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March 27th Qingqiao Morning Post | Israel Confiscates Eight Square Kilometers of Palestinian Land on the West Bank of the Jordan River
Release time:2024-03-27 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

Lost in the east corner, reaped in the mulberry and elm
Today in history:On this day 179 years ago, German physicist William Conrad Renchin was born. He discovered X-rays and conducted experimental research in many fields of physics, such as the magnetic effect of dielectrics moving in charged capacitors, the specific heat capacity of gases, the thermal conductivity of crystals, pyroelectric and piezoelectric phenomena, etc. He was also a recipient of the first Nobel Prize in Physics.


01Latest Thai Poll: Pita's Support Rate Rises

Bloomberg reported that on March 24th, the National Development Management Institute of Thailand released the results of the first quarter of 2024 poll. Former leader of the Progressive Party, Pita, ranked first with a support rate of 42.75%, higher than the 39.4% in the previous poll. The support rate of Thailand's current Prime Minister, Seta, dropped from 22.35% to 17.75%. The National Development Management Research Institute stated that this public opinion survey covered about 2000 respondents from various regions across the country, with a "credibility" of 97%.

It is understood that earlier this month, the Thai Election Commission passed a resolution to apply to the Constitutional Court to forcibly dissolve the Kadima Party. Previously, inIn January, the Thai Constitutional Court ruled that the promise made by the Progressive Party during the election to amend and violate the monarchy law was an attempt to overthrow the constitutional monarchy, has violated the constitution. If the Forward Party is dissolved, its leaders, including Pita, may be banned from politics for 10 years.

02Israel confiscates eight square kilometers of Palestinian land on the West Bank of the Jordan River

Xinhua News Agency quoted Israel Public Broadcasting Corporation as reporting that on March 22, the Israeli Ministry of Finance announced that approximately eight square kilometers of Palestinian land on the West Bank of the Jordan River were classified as "state-owned land" in Israel. Israel can build hundreds of Jewish settlement housing, industrial and commercial facilities on these lands. The media also quoted Finance Minister Smotri ć as saying that declaring land ownership is an important strategic issue, and Israel will work strategically to promote the settlement movement.

It is understood that the issue of Jewish settlements has been one of the long-standing issues between Israel and Palestine.After 1967, Israel began building Jewish settlements in parts of East Jerusalem and the West Bank of the Jordan River, but the international community did not recognize the legitimacy of the settlements and believed that this issueHindering the Middle East peace process. Prior to the outbreak of the Israeli Israeli conflict, violent incidents occurred from time to time in the West Bank area occupied by Israel. During the Israeli Israeli conflict in Gaza, violence and chaos continued in the West Bank of the Jordan River. Some organizations have stated that Israel has not planned for a future of peace and security between Israel and Palestine, but has further advanced its occupation and plundering of Palestinian land.


military affairs
01Russian military shelling Ukrainian energy facilities, power outage for millions of people

Kiev Comprehensive News: On March 22, Russian missiles and drones hit a dam on the Dnieper River, causing severe damage to the hydroelectric power plant and ceasing operation. As many as seven areas experienced power outages. Kiev described this as the largest scale airstrike launched by the Russian military on Ukraine's energy infrastructure in the two years since the outbreak of the Russia Ukraine conflict, resulting in at least five deaths and over one million people experiencing power outages. The Russian attack also led to a fire at the Dnipro hydroelectric power plant, which is responsible for supplying electricity to the largest Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Europe. The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was disconnected from the power grid for five hours after being attacked.

Ukrainian President Zelensky pointed out that this timeThe attack once again proves that Ukraine needs to have more air defense systems to stop Russia's attacks on infrastructure, which requires the political will of Ukraine's allies to achieve. In recent months, Western countries have slowed down their military aid to Ukraine. Among them, the US government plans to provide$60 billion in emergency aid has been delayed due to obstacles in Congress.



