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October 22nd Qingqiao Morning Post | Russia's Preliminary Revocation of Ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
Release time:2023-10-22 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

Cang reported that one knows etiquette, while adequate clothing and food reveal honor and disgrace
Today in history:140 years ago today, the Metropolitan Opera House in New York, USA, performed its first performance. This Metropolitan Opera House was built in 1965 and is the core part of the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York. Its architectural style combines classical and modern elements, with a large scale that can accommodate over 4000 audiences. It is one of the few major theaters in the world.


01Jordan and Egypt announce that they will not accept Palestinian refugees

On October 17th, King Abdullah II of Jordan stated during his visit to Germany that Jordan would not accept Palestinian refugees from the Gaza Strip. He emphasized that the conflict between Hamas and Israel must not be borne by others, and there is a need to find a political prospect that can bring Palestinians and Israelis together, so that Arabs and Israelis can work together to create a peaceful environment, otherwise the cycle of violence will continue.

Egyptian President Sesi also said,Israel's act of cutting off electricity and water sources in the Gaza Strip isEgypt firmly opposes the practice of forcibly transferring Palestinians to the Sinai Peninsula. He believes that the international community should make every effort to promote the Palestinian Israeli peace process and come up with a "feasible" solution.

02Malaysia's total fertility rate fell to its lowest level in over 50 years in 2023

From Kuala Lumpur,On October 17th, the Malaysian Bureau of Statistics released the "2023 Population Dynamics Report", which showed that the country's total fertility rate last year was 1.6, the lowest record since 1970.

It is understood that Malaysia's first national population census was conducted onIn 1970, the data showed that Malaysia's total fertility rate was 4.9 in 1970, and it has been continuously increasing to 2In 2012, the country's total fertility rate was higher than the generational replacement level of 2.1, but since 2013, Malaysia's total fertility rate has fallen below the generational replacement level. In 2021, Malaysia's total fertility rate was 1.7. The authorities predicted at the Malaysian National Population Conference held in November last year that if the fertility rate continues to decline according to the current trend, the country's birth rate may drop to 7 per 1000 by 2050.


military affairs
01Russia's Initial Withdrawal of Ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty

From Moscow,On October 17th, the Russian House of Commonswith412 votes in favor, zero against, and zero abstention,First Reading: Revoking Ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.This bill still needs to undergo second and third readings in the House of Commons before seeking approval from the House of Lords, which will ultimately be passed by theRussiaPresident Putin signed it into law.

The Russian side stated that,In 1996, the United Nations passed theComprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty,In 2000, Russia approved it. butThe United States, howeverAdopting an irresponsible attitude towards global security issues, delayed approvalthat itemTreaty. RevokeComprehensive prohibitionNuclear Test Ban Treaty》The ratification of the treaty is to be on an equal footing with the United States, which has not yet ratified the treaty, and Russia will not resume nuclear testing unless the United States does so first.

Security analysts point out that as Russia takes the first step towards abandoning the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, the likelihood of Russia resuming nuclear testing has become even higher. They believe that if the Russian army retreats on the Ukrainian battlefield, Putin may use the trump card of resuming nuclear testing to warn Western countries not to support Ukraine. In this century, currently no country other than North Korea has conducted tests involving nuclear explosions.



01The cumulative investment of the United Arab Emirates in Türkiye reached 5.6 billion US dollars

According to Cailian News Agency,Ahmed, Director of the Investment Office of the Presidential Palace of Türkiye·Blake Daolu recently stated that,fromFrom 2002 to August of this year,About600 UAE companies actively carry out business activities in Türkiye,The cumulative foreign direct investment of the United Arab Emirates in Türkiye has surged to$5.6 billion,The cooperation between Türkiye and the United Arab Emirates is deepening.Daolu emphasized that the cooperation between the two sides is mainly carried out in multiple industries such as energy, healthcare, agriculture, infrastructure, logistics, transportation, etc.

It is reported that,As of last year,UAEWith TürkiyeThe total trade volume has reached approximately10 billion US dollarsThis yearIn March, both parties signedComprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement,The agreement includes tariff reductions, incentives for trade and investment, and the promotion of comprehensive, long-term, and sustainable economic growth. The goal is in the futureIncrease the non oil trade volume between the two countries to $40 billion per year within 5 years.

02More than 30000 enterprises in Cambodia have successfully registered for online commerce

According to the Cambodian China Times, the Cambodian Ministry of Finance and Economics pointed out that since Cambodia opened its online business registration system, as of October 15 of this year, 30373 enterprises have successfully registered with a registered capital of 8.82 billion US dollars. In addition, 16000 enterprises have been approved to reserve company names, and two enterprise applications have been rejected. The largest registered capital is in the construction industry, followed by services, real estate, and manufacturing industries.

It is reported that the Cambodian government opened the first phase of the online business registration system in June 2020, connecting the databases of the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration of Taxation, the Ministry of Labor, and the Cambodia Development Council (CDC) to receive and process applications for investment projects such as business registration and tax registration. Subsequently, two upgrades were carried out in 2021 and 2023. The Cambodian Ministry of Finance and Economics pointed out that online registration services can simplify the application process, help businesses and the public save time and money, and encourage more enterprises to comply with the law.



01More than 2400 people have died in the Afghanistan earthquake

Local media reported that on October 7th, a series of strong earthquakes occurred in northwestern Afghanistan, with one earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale and a depth of 10 kilometers. So far, 2445 people have died, and reports say it is one of the deadliest earthquakes in the world this year.

Spokesperson for the National Disaster Management and Humanitarian Affairs Department of the Afghan Interim Government, Jaina·Saik introduced that the Zindajan area in Herat Province was affected by the earthquakeThe most serious situation is that 13 villages in the area have been completely destroyed. At present, the country has allocated 100 million Afghanis, approximately 9.5 million yuan, to establish a specialized committee to assist earthquake victims. The authorities also call on all parties in the international community to provide assistance and dispatch disaster relief forces to the disaster area as soon as possible to provide rescue and resettlement for the victims.


01The traditional Indonesian dance "Langranan" is almost lost

According to Agence France Presse, recently, relevant media in Jakarta stated that the traditional dance "Langranan" in West Java, Indonesia, is disappearing. Currently, less than 100 Indonesian dancers can participate in this traditional dance performance.

It is understood that Langranan dance originated in Banyuma City, Central Java Province, Indonesia, and has existed for hundreds of years to celebrate the harvest by worshipping the goddess of fertility. The dancers in Langranan are all male, wearing fake buns and headdresses, tight fitting and colorful batik dresses, dressed as Javanese princesses. Since modern times, this form of performance has been subjected to certain discrimination in Indonesian society, with some people feeling uneasy about men's charming dancing, and fewer and fewer willing to engage in the inheritance of this dance. An experienced dancer told reporters that in fact, this type of dance aims to portray YangRigidity and softness intersect within the same body, allowing performers to create and showcase peace within themselves.

Financial Newsletter
Euronext news: Recently, the yield of German 10-year treasury bond rose 4.3 basis points to 2.924%, the yield of French 10-year treasury bond rose 5.4 basis points, and the yield of Italian 10-year treasury bond rose 9.3 basis points to 4.982%.


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