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There is always a beam of light shining for you - Interview with Beijing Shangshan Public Welfare Foundation
Release time:2024-05-01 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

In recent years,inThe number of patients with depression in China is increasing exponentially, which is related to"Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases", "diabetes", etc,Only fromBased on the number of patients,alreadyEqually equal.

Depression inducedMental disorders can cause significant physical and psychological harm to patients, and even lead to suicidal thoughts due to low mood and pessimism,inEvery year, there are approximately280000 people committed suicide, including40% suffer from depression,Part of adult depression has already occurred during adolescence, but it is only unnoticed.

stayMost people still have little understanding of depression, and patients with depression faceProblems such as strong sense of shame, lack of disease education, and difficulty in seeking medical treatment.This period"Ning Dian Interview", we invitedBeijing Shangshan Public Welfare FoundationSecretary General Xin Xin, based on the foundation's experience in the prevention and treatment of mental illnesses and patient assistance over the past decade, will talk about how we should view mental illnesses and how to shine a beam of light for patients with depression.

Beijing Shangshan Public Welfare FoundationEstablished in 2012,Yes, it's in the middleThe first public welfare foundation in China that focuses on mental health, depression prevention and control, and knowledge dissemination.In April 2013, the foundation compiled and printed the "Handbook on Caring for Mental Health and Focusing on Depression Cognition", which was distributed free of charge to the general public through "book drifting". In 2014, the "Listening for an Hour" public welfare activity was carried out in multiple cities.

fromSince 2015, the "Shangshan Public Welfare Communication Award" has been held for three consecutive years to select and commend outstanding media and media professionals, promoting professional, objective, in-depth, and creative mental health communication practices. From 2018 to 2019, the Shangshan Public Welfare Foundation carried out over 1000 activities, serving nearly 100000 patients with depression. 94 institutions cooperated and settled in, distributing 114000 depression awareness manuals.

Shangshan Public Welfare Foundation, in collaboration with multiple civil anti depression organizations across the country, jointly launchedThe "Suppressing the Road and Moving Forward" public welfare project aims to build a multidimensional social support system for 90 million patients with depression. The project has been ongoing for three years since 2018, involving over 30 civil society organizations and carrying out over a thousand offline public welfare activities.

In March 2021, the Shangshan Public Welfare Foundation, together with the Chinese Psychological Health Association and the Chinese branch of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders, jointly launched the "100 Cities and Ten Thousand People Health Relay Run". This is the first exploration and practice of high value and significance in promoting depression prevention and social support system construction, which is jointly participated by health and medical professional associations/hospitals, mental health public welfare institutions and social organizations, mainstream media, caring enterprises, and the general public. 

Over the past decade or soSince then,Society itself is constantly changing, and some fields can be said to be revolutionary. However, the cognitive progress of society towards mental illnesses seems to be not as fast,Shangshan Public Welfare FoundationWhat kind of development has been experienced along the way,?

Xin Xin:The development process of the foundation closely follows the cognitive changes in society towards the prevention and treatment of depression, and can be divided into three main stages.

The first stage is the foundation's start-up phase, approximately in the12 years ago. At this stage, the main task of the foundation is to carry out science popularization and publicity. We strive to enhance public awareness of depression through campus floating book activities, inviting experts and scholars to give salon lectures, and other means. At the same time, we have also funded research on depression prevention and treatment for students from schools such as Beijing Normal University, Peking University, and Chinese Academy of Drama.

The second stage occurs when the foundation is established5 to 6In the coming years, aroundFrom 2018 to 2019. At this stage, we realize that relying solely on popular science promotion is not enough, and more efforts are needed to help and intervene in patients with depression. Therefore, we have formed a civil anti depression joint action, forming an alliance with many partners who have made outstanding contributions in civil anti depression, jointly raising funds, exploring, and providing support to depression patients and their families in different ways.

The third stage is fromSince 2019. With the rapid development of the Internet and AI technology, we also use these advanced technologies to build platforms, adjust work forms and carry out more advocacy work through small programs and other ways. We realize that as a non-governmental public welfare organization, we are not a professional medical or research institution, so our focus is more on advocacy. We implement the strategy of a healthy China and advocate for the concept of prevention through various means, making everyone responsible for their physical and mental health. Especially in the face of the large number of depression patients in China and the trend towards younger age groups, we pay more attention to prevention work to help more people avoid getting sick.

You mentioned helping more people avoid getting sick,This is what the healthcare system has been advocating in recent years"Treatment before illness".For now,We should first letThe whole society is concerned about the group of depressionimportance,Eliminate misunderstandings.Do you think that over the years, society has been concerned aboutdepressionThe biggest misconceptionsWhat are there?

