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February 3rd Qingqiao Morning Post | NATO conducts its largest military exercise in ten years
Release time:2024-02-03 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:
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To know the world with one thing and to know the world with a little bit
Today in history:On this day 556 years ago, German inventor Gutenberg passed away. Gutenberg was the inventor of Western movable type printing, whose invention laid the foundation for the development of modern European civilization and was the precursor to the European Renaissance and religious reform. Although printing originated in China, modern printing was introduced to China through the West, and Gutenberg had an important impact on the dissemination of world knowledge and the evolution of civilization.

01Pita may be banned from politics for 10 years

Bangkok News: Recently, former leader of the Kadima Party, Pita, has regained his parliamentary qualification and returned to parliament. Pita was originally a popular candidate for the Prime Minister of Thailand, but in July last year, he was accused of holding shares in a media company, violating election laws, and his membership in parliament was suspended. Recently, the Thai Constitutional Court ruled that Pita is not guilty of violating election laws and has retained his parliamentary qualification. The Progressive Party may restore Pita's leadership position at the annual party meeting scheduled for April. Pita said that he will focus on some key government policies next, including a digital wallet plan worth 500 billion baht.

However, Thai politicians have analyzed that Pita's political obstacles have not been completely cleared, and Thai courts may still review it, such as ruling on the Kadima Party last yearIs it unconstitutional to promise to amend the monarchy law during the election. 10 years, this also includes Pita, who led the Forward Party to victory as the party leader in the general election.


military affairs
01The United States agrees to discuss withdrawing troops from Iraq

Reuters reported that recently, the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that,Iraq and the United States have agreed to establish a committee to discuss the future of the US led coalition forces in Iraq and establish a timetable for phased withdrawal. Iraqi and US military officials will hold talks to evaluate the operational requirements and efficiency of Iraqi security forces, as well as the threats they face. Based on this, both sides will decide on the speed at which the coalition forces will gradually withdraw.

It is understood that,In 2014,Islamic StateorganizationOccupy large territories in Iraq and SyriaThe international coalition led by the United States helped Iraq defeat the organization. Subsequently, the United StatesGarrison in Iraq2500 people, providing advice and assistance to local troops to prevent the resurgence of the Islamic State organization. Since last yearOctoberSince the outbreak of the Israel Kazakhstan conflict, Iranian supported armed militants have been in contact almost every dayThe military base launched attacks, and the retaliatory attacks from the United States have also escalated. The presence of the coalition forces has becomeIraqUnstableFactors.

Therefore, Iraq demands thatThe United States led coalition forces in IraqWithdrawal. The US side stated that,Rapid withdrawal of troops may create a security vacuum, leading to Iran orThe Islamic State took advantage of the situation and enteredWithdrawal operationExpected to take several months or even longer.

02NATO conducts its largest military exercise in ten years

According to Agence France Presse, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization recently launched its largest military exercise since the Cold War, known asResolute Defender 2024. This military exercise consists of a series of smaller individual exercises, spanning across North America to the eastern flank of NATO near the Russian border. Aiming to simulate how NATO, consisting of 31 countries, will respond to attacks from enemies such as Russia, NATO has implemented its new defense plan for the first time.

It is understood that this military exercise will have approximately50 naval vessels, 80 aircraft, and over 1100 tanks participated, making it NATO's largest event in decades. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grushko said that the scale of NATO's military exercises marks an "irreversible return" of the alliance to the Cold War strategyScratch.



01Cambodia's cross-border e-commerce value-added tax revenue exceeds 75 million US dollars

According to the Cambodian China Times, recently, according to statistics from the Cambodian National Taxation Bureau, the e-commerce value-added tax collected by the Cambodian National Taxation Bureau last year reached 75.51 million US dollars, averaging over 6.2 million US dollars per month.

