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October 21st Qingqiao Morning Post | Russia Announces Restrictions on Imports of Japanese Aquatic Products
Release time:2023-10-21 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

Broad observation and selection, thick accumulation and thin hair
Today in history:On this day 95 years ago, Yu Guangzhong, a famous Chinese writer, poet, scholar, and translator, was born. His representative works include "Homesickness", "White Jade Bitter Melon", "Listening to the Cold Rain", "My Four Imaginary Enemies", and so on. In 2001, he won the second "Huo Yingdong Achievement Award" and was hailed as the "Artistic Pluralist Poet".


01The Philippine government issues an administrative order on food stamps

According to Philippine media, on October 15th, the Philippine Presidential Office issued Decree No. 44, requiring leaders of the Philippine Ministry of Social Welfare and Development to initiate the "Food Voucher Program" and to formulate implementation rules within 30 days after the order takes effect. According to this plan, the Philippine Ministry of Social Welfare and Development will issue monthly electronic welfare transfer cards worth 3000 pesos, equivalent to approximately 380 yuan, to eligible beneficiaries, which can be used to purchase specific foods from stores registered or recognized by the Philippine Ministry of Social Welfare and Development.

It is reported that the Food Voucher Program aims to help the Philippines achieve the second United Nations goalThe 2030 Sustainable Development Goals are to eliminate hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and support sustainable agriculture. This plan is also in line with the Philippine Development Plan for 2023-2028 and the government's eight point socio-economic agenda requirements for ensuring safe and healthy food for the Filipino population. Helping to improve the living standards of the lower class people in the Philippines.


military affairs
01Indonesia becomes the second largest military expenditure country in Southeast Asia

Yue Tong News Agency,On October 16th, global data companies released their latest reportScale and Trends, Budget Allocation, Management Rules, Important Acquisitions, Competitive Panorama and Forecast of the Indonesian Defense Market from 2023 to 2028The report displays,IndonesiaThe total defense expenditure in 2023 will reach 8.8 billion US dollars, toIn 2028, this expenditure will reach up to $9.7 billion in IndonesiabecomeYesSoutheast AsiaThe second largest military expenditure country in the region after Singapore.

Global Data Company Aerospace andDefense AnalystRepresents,IndonesiaThe vast majority of military expenditures are for defense purposes, with the main purpose of mitigating natural disasters and implementing military modernization measuresHope to passmilitary affairsModernization expands its defensive posture,Strengthen the deep integration of local defense and manufacturing industries, while enhancing the ability to respond to security and terrorist threats.



01Russia Announces Restrictions on Imports of Japanese Aquatic Products

According to Global Network, on October 16, the Russian Animal and Plant Inspection and Quarantine Bureau announced that starting from October 16, 2023, the Russian Animal and Plant Inspection and Quarantine Bureau will temporarily impose restrictions on the import of fish and other aquatic products from Japan. The bureau also stated that the restriction measures have been in effect until the Russian side obtains information that can prove that aquatic products imported from Japan comply with the relevant safety regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union. However, the authorities did not provide specific details on the restrictions on imports.

Previously,The Japanese government forcibly launched FukushimaIsland Nuclear Polluted Water Discharged to the Sea, Russian Federation Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision AgencythenpublishYesDeclaration,They say they will be as concerned about Japan's nuclear contaminated water as many countries around the worldThe impact of sea discharge on food safety,Therefore, stricter regulation will be implemented on the radioactive parameters of fish and seafood imported from Japan,If excessive radioactive substances are detected, restrictive measures will be taken on the supply of such goods from Japan.

02Thailand plans to build Tainan Land Bridge

Reuters Bangkok News,On October 17, Thai Prime Minister Saita arrived in Beijing and attended the "the Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum. In an interview with reporters, he stated that Thailand is evaluating the construction of TainanFeasibility of large-scale land bridge projects, this projectWill become an important logistics connection point for the transportation of goods between India, the Middle East, and AfricaIf the plan is successfully implemented,Ships from the Persian Gulf to East Asia will no longer need to cross the busy Strait of Malacca in the future, reducing the time cost caused by congestion.

