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February 2nd Qingqiao Morning Post | UN agency in Gaza shelled, resulting in 9 deaths
Release time:2024-02-02 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

May it be the month of going out to sea, not the cloud of returning to the mountains
Today in history:54 years ago today, the British philosopher, mathematician, and logician Russell passed away. His representative works include "History of Western Philosophy", "Philosophical Problems", "Analysis of the Mind", "Analysis of Things", etc. Russell was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1950. His main contribution lies in mathematical logic, establishing logical atomism and new realism, and he is one of the founders of modern analytical philosophy.


01Malaysian Cabinet establishes Royal Commission of Inquiry

The Lianhe Zaobao reported that recently, the Malaysian cabinet decided to establish a royal commission of inquiry on the sovereignty of White Reef, Middle Rock Reef and South Reef. The Chief Secretary of the Malaysian government, Zuki Ali, stated in a statement that he suggested that members of the Imperial Council should include experts from the fields of justice, law, and public administration, conduct transparent and fair investigations, and avoid conflicts of interest with the parties involved. At present, the authorities are preparing the list of the committee.

It is understood that in May 2008, the International Court of Justice ruled that the White Reef belonged to Singapore, the Middle Reef belonged to Malaysia, and the South Reef belonged to the sovereign state of its waters. The then Attorney General of Malaysia, Abendi, submitted a judicial review application on behalf of Malaysia to the International Court of Justice in February 2017. However, the Mahathir government withdrew the judicial review case in May 2018, announcing acceptance of the relevant judgment of the International Court of Justice and no longer requesting an explanation.

In November 2022, the Anwar government of Malaysia came to power, and the cabinet reviewed the final report on the sovereignty cases of Baijiao Island, Zhongyan Reef, and Nanjiao Reef, believing that the Mahathir government had withdrawn the judicial review case of Baijiao IslandIt is non compliant and unfair, so the authorities have decided to prepare a Royal Commission of Inquiry to conduct another investigation into this matter.

02Indonesia's Minister of Coordination, Maford, will resign from his position

According to Jakarta, recently, Indonesian Vice President candidate Maford announced his resignation as Minister of Coordination to avoid conflicts of interest between campaign activities and official duties. He stated that he is waiting for the appropriate time to submit his resignation. It is understood that Maford is currently the Minister of Political, Legal and Security Coordination of Indonesia, and is the running mate of the presidential candidate and former Governor of Central Java Province, Ganchal. Previously, Ganchal called on all candidates to resign from government positions to avoid abuse of power during the election, and Ganchal himself currently does not hold any official positions.

The Indonesian government currently does not require candidates who participate in general elections to resign, but candidates holding official positions who attend election campaigns during official hours have attracted criticism from Indonesian public opinion. Among the other two groups of presidential and vice presidential candidates, both hold official positions. Defense Minister Prabowo andPartner with Thoreau Mayor Gibran, both of whom have not resigned from their official positions; Former head of the Jakarta Special Administrative Region, Anis, does not hold an official position, but his running mate, Mu Minhai, is currently the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly.


military affairs
01Russian military plane crashes at the Ukrainian border, killing 74 people

Reuters reported that recently, a Russian military transport plane crashed in the border region of Belgorod Oblast with Ukraine, killing all 74 people on board. According to a report from the Russian Ministry of Defense cited by the British Broadcasting Corporation, there were at least 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war on board, as well as 6 crew members and 3 guards. Russian presidential spokesperson Peskov stated that the Kremlin is aware of the plane crash, but refuses to disclose details.

A video shared on social media shows a plane crashing near the village of Yablonovo in Belgorod, followed by an explosion. Investigators and emergency personnel arrivedConduct emergency search and rescue on site. Russian congressman and retired general Kartapolov revealed that the plane was shot down by three missiles, but he did not specify the source of the information or the specific situation.

