Ningdian shijie


Hiking on the Ancient Road of the Western Regions and Dialogue with Millennium Travelers
Release time:2024-06-04 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

Two thousand years ago, Zhang Qian embarked on a journey of exploration to the west without hesitation.Afterwards, following the footprints of countless explorers throughout history,Confucian culturePromotedRen, Yi, Li, Zhi, Xin, advocate harmony and respect between people,Buddhism, on the other hand, brings compassion and wisdom, allowing people to learn tolerance and letting go.

People living in the vast West and distant Europe,each otherCarrying expectations for future life and exploring the unknown world, we embarked on the journey,Traveled throughThe Western RegionsThe caravan and camel caravan travel day and night, bringing local products, culture, and ideas to distant places.

Generation after generation of travelers travel through time, intertwined with their passion, desire, joy, and sadness. People learn and learn from each other, creating a rich and colorful human civilization together,Formed vivid historical scrolls one after another,But this painting is also buried by the yellow sand of history.

Now, there is an explorer whoI have led a team through the Taklamakan Desert multiple times, hiking into the Niya ruins and exploring the ancient city of Lop Nur Loulan.He once led a team to climb Mount Mustag,eightThe second summit of Bogda Peak,I have climbed Mount Mustag 5 times and am honored to become the first Chinese person to climb Mount Bogda,In 2018he62 years oldTimeClimb Mount Everest.

DozensDuring his years of exploration, he opened up multiple high-risk mountaineering exploration routes in Xinjiang and wrote《China Hiking Crossing》《Chinese Mountaineering Bible》《Chinese Exploration Bible》And《The Mountain of Heaven》Consultation on Mountaineering and Exploration in Xinjiang in the Book.

In May 2023, awarded the honorary title of the 10th "Contemporary Xu Xiake of China".heIt's just thatRenowned as the number one outdoor enthusiast in Xinjiangof——Wang Tienan,healreadyTurning exploration into a life.October 2023,Wang TienanLeading the team to walk through the Kashgar Tash Ancient Road, allowing forThe secret path that no one set foot on in 158 was "seen again in the sky",His goals have changed——Measure with your footsteps, let those ancient paths buried in historical sand reappear in the world.

This period"Ning Dian Interview", we will have a conversation with this traveler who has traveled through thousands of years of ancient roads, and listen to him tell us about his adventure journey.

What are you doingClimbing has begun, and thenI have chosen the ancient path againexpedition,And during the exploration, it turned to exploring the deeper layers of history and culture?

Wang Tienan:thiscome to speak of itThe conversation is too long,My exploration was inspired byDuring the period from 1989 to 1991, compared toJapanese exploration teamcooperationCrossing the Taklamakan DesertinvestigateLoulan Ancient City. Out of a relatively simple longing for nature,nineteenYear 98,I climbClimbing Bogda Peak,nineteenRegistered in 1999Muztagh Ata,alwaysArrivedClimbing Mount Everest in 2018,Throughout the entire processmountaineering.

However, in theEstablished in 1997Urumqi Mountaineering and Exploration AssociationAfterwards, I also startedSome ancient roads in Xinjiang,For example:Xiate Ancient RoadWusunAncient roads, andwolfTagu Roadetc.Conduct an investigation.twenty2005,meKunlun Mountains in Southern XinjiangProducedInterest,thenAlways onover thereInspection, like the ancient path of CreyaMengkede Ancient Road.

Last year, we were able to connectKashgar Tash Ancient Road,In history,A little-known ancient road,This ancient road isFrom Kashtash Township to Dahongliutan, cross Aksaiqin, cross the Karakoram Pass or Kongka Pass to India.hisThe highest overseas map of Dashan is marked withYangi diwan Pass, which means "New Daban" in Uyghur, is marked on Johnson's map as Ilchi pass, meaning "Ilchi Daban". The former capital of Hotan was called "Ilchi".

We began to transliterate this ancient road as the Yingji Ancient Road, and after the decision of the Hotan People's Government, it was decided toThe 5855 meter Daban is named Kashgar Tash Daban, and this ancient road is named Kashgar Tash Ancient Road.

That is to say, your previous goal was just to walk horizontally, such as challenging yourselfNature,Climbing more mountains, traversing more ancient paths, now it has becomeVerticalWhat do you think is the significance of reproducing the cultural history of the ancient road by exploring its culture?

Wang Tienan: Yes, I have found that some scholars in China will conduct research through historical records without actual investigation. In the past few years of exploration, I have written two books, one is "Mountain in the Sky" and the other is "Kunlun Secret Road". The latter is particularly meaningful because I have discovered new projects in my subsequent exploration, such as last year's exploration of the Kashgar Tash ancient road.

Although the value of this ancient road in commercial development may not be significant due to its exceptional difficulties, it is of great significance for academic research and the study of Kunlun culture. In domestic literature, there is almost no record of this ancient path, but in some exploration reports abroad, such as Johnson's report, this ancient path is mentioned. We have discovered many ruins on the ancient road during our on-site investigation, such as food, stoves, etc. These discoveries have important value for academic research and the study of Chinese culture.

Since last year, I have developed a strong interest in Xuanzang's journey back to the east and have begun to investigate his return journey.