Previously, a research report from Thailand stated that the project was planned to be implemented in the southern regionConstruction of a deep-water pier in Chunpeng Prefecture and Lalang Prefecture respectively, and90 kilometers of highwayThe railway connects the two docks,After completion, it will connect shipping between the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea. Expected cost1 trillion ThaiBaht,Creating for the local community280000 job positions. Preliminary plan by Thai authoritiesstayStarting bidding and construction in 2025,Intended forComplete the first phase of construction by 2030.



01Toxic cough medicine in Indonesia with a concentration of up to 99% toxin

Lianhe Zaobao reported that recently, the Indonesian court issued a document on cough medicine, which is an investigation and analysis report on the death of Indonesian children due to kidney failure caused by drinking toxic cough medicine last December. The report shows that two batches of propylene glycol obtained by pharmaceutical manufacturer Afi Farma between October 2021 and February 2022 were tested and found to be not propylene glycol, but toxic substance ethylene glycol with concentrations ranging from 96% to 99%. Afi Farma used ethylene glycol to replace propylene glycol in the production of 70 batches of cough drops.

Relevant experts analyze that ethylene glycol is a toxic substance used in industrial solvents and antifreeze, with a cost of less than half that of propylene glycol. According to the standards of the World Health Organization, the safe content limit of ethylene glycol shall not exceed 0.10%. The 2020 Drug Standards Guidelines of the Indonesian Ministry of Health also adopt this standard value. The Indonesian Drug Administration stated that multiple suppliers in the country's drug supply chain have drilled security loopholes, and drug manufacturers have not conducted sufficient testing of the raw materials used.

Last year, including Indonesia, a series of child deaths related to cough drops occurred globally. Gambia, Indonesia, and Uzbekistan have over200 children died due to acute kidney failure caused by contaminated drugs, mainly children under the age of five. This series of drug contamination and poisoning deaths has sparked criminal investigations, legal proceedings, and severe criticism of the role of regulators worldwide.

02Continued avian influenza outbreak in South Africa

According to China News Network Johannesburg, recently, the South African Poultry Industry Association stated that due to the ongoing avian influenza pandemic,The losses in the local poultry farming industry in South Africa continue to expand. As of now, there have been over7 million poultry were collectively culled.

It is reported that the epidemic occurred as early as this yearIt was discovered in the Western Cape Province of South Africa in April. Unexpectedly, the epidemic quickly spread to important provinces and regions such as Gauteng Province, Mpumalanga Province, Limpopo Province, and Free State Province, causing the virus strain to be H7N6, which broke out on a large scale in September. Gauteng Province has been hit hardest by the epidemic, with cities including Johannesburg and Pretoria currently facing a severe "egg shortage". The head of the South African Poultry Industry Association stated that although the spread of the epidemic has slowed down, it has caused a "devastating blow" to the industry. He called on the South African government to provide necessary financial assistance to affected poultry farmers in a timely manner to help them overcome difficulties.


01Thai compatriots in Laizhou Province, Vietnam hold the New Rice Festival

According to Vietnam News Agency, recently, Thai compatriots in Laizhou Province, Vietnam held a New Rice Festival. This festival is held every year in the late autumn and early winter season, with the aim of praying for good weather, abundant grain, good health, and a happy family. During the New Rice Festival, various traditional folk games such as rice soul worship rituals, beating flat rice for peace, and seeking blessings were held, attracting numerous local residents and tourists to participate.

It is reported that Thai compatriots in Vietnam mainly reside in the northwest region. In the long-term development and evolution, Thai compatriots have continuously created traditional cultural values with rich ethnic characteristics, among which the New Rice Festival is a typical representative. Restoring and protecting New Rice Festival helps protectThai compatriotsBy promoting traditional culture and encouraging compatriots to work hard, we aim to enhance the spiritual life of residents and enhance the awareness of the younger generation towards protecting the value of national cultural heritage.

Financial Newsletter
News from the New York Stock Exchange: Recently, the Bloomberg Grain Sub index rose 0.94% to 41.7362 points. CBOT corn futures rose 0.77% to $4.92-3/4 per bushel. CBOT wheat futures rose 1.88% to $5.81-1/4 per bushel.


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