digital security. The organization calls on all countries to reject the current draft treaty and points out the problems and potential risks it contains.

two thousand and twenty-fouryeareightMonth, United Nations websiteThe Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime unanimously voted to adopt the first cybercrime treaty, the Comprehensive International Convention against the Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Criminal Purposes, also known as the United Nations Convention against Cybercrime.This treaty was signed by Russia and Chinatwo thousand and seventeenFirst proposed in the year, aimed at strengtheningInternational cooperation to combat certain crimes committed using information and communication technology systems, and to share electronic evidence of serious crimes.The deadline for signing the draft convention istwo thousand and twenty-six yeartwelvemonththirty-oneIt will be submitted to the United Nations General Assembly for voting in the autumnone hundred and ninety-threeMember states voted to approve. Due to the same voting countries as before, it is expected that the treaty will be successfully passed by the United Nations General Assembly.

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the United NationsAd Hoc Committee on Consultation and Negotiation Meeting on the Convention

This treaty establishes for the first time a global legal framework for cybercrime and data accessJointly combating cybercrime and promoting cross-border data exchange have significant implications for the development of international law in cyberspace.IfsmoothlyadoptThis Convention will become the world's first legal document to combat cybercrime.

ITHome of HomethinkThe most noteworthy point of the Convention is that the United Nations' final cybercrime convention will grant governments greater monitoring power, allow member states to widely share personal data, and require member states to classify money laundering and cybercrime as criminal offenses, which will lead to the conviction of hacking attacks, reporting, and security research. The Convention will also override the banking secrecy system, requiring member states to provide government, bank, financial, corporate or enterprise records, as well as identify and trace criminal proceeds, and represent requesting countries in recovering criminal proceeds.

Although the treaty has alreadytwo thousand and twenty-fouryeareightmontheightAt the United Nations CommitteeConsensusThe method was approved, but no formal voting was conducted.thereafter,fromone hundred and fiftyA network security technology alliance composed of multiple global network security and technology companies(Cybersecurity Tech Accord)The warning states that the draft treaty may weaken global digital security and calls on countries to reject the current draft treaty.


Wu Shenkuo, Deputy Director of the Research Center of the Internet Association of China, attended the negotiation of the Convention on Cybercrime at the United Nations Headquarters in New York

Experts have criticized the lack of protection for online freedom and privacy rights during the negotiation process, and are concerned that the treaty may put security researchers, journalists, and whistleblowers at risk of global prosecution. They believe that:This conventionThere are no strong safeguards to prevent the abuse of digital investigation and digital forensics powers. In fact, it will make more monitoring and data access possible, thereby undermining people's trust in computers and digital technology, and directly putting people at riskIn addition, the treaty also allows countries to share citizens' personal information in complete confidentiality, which may contribute to criminal activities worldwide. Several countries and organizations, including the United States, strongly oppose this treaty and call for its revision or rejection.

At present,The Network Security Technology Alliance and other technology organizations actively participated in the discussion and revision process of the treaty, and put forward their own opinions and suggestions. Negotiation and Revision of the United Nations Cybercrime TreatyCurrently in progressContinuously ongoing, countriesAlso thereContinue to have in-depth discussions and consultations on relevant issues.

With the continuous development and popularization of information technology, network security has become a global issue. Countries need to strengthen cooperation and communication to jointly address the challenges brought by cybercrime. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the construction and implementation of domestic laws and regulations on network security, and improve the ability and level of network security protection. The warning from technology organizations regarding the United Nations Cybercrime Treaty is not unfounded. Countries need to take these issues and potential risks seriously, strengthen cooperation and communication, and jointly promote the revision and improvement of the treaty. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the construction and implementation of domestic cybersecurity laws and regulations to ensure that global digital security is effectively safeguarded.

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