Xin Xin:In fact, from the perspective of onset, depression is a psychiatric syndrome that is a concurrent state of numerous emotional sensations, with three main symptoms: slow thinking, mental retardation, and emotional disorders. Just like all physical illnesses,possibleIt's not just about self repair! It needs to be treated with scientific methods!

I work at the foundationDuring this period, it is possible to seesocietyrightPsychological disordersThere is an improvement in cognition, and it can also be seen thatSociety's response to itTheir attitude has changed. For example, during my school years, when I told othersoneselfI am studying psychology, and everyone is showing a shocked look and then mystifying it. But now when I introduce my profession or major to others,Clearly discoveredEveryone is concerned aboutThe awareness of mental illness has been significantly improved.

althoughThere is a positive improvement, but it is still not enough,Firstly, this cognitive enhancementThe speed is very slow, and secondly, there are still many people's perceptions of depressionIt needs to be twisted. Many people always confuse depression with depression. Depression is transient, and everyone may have experienced this emotion at a certain stage. However, many people can quickly overcome this emotion without experiencing mental disorders, which can have a significant impact on daily life.However,If depression is not relieved and eliminated for a long time, it will increase the probability of transforming into depression.

Depressed patients lose the ability to be happy due to abnormal secretion of neurotransmitters in the brain, which makes it difficult to regulate their depressive mood. Although some people are susceptible to depression, depression is the result of a combination of internal and external factors, so it cannot be said that having depression is necessarily due to a bad personality.

ManyPeople think it's embarrassing to see a psychologist when suffering from depression. In fact, depression is a type of disease. Since you need to see a doctor if you have a cold, you also need to see a doctor if you have depression. Some people think that depression can only be cured if they want to be more open-minded, but in fact, it's like a patient who has already suffered a bone fracture, and you have to make them stand up on their own without a bone, which is very cruel. The neurotransmitters in patients with depression are in a disordered state, so medication treatment is needed.

We are working hard to popularize science,Depression is a disease that combines body and mind, withlivingSome index changes in theory, as well as some physical symptoms, are a disease,becauseThe coverage of the population has increased, and at this pointSome disharmonyThe sound ofAlso magnified at the same time,such as,Many people say thatDepression isLazy diseaseThat's itcan't follow the reasoning,People who get sick are fragile and incapable, which leads to many patients having strongSick shame.

Let me give an examplesay"Sick shame"We are currently working on aWisdom PlanSpecialized funding for adolescent patients with depression from economically disadvantaged families,Give themprovideWe have discovered an issue with medical subsidies,When the project is implementedspiritillnessSpecialized hospitalsTime,adoptfeedbackmeetingreachThis kind ofInformation,Some patients are moreWilling to go to a general hospitalCorresponding departmentsAnd unwilling to go to a specialized hospital, the reasonIt's just thatIf you go to a general hospital,Others don't know what kind of illness they have.

sayreachThis sense of shame is actually reflected in the issues we discussed earlier, in the entire societydepressionInsufficient understanding of,So what kind of support should we provide to patients?


Xin Xin:Indeed, there is still a lot of work to be done to support patients with depression. From social cognition to practical support, we need to work together.

Firstly, enhancing social awareness of depression is crucial. We need to use various channels and methods to let more people understand the truth of depression, knowing that it is just a disease, not a monster. Only when the general public can view depression with a calm mind,No longer discriminate against patients,Patients and families can face this disease with more confidence.

Depression is actuallyIt is a very normal disease that everyone can deal with, and depression must be normalized.Depression should become related toLike a cold,Patients canIt's easy to sayI came out sick. According to data from the China Mental Health Survey, the lifetime prevalence of adult depression in China is6.8%, with depression accounting for 3.4%. This means that nearly 7 out of every 100 people suffer from depression, which is a relatively high proportion.

Adolescence is a critical period for psychological development and growth, facing many challenges and pressures, such as academic pressure, interpersonal relationships, self-identity, etc. These pressures may lead to psychological problems such as emotional fluctuations, anxiety, and depression.

Teenagers are just one of the high-risk groups for depression, and in fact, all age groups may suffer from it. Social isolation is also an important factor leading to depression. With the development of technology and the popularization of social media, although people have more ways to communicate with others, the distance between people in reality is getting farther and farther. Long term social isolation may lead to emotional isolation and helplessness, thereby increasing the risk of depression.

somedepressionPatient, follow meprivatelychatWhen expressingThey are all very smooth, but whenDo somethingWhen reporting, they refusedMost people,I won't step forward and tell my story.Because once the patient's identity is exposed, they will face discrimination in various aspects of their life and employment.