02The United Nations presence in Gaza has been shelled, resulting in 9 deaths

Gaza News: Recently, White, the Gaza Affairs Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, stated that a training center located in the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis was hit by tank fire, causing at least9 people died and 75 were injured, with nearly 800 people taking refuge in the center at that time. White stated that this blatantly violates the rules of war.

In response, US State Department spokesperson Patel said at a press conference that the United States deeply regrets the incident and strongly condemns the attack on the United Nations training center in Khan Younis. He emphasized that civilians, UN facilities, and humanitarian workers should be protected. Israel denies attacking UN facilities and instead refers to the artillery fire fired by Hamas. It is understood that in recent times, Israel hasKhan YounisA large-scale attack was launched, claiming to have killed over 100 Hamas militants.



01Vietnam releases its first research report on small and medium-sized enterprises run by women

According to Yuetong News Agency, recently,The Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and Investment held a meetingNowSeminar, AnnouncementNowThe first research report on small and medium-sized enterprises run by Vietnamese women. The organizing committee revealed that,This report is provided byVietnam Ministry of Planning and Investment and Asian Development BankJointly completed with the purpose ofPromoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises run by Vietnamese womenTo achieve national gender equality and sustainable development goals.

The report shows that 98% of enterprises in Vietnam are small and medium-sized enterprises, of which 20% are owned by women. Currently, Vietnam is one of the markets with smooth development of female entrepreneurs and the most active network of female entrepreneurs in the ASEAN region. In addition to the operational situation of these enterprises, the report also mentions the difficulties and challenges they are facing, and proposes corresponding solutions to help them achieve successFemale BusinessSmall and medium-sized enterprises are moving forward. For example, establishing a gender database and introducing the concept of small and medium-sized enterprises run by women into multiple specific legal documents.



01A surge in measles cases in Europe

According to Agence France Presse, the World Health Organization recently released the latest data,In 2023, the number of measles cases in Europe surged to 42200, an increase of nearly 45 times compared to 2022.according toStatistics from the World Health Organization,2023From January to October,Europe hasnearly21000 people were hospitalized due to measles,fivePeople die from measles. Among them, Russia and KazakhstanEach has its own agreement10000 cases,Western EuropeIn the countryThe UK has the most, with183 cases.

The World Health Organization reports a surge in measles casesThe main reason is the decrease in measles vaccination rates caused by the war.According to data from the World Health Organization's European region,Between 2020 and 2022, approximately 1.8 million infants were not vaccinated against measlesThe World Health Organization calls on all countries toTake emergency vaccination measures to prevent the spread and further spread of measlesAll countries must be prepared to respond to the measles epidemic.


01The resumption of the Cambodian state-owned newspaper Cambodia Daily

Cambodian Headline News: Recently, Cambodian Minister of Information Nepatra announced that the 45 year old state-owned newspaper "Cambodia Daily" has officially resumed publication on January 25th. The authorities pointed out that Cambodia Daily will continue to operate as a state-owned newspaper, bringing Cambodia's voice and authentic news to the country and even the world, promoting the development of press freedom, and ensuring the right of Cambodian citizens to access information.

It is understood that Cambodia Daily was founded inOn January 25, 1979, it was once one of the most influential newspapers of the 1980s and ceased publication in the 1990s. The Minister of Information of the countryIt is pointed out that Cambodia Daily, which has been suspended for many years, will be the first to launch bilingual electronic versions in Cambodian and English, and will also add French in the future to expand the international influence of Cambodia's news industry.

Financial Newsletter
According to Caixin News Agency, the cultural paper market has recently seen its first price increase in 2024. Chenming Paper and Sun Paper announced that starting from February 1st, they will raise the price of cultural paper products by 100 yuan/ton; Starting from March 1st, the price of cultural paper products will increase by another 200 yuan/ton on the basis of the price increase in February. In addition, several small and medium-sized paper companies have recently issued notices of price increases for cultural paper, with price increases ranging from 100 to 200 yuan/ton.


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