01The US Department of Justice sues Apple for monopolizing the smartphone market

Washington News: On March 21st, the US Department of Justice issued a statement accusing Apple of monopolizing the smartphone market, damaging the interests of small competitors, and raising prices. The US Department of Justice and 15 states have filed antitrust lawsuits against Apple. The US Department of Justice pointed out that Apple's business model has long charged users a premium for technology products, and the company almost determines all the details of how the device operates and is used. The US Department of Justice is attempting to break this pattern and provide users with more choices in hardware supported applications designed by Apple.

The Ministry of Justice of the country emphasizes that the focus of antitrust litigation is to protect the smartphone market from the impact of Apple's anti competition and exclusive business practices, restore competition to lower consumer smartphone prices, lower developer costs, and ensure that there is room for innovation in the future. An official further revealed that the governmentThere may be some form of spin off or downsizing of Apple. It is reported that Apple has faced antitrust investigations in Europe, Japan, and South Korea, as well asLawsuits against competitors such as Epic Games.



01Four men involved in terrorist attacks in Russia may be sentenced to life imprisonment

According to Agence France Presse, on March 24th, the Basmani District Court in Moscow accused four men suspected of participating in the terrorist attack on the "Saffron City Hall" concert hall in Moscow of committing terrorism and ordered their detention pending trial, all of whom could be sentenced to life imprisonment. The court stated that two of the defendants have pleaded guilty.

On March 22, a terrorist attack occurred at the Saffron City Hall concert hall in Moscow, resulting in over 140 deaths and over a hundred injuries. This is the deadliest attack in Russia since 2000.The Organization of Islamic States claims responsibility for this attackBut the Russian authorities believe that this matter is related to Ukraine, as these suspects were on their way to Ukraine when they were arrested. Ukraine denies any involvement in the attack, and the United States has also stated that the Islamic State bears full responsibility for this terrorist attack, with Ukraine not participating in any way.

02The sinking of ancient coastal cities in Colombia

According to New York, climate change has accelerated the crisis of rising sea levels, and the ancient city of Cartagena on the Caribbean coast in northern Colombia is sinking into the sea at a speed higher than the global average. It is understood that Cartagena is a historic city, founded in 1533, with many historical sites and is a famous tourist and leisure destination. In 1984, UNESCO also listed the colonial walls and fortresses of Cartagena as a World Heritage Site.

The scientific journal NatureA study published in 2021 pointed out that since the beginning of the 21st century, the sea level in Cartagena has risen by about 7.02 millimeters annuallyThe rising speed is higher than the global average of 2.9 millimeters. Researchers predict that by 2050, the seawater in Cartagena Bay may rise by 26 centimeters, and by 2100 it will rise by 76 centimeters. In order to curb the erosion of coastal buildings caused by rising sea levels, authorities are working hard to build a seawall approximately 4.5 kilometers long. The Mayor's Office of Cartagena stated that if a seawall is not built, about 80% of the residential areas in this flat city will face the risk of flooding.


01The Italian Food Science and Technology Festival is held in the city of Qinju, Vietnam

According to Vietnamese news agency, on March 23, the University of Can Tho in Vietnam, the Consulate General of Italy in Ho Chi Minh City, and TIM Corp jointly held the "Italian Food Technology Day" event. VietnamQinjuYang Jinxian, Executive Vice Chairman of the Municipal People's Committee, emphasized in his speech at the event that this is the first large-scale event of the Italian Food Technology Day held in Qinju, which is of great significance to teachers and students majoring in food technology. Through this event, the faculty, staff, and students of Can Tho University have the first opportunity to be exposed to modern technology and equipment in the food industry, promoting cooperation and exchange between Can Tho University and Italy in food technology human resource training.

The Italian side also stated that,Through this event, Italy hopes to reiterate the importance of promoting bilateral relations between the two countries, and through industrial equipment and machinery exhibitions,Display some Italian items such as pizza, chocolate, ice cream, etcThe processing process of "branded" dishesSpread Italian culinary culture and enableCooperation between Vietnam and ItalyRelated toBusiness opportunities can further developEfforts will be made to enhance cooperation between the two countries in the fields of economy, trade, and education.

Financial Newsletter
Xinhua Finance News: Recently, the main contract for glass futures, FG2405, has fallen by about 320 yuan/ton, a decrease of nearly 18%.


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