There has always been controversy in the academic community regarding the specific route of Xuanzang's journey, mainly focusing on two routes: the first is the use of Marko·Aurell Stan was recognized as a route by his representative foreign explorers, while another route was advocated by domestic scholars, such as Professor Hou Yangfang from the Institute of Chinese Historical Geography at Fudan University.

I personally measured these two routes with my feet, and during the inspection process, I raised doubts about the route proposed by some domestic scholars regarding Xuanzang's return to the east. Next, I plan to compare my on-site investigation results with the records in "The Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty", and provide my personal opinions on these doubts. I will compare these two routes in detail and conduct academic discussions.

The development of this ancient road not only has historical significance, but also has cultural value. The Kashgar cultural and tourism department has expressed interest in this ancient road as a tourism development project, as it integrates rich history and Kunlun culture. However.

I am increasingly inclined towards exploring this culture. Exploring ancient roads is not only a challenge to nature, but also contains profound ancient road culture, which can help us gain a deeper understanding of China's history.

Few explorers end up placing their interests or even lifelong pursuits in the exploration of culture,youIs the transformation from quantitative to qualitative, gradually developing into a focus on culture, or is there suddenly an event that inspires you,Make you realize that exploring the culture behind exploration is more meaningful?

Wang Tienan: I amAfter conducting in-depth research on the information of some foreign explorers, I became deeply interested in the study of Kunlun culture, especially the ancient path of Kunlun Mountains.Later on, it was also learned that,Many scholars in China are also committed to research in this field. I have read their papers and often exchange insights with them. It has inspired me with new exploration ideas: not only exploring mysterious natural scenery areas, but also focusing on exploring historical relics such as the Kunlun Ancient Road.


In my research, I found that the Kunlun Mountains ancient road is actually a huge network, covering both the Kunlun Mountains and the Karakoram Mountains. These ancient roads are not only roads, but also witnesses of history and carriers of culture. By studying the footprints of these ancient paths and explorers, I deeply feel the significance and value behind them.

In the past year,meThe main purpose of exploration,Turned intoExamine and introduce the original style and history of the ancient road to the public.SomeThe ancient path not only has cultural value, but also has the potential for commercial development. For example, the development of the Xuanzang Road can add new highlights to special tourism.

For the ancient pathUnderstanding,meI have also passed byThree stages: first, reverence, maintaining a reverence for their historical and cultural values; Next is protection,I hope through my own efforts,Ensure that these precious cultural heritage are properly protected; Finally, it is important to make reasonable use of them and enable more people to understand and appreciate their charm through appropriate development.

Climbing and exploring nearbyIn 30 years, you have been awarded the title of "Contemporary Xu Xiake"honor,But without any personal promotion, what are your goals pursued without caring about honor? What is the significance of exploration for individuals?

Wang Tienan:At first, I climbed mountains with a desire for conquest and a utilitarian mindset, believing that mountaineering was a remarkable achievement. However, as time passed, I gradually realized thatexpeditionIt is also a cultural tradition inheritance and experience. Now, even when climbing peaks like Mount Everest, I no longer have the novelty and excitement of the past, but rather focus more on experiencing the beauty of culture and nature.

Last year, I had the opportunity to participate in a joint event organized by the China Exploration Association, the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Department of Culture and Tourism, and the Hami Municipal People's GovernmentAt the First Adventure Tourism Development Conference and Chinese Explorer Conference, he was named one of the top ten Chinese explorers. At this conference, I shared our years of exploration experience and insights with nine other outstanding explorers.

We all agree that adventure mountaineering is not just an activity, but also a culture and tradition. China's climbing history is indeed relatively short compared to Europe, but this does not mean that we lack innovation and progress. On the contrary, we are actively utilizing and protecting the natural environment, while conveying the culture of exploration to the public. We feel like a bridge connecting nature and human society, allowing more people to understand and love exploration.

Currently,Tourism authorities in various regions and prefectures of XinjiangWe also realize the driving role of the development of special tourism in the local economy. Since this yearSince March, I have been working in the southern Xinjiang region, exploring various projects and developing new exploration routes. Although this process is arduous, it is full of fun and a sense of achievement.

For individuals,Climbing exploration is an activity that is not limited by age and requires patience, perseverance, and a sense of artistry,amongLove is the key to persistence. For activities like mountaineering and exploration, it is difficult to persist and enjoy them for a long time without a deep passion.

Exploration is not only a challenge to nature, but also a deep exploration of oneself, history, and culture,It requires us to have a wide range of knowledge reserves and professional skills, such as understanding geography, history, natural environment, as well as skills in map usage, navigation, wilderness survival, etc., in order to ensure safety and smoothness during the exploration process.

At the same time, we need to develop appropriate strategies based on our own actual situation and exploration goals, and continuously adjust and improve them. All of these require us to invest more time and energy in research, learning, and practice, in order to constantly enrich ourselves,CanGrow into a more comprehensive and mature person.

Finally, what I want to say is that exploration is a very meaningful and valuable activity. It not only allows us to get close to nature, enjoy the beauty and tranquility of nature, but also enables us to grow and progress in challenges and difficulties. I hope more and more people can join this ranks and explore this beautiful world together.

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