Secondly, we need to establish a sound social support system. This includes various levels such as schools, communities, and families. Schools should establish corresponding mechanisms to provide a warm and harmonious learning environment for students with depression, so that they can feel the care and support of their classmates and teachers. The community should also strengthen humanistic care, regularly monitor the living conditions of patients with depression, and provide necessary help and support.

Family is the most important source of support for patients, and we need to help parents better understand and take care of their children, while also providing them with channels for emotional release and mutual assistance.In fact, when a family has a depression patient,Other family membersWill it collapse? Will there be anxiety?Is there any emotion?When he takes care of himselfNoHow can we take good care of ourselves when we are good at ourselvesPatient?

There are also some organizations in society,Provide support and services for patient families,But in reality, it should be far from enoughof.

So patients with diseasesfamily members,And the general public, how should these three groups of people face diseases,

Xin Xin:For different groups of people, such as teenagers, college students, pregnant women, high-pressure occupational groups, and the elderly, they may face specific pressures and challenges, so we need to adopt different strategies and methods to support and help them.

When dealing with depression, we need to adopt a comprehensive approach. Professional medical treatment is essential, but relying solely on medication is not enough to completely cure the disease. By combining various methods such as sports, humanistic care, and psychological counseling, better results can often be achieved. Understanding the complexity and long-term nature of depression is crucial for patients and their families.

So that means,From onset of illnessFrom a perspectiveWe should treat depression like a coldequallyDon't go to these patients for their illnessesLabel with biased colors.butWe also need to realize that,This disease is a bit different, the patientexceptGo to receive professional medical institutionsoftreatExternally,family membersalsoPatients need to be given sufficient love and support to help them establish a positive attitude towards life and coping mechanisms.

For patients,mustIt is necessary to persist in seeking medical treatment when necessaryacceptMedication therapy, butpartThe side effects of drugsreallyRelatively large,The vast majority of patients lack medical knowledge and will demonize drugs,Dealing with depressionmedicineWhen it comes to side effects, we need to weigh the pros and cons. Although drugs may bring some side effects, for many patients, the importance of improving disease status far outweighs these side effects. Therefore, under the guidance of doctors, patients and their families need to make wise decisions and choose the most suitable treatment plan for patients.

Meanwhile,For ordinary people, it's also important toPay attention to the prevention and early intervention of depression. Good lifestyle habits are crucial for mental health. Maintain regular sleep, engage in moderate exercise, maintain a balanced diet, and moderately limit caffeine and alcohol intake.Stay in touch with family, friends, and community, participate in social activities and hobbies. Social support can help alleviate stress, provide emotional support, and increase the enjoyment of life.

If encountering difficulties, stress, or emotional problems, seek professional support and consultation in a timely manner, and share your feelings and troubles with family or friends. Expressing emotions can alleviate inner pressure and burden. Learn to manage stress and cope with challenges. Develop solutions to problems, cultivate a positive mindset and resilience, and seek to balance and adjust the pressures of work, study, and life.

actuallyBy improving the public's awareness of depression, strengthening mental health education, and establishing a sound social support system, we can effectively reduce the incidence rate of depression and reduce its negative impact.

After more than a decade of work,The foundation has accumulatedRichExperience, in what aspectsWork forWe have achieved some good results, and what areas will our next work focus on?

Xin Xin:Being able to receive positive feedback, see change and hope in work is a source of great comfort. In the field of mental health, especially in work related to depression, this sense of comfort is particularly strong. Although depression may not seem like a serious illness, its impact on patients and families is profound. Many times, when there is no obvious improvement, people are prone to doubt the significance of their work. However, it is those seemingly small changes and progress that give us hope and the strength to continue moving forward.

Built with ShangshanTaking the "Shang Shan Jian Xin" platform as an example, providing free psychological counseling services through mini programs not only provides help to those in need, but also shows us the figures of students who have previously supported the psychological and mental health industry. This kind of feedback and growth is the best affirmation of our work.

However, despite the efforts of such platforms and organizations, the current situation shows that there are still insufficient institutions and organizations focused on the field of mental health. Some institutions, although also involved in this field, may not be able to invest as much as those focused on it due to limitations in energy, resources, and funding. In addition, mental health work goes beyond the scope of a single psychological institution and requires cross-border collaboration and collaboration.

We need more resources and professionals to invest in this work and benefit more people. At the same time, we also need to strengthen cross-border cooperation, integrate mental health work with various fields such as medical care, education, and social services, and jointly promote the development of mental health.

Overall, although we still face many challenges and shortcomings in the field of mental health, as long as we firmly believe and continue to work hard, we believe that we can achieve more results and progress in the future. At the same time, we also look forward to more organizations and individuals joining this cause togetherTell depression patients that there will always be a beam of light shining for you in this world.

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