It is reported that the Cambodian government will implement the regulations on cross-border e-commerce value-added tax collection and management from April 1, 2022. It requires that if foreign e-commerce businesses in Cambodia have an annual revenue of more than 250 million Cambodian dollars, or a continuous monthly turnover of more than 60 million Cambodian dollars for three consecutive months, they must register and make monthly tax declarations to the National Taxation Bureau under the "simplified value-added tax registration" mechanism. As of now, a total of 84 foreign e-commerce companies have registered with the Cambodian National Taxation Bureau, including Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, Huawei, and TikTok.

In addition, the Cambodian National Taxation Bureau also pointed out that last year, the Cambodian National Taxation Bureau's tax revenue reached3.612 billion US dollars exceeded the annual tax target, an increase of 150 million US dollars compared to 2022. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Mane instructed the Cambodian National Taxation Bureau to further strengthen the efficiency of tax collection and management at its recent meetingRate and create a fair competitive environment.



01Kyoto arson case in Japan, defendant sentenced to death

According to the Lianhe Zaobao, recently, the Japanese court ruled that,In the 2019 Kyoto arson case, the defendant Makoto Aoba was found guilty and sentenced to death. JapanlocalReportedly, on that dayhaveMore than 400 people are waiting for the verdict in the square near the court.

On July 18, 2019, located in Kyoto, JapanKyoto Animation Studio Set on FireThe incident resulted in 36 deaths and 32 injuries to varying degrees. According to previous reports, the defendant Makoto Aoba submitted two works to the Kyoto Animation Novel Competition. After the works were not selected, Makoto Aoba felt that his creativity had been plagiarized by Kyoto Animation, and he was deeply angry about Kyoto Animation. 45 year old Seiji Aoba is facing five charges, including murder, attempted murder, and arson.

According to Japanese media, this case is the deadliest homicide in Japan since entering the Heisei era. The victims are all very young,Sanji Aoba himself was also severely burned in the fire, straightreachHe was officially arrested only in May 2020. In early September last year, the Kyoto District Court held its first trial of this case.

02Global groundwater is accelerating its decline

According to Xinhua News Agency, recently,Researchers from institutions such as the University of California, Santa Barbara in the United States have conducted research on approximately170000 monitoring wells and groundwater level monitoring data from approximately 1700 aquifer systems were collectedNowLargest scale compilation, analysis, and evaluation.Researchers have found that,sinceSince 1980, most of the world'sregionThe water level of the underground aquifer drops sharplyEspecially in arid areas.

They pointed out that,One of the reasons for the accelerated decline of groundwater level in arid areasyesextractNowExcessive groundwater is used to irrigate crops. In addition, some areas experience heavy rainfall, but a large amount of rainfall will flow away from the surface without seeping into the underground. This situation is particularly severe in areas with high soil closure, such asLike a big city.Population growth, climate change, and other factors are exacerbating the crisis of groundwater.

butThe trend of groundwater reduction is not irreversible.Multiple regions around the world have passedImplement relevant groundwater protection policiesMeasures such as surface water diversion have alleviated the rate of groundwater level decline,This indicates that the depleted aquifer still has the potential for recovery,Call on countries around the world to take measures as soon as possible.


01Malaysian Hindus celebrate the Great Paulson Festival

According to Malaysian news, recently,stayMalaysiafamousofThe holy site of Hinduism, the Black Wind Cave, is where many Hindus carry their Kawadi to participate in the Great Paulsen Parade. The statue of Mrugan next to the steps of Heifeng Cave is 42 meters high and is the tallest Mrugan statue in Southeast Asia.

It is reported that Da Baosen Festival is a festival of Hindus, celebrated in the Tamil calendar every yearIt will be held on October 15th, corresponding to late January or early February in the Gregorian calendar.The Great Baosen Festival is to commemorate the Mrugan God, who defeated evil and bestowed virtue, youth, and strength upon the Indian people.It is worth noting thatAlthoughcelebrateThe tradition of Da Bao Sen Festival mainly exists in India,However, this festival is also highly valued in Singapore and Malaysia, with special cultural and religious significance.

Financial Newsletter
According to The Wall Street Journal, WTI March crude oil futures rose 3.02% to $77.36 per barrel recently, while Brent March crude oil futures rose 2.99% to $82.43 per barrel.


Qingqiao Morning Post - February 2024two

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