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March 28th Qingqiao Morning Post | South Korean Medical College Professors collectively resign to support departing doctors
Release time:2024-03-28 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

When you reach a water poor place, sit and watch the clouds rise
Today in history:On this day 156 years ago, Soviet proletarian writer Maxim Gorky was born. His representative works include "The Swallow", "On Earth", "My University", and so on. Gorky spent his entire life exploring the relationship between himself and history, seeking a reasonable social life. The protagonists in his works are often filled with intense inner conflicts and actively engage in revolutionary activities, exploring ways to transform reality. He is also recognized as the founder of socialist realism literature.


01France raises anti-terrorism security alert to the highest level

According to Reuters and Xinhua News Agency, on March 24th, French President Macron held an emergency cabinet security meeting to discuss Moscow's "Saffron City Hall" with Prime Minister Atal and senior security and defense officialsConcert Hall Terrorist AttacksAnd its impact. After the meeting, Atal posted on social media platforms stating that given theThe Organization of Islamic States claims responsibility for the Moscow terrorist attacksConsidering the terrorist threat facing France four months before the opening of the Paris Summer Olympics, the government has decided to raise the anti-terrorism security alert level to the highest level.

It is reported that France's anti-terrorism security alert level is divided into three levels, with the highest level activated after attacks occur both domestically and internationally, or when the threat of attack is considered imminent. The highest level of anti-terrorism security alert allows for special security measures, such as deploying armed forces and strengthening patrols in public places such as train stations, airports, and religious venues.

02Professors from the Korean Medical College collectively resign to support departing doctors

According to Yonhap News Agency, on March 25th, despite the South Korean government's attempt to engage in dialogue with the healthcare industry, medical school professors collectively resigned to support doctors who launched a wave of resignations due to opposition to the government's expansion plan. The professors emphasized that the government must first withdraw its decision to expand enrollment to 2000 medical students before being willing to engage in dialogue with the government.

It is understood that the Korean intern resident doctor has resigned and left work for five weeks. In the past five weeks, the professors have been under tremendous mental and physical pressure. Some professors have to work night shifts three times a week and continue to work the next morning. Therefore, the professors made this decision in the hope of gaining understanding. However, the South Korean government once again emphasizes that medical schools are expanding their enrollmentWe will never compromise on the issue of 2000 people.

Officials from the South Korean Presidential Office have stated that the expansion of enrollment will not change. South Korean Minister of Health and Welfare, Cao Guihong, also stated that the government will arrange a face-to-face discussion with the medical interface as soon as possible, but he emphasized that the conversation should be based on the expansion of medical school enrollment after 27 years, and the government must complete the medical reform project.


military affairs
01Poland claims that Russian cruise missiles have violated its airspace

Reuters reported that on March 24th, Russia launched 57 missiles and drones into Ukraine in the early hours of the morning, including attacks on Kiev and the western region of Lviv near the Polish border. The Polish military said that a missile flew at a speed of nearly 800 kilometers per hour at a distance of about 400 meters from the ground, entering the Polish border for about two kilometers. The missile entered the airspace near the town of Oseduf in Lublin Province and stayed there for 39 seconds. During the entire flight, the missile was observed by the military radar system.

In response, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that it will demand an explanation from Russia regarding the airspace infringement incident. The Polish armed forces emphasize that the military has been monitoring the situation on Ukrainian territory, andMaintain a permanent state of alert to ensure the safety of Polish airspace and call on Russia to stop airstrikes on Ukraine.

02US and Japan plan to strengthen military cooperation

According to multiple Japanese American diplomatic sources, on March 24th, the US government has basically decided to strengthen the functions of the US military headquarters in Japan and strive to launch the "Integrated Operations Command" by the end of 2024, Kyodo News Agency reported. It is reported that the United Operations Command is a permanent organization for Japan's unified command of the Land, Sea, and Air Self Defense Forces. It is expected that at the Japan US summit held in Washington on April 10th, Kishida and Biden will agree to modify the command and control system and include it in a joint document.

According to relevant reports cited by Agence France Presse, Japanese Cabinet Secretary General and former Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng told reporters that Japan and the United States have been discussing how to strengthen command and controlCooperation in various aspects to improve interoperability and combat readiness. At present, the number of US troops stationed in Japan is54000 people. The Financial Times described the military cooperation adjustment plan between the United States and Japan as "the largest upgrade to the US Japan security alliance since the signing of the Joint Defense Treaty in 1960.".



01Malaysia's electronic payment transactions exceeded billions last year

According to Kuala Lumpur, the National Bank of Malaysia has recently released its annual report. According to the report, Malaysia's electronic payment transactions reached 11.5 billion last year, a significant increase of over 20% from 9.3 billion in 2022. Last year, the average number of electronic payment transactions per Malaysian person reached 343, which means that on average, almost one electronic payment transaction occurs per Malaysian person per day.

The report shows that the most commonly used electronic payment transaction method among Malaysians is transfer, accounting for% of the total number of electronic payment transactions43%. two dimensionCode scanning transactions are more popular among users compared to other electronic payment transactions due to their convenience.

Meanwhile, the National Bank also pointed out in its report that the number of online financial fraud reports in Malaysia increased significantly last year,In 2023, the center received 67000 reports of online financial fraud, an increase of more than four times from 12000 in 2022. In response, the National Bank stated that Malaysia will launch a nationwide anti fraud website this year. This website will enhance information sharing among financial institutions, enabling better analysis and labeling of suspicious accounts; Accelerate the tracking speed of defrauded funds, thereby taking faster action against fraudsters.



01Russia cancels all major events

According to Agence France Presse, on March 23rd,A fatal shooting occurred at a suburban music hall in MoscowLater, Russian news agencies quoted the Kremlin as saying that Russian President Putin listened to reports from the security department, the investigation committee, the National Guard, as well as the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Health, and the Minister of Emergency Situations. That evening, the Russian Ministry of Culture announced the cancellation of all entertainment and large-scale events in Russia.

Previously, MoscowTerror occurs at the "Saffron City Hall" concert hallThe attack resulted in over 140 deaths and over a hundred injuries. This is the deadliest attack in Russia since 2000.


01Nanyang Technological University in Singapore has developed micro medical chips

According to the Lianhe Zaobao, on March 21, Nanyang Technological University issued a notice saying that researchers had successfully developed a microfluidic chip called "ExoArc". In just one step, this chip can remove over 99.9% of blood cells and platelets from the blood to obtain high-purity plasma. The higher the purity of plasma, the more accurately doctors can detect free deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid, and extracellular vesicles in plasma, thereby accelerating the speed of clinical analysis. Doctors can analyze whether a patient has a specific cancer or disease based on these molecules.

At present, traditional centrifuges are generally used in laboratories to separate plasma, but this method is not foolproof. Even after two rounds of centrifugation for a total of one hour, there may still be residual biological cells in the plasma, which can affect the detection results. Moreover, laboratories usually take multiple blood samples at onceThis will undergo centrifugation separation, and the waiting time for the sample will further prolong the detection time. The new chip successfully developed this time can quickly help diagnose non-small cell lung cancer with high sensitivity90%.

Financial Newsletter
The Wall Street Journal reported that recently, gold prices have continuously hit new historical highs. At present, the international gold price has exceeded $2200 per ounce, and the domestic gold price has also reached new highs, reaching 500 yuan/gram. The price of jewelry gold has even approached 670 yuan/gram at one point.


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