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Myanmar may abandon its position as the rotating presidency of ASEAN in 2026
Release time:2023-08-23 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:


According to ThailandOn August 15th, PBS media quoted reports from external sources stating that due to the domestic situationcomplexMyanmar willThe term of the ASEAN rotating presidency in 2026 has been postponed for one year.

For decades, cooperation between ASEAN countries has mainly revolved aroundThe basic principles of the "ASEAN approach" include the "principle of absolute equality" and the "principle of seeking consensus".

Specifically manifested in,Various meetings of ASEAN are organized by member countries in rotation in the order of the first English letter of their names, that is, they take turns as chairpersons, providing each member country with the opportunity to leverage their host country's role to influence ASEAN.

In addition, following a consensus based decision-making approach rather than a majority based voting decision, as much as possibleMeet the interests of all countries.

The rotating presidency of ASEAN is currently held by Indonesia and will be taken over by Laos next year,Malaysia will take over in 2025. The rotating presidency of ASEAN in 2026 was originally scheduled to be Myanmar, but due to the lingering internal and external political crises, MyanmarpossibleDecide to give upServing as.

1997,Myanmar's accession to ASEAN has reachedIn 26 years, he only served as the rotating presidency of ASEAN once. According to the order in which member countries hold the rotating presidency of ASEAN, Myanmar should hold the rotating presidency of ASEAN in 2026.

In 2006, due to Myanmar's ongoing preparations for elections and internal issues, it did not serve as the rotating chairman of ASEAN and was replaced by Laos.

2011,After the establishment of Myanmar's democratically elected government, ASEAN recognized the achievements of Myanmar's political transformation, allowing Myanmar toIn 2014, he assumed the rotating presidency of ASEAN.

sinceSince the military coup in Myanmar on February 1, 2021, the coup groups have faced many social problems in terms of politics, economy, and other aspects, especially in fighting against an increasing number of armed resistance organizations, including the People's Defense Army and ethnic minority armed groups.

causeAll along, ASEAN has achieved reconciliation with Myanmar and Myanmar has implemented ASEANThe situation of the "Five Point Consensus" is very disappointing and unsatisfactory. Myanmar's National Management Committee Chairman Min Aung Lai has been unable to attend the ASEAN Summit since 2021, and Myanmar's Foreign Minister has also been unable to attend the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting multiple times.


According to reports, the Philippines will take overThe rotating presidency of ASEAN in 2026,andMyanmar will beTaking over in 2027,howeverThis decision,Not yet confirmed by Myanmar or the Philippines.

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