Qingqiao Information


AI Fireworks Detection: Accurate Warning of Fire Hazards
Release time:2025-01-20 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

Fire is a type of disaster that is highly sudden, destructive, and difficult to handle. Therefore, preventing fires is an issue that every community, every family, and every individual must pay attention to. Recently, the National Fire and Rescue Bureau held a press conferencepublishtwo thousand and twenty-fouryear1-8Month, the Communist Party of Chinahappensixty-sixTen thousand fire accidents,amongFire caused by electrical issuestwenty point eightTen thousand, accounting for a total of31.4%This data is shocking and highlights the severity of electrical fires. With the development of technology and the improvement of living standards, the types and quantities of electrical products have increased sharply, and they arepeopleWhile bringing convenience to lifeIt also brings more fire risks. In addition to strengthening the popularization of electrical safety usage, it is also necessary to adopt advanced monitoring and warning technologies to cut off hidden dangers at the bud.

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AIThe emergence of smoke and fire detection cameras provides innovative solutions to solve this problem.AIFireworks detection camera is an intelligent monitoring device that integrates video surveillance and fireworks detection functions. It uses deep learning and machine vision technology to train with a large amount of real fireworks data, and can recognize flames of different colors and shapes, as well as gray white and gray black smoke. It achieves precise recognition of smoke and flames by analyzing the optical imaging characteristics of flames and smokereal-time analysis And push management personnel andcall the police.


AIThe smoke and flame recognition algorithm based on artificial intelligence technology for fireworks detection cameras can effectively filter environmental interference such as sunlight, sunset, complex lighting, and motor vehicle hazard warning flashlights. Combining the optical imaging features of flames and smoke, it has the characteristics of long recognition distance, strong anti-interference ability, and high recognition accuracy. In a general scenario,AIThe response time of the smoke and fire detection camera can reach the second level, and generally the response time is less than or equal tothreeIn seconds. Recognition accuracy exceeds95%Even in complex and ever-changing environmentsalsoBeing able to maintain high stability significantly reduces the risk of false positives and false negatives.

AIFireworks detection cameras can be widely used in various places that require fire warningWhether it's residential or notregionHigh risk areas such as factories and warehouses, especially in complex environments with extremely high fire risks such as forests, chemical factories, and power plants, have achieved early warning of fireworks threats through advanced image recognition technology and ultra fast response speed.

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Copyright: Qingqiao International Security Group     备案号:鄂ICP备2021010908号

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